Michael Z. Lin

Last updated
Michael Z. Lin
Born1973 (age 5051)
Alma mater Harvard University (BA, PhD)
University of California, Los Angeles (MD)
Known for Genetically encoded voltage indicator, optogenetics, chemogenetics
Scientific career
Fields Biochemistry
Institutions Stanford University
Doctoral advisor Michael E. Greenberg
Other academic advisors Roger Y. Tsien

Michael Z. Lin (born 1973) is a Taiwanese-American biochemist and bioengineer. He is an associate professor of neurobiology and bioengineering at Stanford University. He is best known for his work on engineering optically and chemically controllable proteins.


Education and career

Lin graduated from Harvard University in 1994 with a degree in biochemical sciences summa cum laude. [1] He subsequently trained as a PhD student studying neuronal signal transduction with Michael E. Greenberg at Harvard Medical School, graduating in 2002, [2] and obtained a MD at UCLA in 2004. [3] Lin then performed postdoctoral research with Chemistry Nobel Prize Laureate Roger Y. Tsien at UCSD. [4] Since 2009, he has been a member of the faculty at the Stanford University School of Medicine.


During postdoctoral training with Roger Y. Tsien, Lin developed improved red fluorescent proteins [5] [6] and channelrhodopsins, [7] and pioneered the use of drug-regulated proteases for protein modification in the TimeSTAMP protein labelling method. Lin's group at Stanford University has engineered proteins with novel functions for optogenetics, chemogenetics, and synthetic biology. Notable inventions include:

Awards and honors

See also

Related Research Articles

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Roger Y. Tsien</span> American biochemist and Nobel laureate (1952–2016)

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TimeSTAMP is a technique invented by Michael Z. Lin at the Roger Tsien lab at the University of California, San Diego in 2008. It is a technique that can specifically label the newly synthesized copies of the genetically tagged protein.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">SmURFP</span>

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Genetically encoded voltage indicator is a protein that can sense membrane potential in a cell and relate the change in voltage to a form of output, often fluorescent level. It is a promising optogenetic recording tool that enables exporting electrophysiological signals from cultured cells, live animals, and ultimately human brain. Examples of notable GEVIs include ArcLight, ASAP1, ASAP3, Archons, SomArchon, and Ace2N-mNeon.

A genetically engineered fluorescent protein that changes its fluorescence when bound to the neurotransmitter glutamate. Glutamate-sensitive fluorescent reporters are used to monitor the activity of presynaptic terminals by fluorescence microscopy. GluSnFRs are a class of optogenetic sensors used in neuroscience research. In brain tissue, two-photon microscopy is typically used to monitor GluSnFR fluorescence.

Jin Zhang is a Chinese-American biochemist. She is a professor of pharmacology, chemistry and biochemistry, and biomedical engineering at the University of California, San Diego.

Optogenetics began with methods to alter neuronal activity with light, using e.g. channelrhodopsins. In a broader sense, optogenetic approaches also include the use of genetically encoded biosensors to monitor the activity of neurons or other cell types by measuring fluorescence or bioluminescence. Genetically encoded calcium indicators (GECIs) are used frequently to monitor neuronal activity, but other cellular parameters such as membrane voltage or second messenger activity can also be recorded optically. The use of optogenetic sensors is not restricted to neuroscience, but plays increasingly important roles in immunology, cardiology and cancer research.


  1. "Michael Lin's Profile | Stanford Profiles". profiles.stanford.edu.
  2. "Chemistry Tree - Michael Z. Lin". academictree.org.
  3. "Michael Lin's Profile | Stanford Profiles". profiles.stanford.edu.
  4. "Chemistry Tree - Michael Z. Lin". academictree.org.
  5. Shaner, N. C.; Lin, M. Z.; McKeown, M. R.; Steinbach, P. A.; Hazelwood, K. L.; Davidson, M. W.; Tsien, R. Y. (2008). "Improving the photostability of bright monomeric orange and red fluorescent proteins". Nature Methods. 5 (6): 545–51. doi:10.1038/nmeth.1209. PMC   2853173 . PMID   18454154.
  6. Lin, M. Z.; McKeown, M. R.; Ng, H. L.; Aguilera, T. A.; Shaner, N. C.; Campbell, R. E.; Adams, S. R.; Gross, L. A.; Ma, W.; Alber, T.; Tsien, R. Y. (2009). "Autofluorescent proteins with excitation in the optical window for intravital imaging in mammals". Chemistry & Biology. 16 (11): 1169–79. doi:10.1016/j.chembiol.2009.10.009. PMC   2814181 . PMID   19942140.
  7. Lin, J. Y.; Lin, M. Z.; Steinbach, P.; Tsien, R. Y. (2009). "Characterization of engineered channelrhodopsin variants with improved properties and kinetics". Biophysical Journal. 96 (5): 1803–14. Bibcode:2009BpJ....96.1803L. doi:10.1016/j.bpj.2008.11.034. PMC   2717302 . PMID   19254539.
  8. Chu, J.; Oh, Y.; Sens, A.; Ataie, N.; Dana, H.; MacKlin, J. J.; Laviv, T.; Welf, E. S.; Dean, K. M.; Zhang, F.; Kim, B. B.; Tang, C. T.; Hu, M.; Baird, M. A.; Davidson, M. W.; Kay, M. A.; Fiolka, R.; Yasuda, R.; Kim, D. S.; Ng, H. L.; Lin, M. Z. (2016). "A bright cyan-excitable orange fluorescent protein facilitates dual-emission microscopy and enhances bioluminescence imaging in vivo". Nature Biotechnology. 34 (7): 760–7. doi:10.1038/nbt.3550. PMC   4942401 . PMID   27240196.
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  13. Villette, V; Chavarha, M; Dimov, IK; Bradley, J; Pradhan, L; Mathieu, B; Evans, SW; Chamberland, S; Shi, D; Yang, R; Kim, BB; Ayon, A; Jalil, A; St-Pierre, F; Schnitzer, MJ; Bi, G; Toth, K; Ding, J; Dieudonné, S; Lin, MZ (12 December 2019). "Ultrafast Two-Photon Imaging of a High-Gain Voltage Indicator in Awake Behaving Mice". Cell. 179 (7): 1590–1608.e23. doi:10.1016/j.cell.2019.11.004. PMC   6941988 . PMID   31835034.
  14. Chung, H. K.; Jacobs, C. L.; Huo, Y.; Yang, J.; Krumm, S. A.; Plemper, R. K.; Tsien, R. Y.; Lin, M. Z. (2015). "Tunable and reversible drug control of protein production via a self-excising degron". Nature Chemical Biology. 11 (9): 713–20. doi:10.1038/nchembio.1869. PMC   4543534 . PMID   26214256.
  15. Jacobs, C. L.; Badiee, R. K.; Lin, M. Z. (2018). "StaPLs: Versatile genetically encoded modules for engineering drug-inducible proteins". Nature Methods. 15 (7): 523–526. doi:10.1038/s41592-018-0041-z. PMC   6456726 . PMID   29967496.
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  17. Chung, HK; Zou, X; Bajar, BT; Brand, VR; Huo, Y; Alcudia, JF; Ferrell JE, Jr; Lin, MZ (3 May 2019). "A compact synthetic pathway rewires cancer signaling to therapeutic effector release". Science. 364 (6439): eaat6982. doi:10.1126/science.aat6982. PMC   7053279 . PMID   31048459.
  18. Westberg, Michael; Su, Yichi; Zou, Xinzhi; Ning, Lin; Hurst, Brett; Tarbet, Bart; Lin, Michael Z. (2020-09-16). "Rational design of a new class of protease inhibitors for the potential treatment of coronavirus diseases". bioRxiv: 2020.09.15.275891. doi:10.1101/2020.09.15.275891. S2CID   221823586.
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