Michael Rosen (mathematician)

Last updated
Michael Rosen
Born (1938-03-07) March 7, 1938 (age 86)
Brooklyn, New York City
Awards Chauvenet Prize (1999)
Academic career
Institutions Brown University
Thesis Representations of twisted group rings (1963)
Doctoral advisor John Coleman Moore
Influences André Weil

Michael Ira Rosen (born March 7, 1938) is an American mathematician who works on algebraic number theory, arithmetic theory of function fields, and arithmetic algebraic geometry.



Rosen earned a bachelor's degree from Brandeis University in 1959 and a PhD from Princeton University in 1963 under John Coleman Moore with thesis Representations of twisted group rings. He is a mathematics professor at Brown University.

Rosen is known for his textbooks, especially for the book with co-author Kenneth Ireland on number theory, which was inspired by ideas of André Weil; [1] this book, A Classical Introduction to Modern Number Theory, gives an introduction to zeta functions of algebraic curves, the Weil conjectures, and the arithmetic of elliptic curves.

For his essay Niels Hendrik Abel and equations of the fifth degree [2] Rosen received the 1999 Chauvenet Prize.




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  1. for example, Weil's essay on Gaussian sums and cyclotomic fields, La cyclotomie jadis et naguère, 1974
  2. American Mathematical Monthly. volume 102, number 6, June/July 1995, pp. 495–505.
  3. Reviews of A Classical Introduction to Modern Number Theory:
  4. Reviews of Number Theory in Function Fields: