Military treatise

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Page from a 14th century French translation of Epitoma rei militaris Flaviusllibre.jpg
Page from a 14th century French translation of Epitoma rei militaris

A military treatise or treatise on war is any work that deals with the "art of war" in some basic aspect. Fundamentally military treatises are treatises on military strategy. Other works may also be included in the definition that, although they deal with other topics, include sensitive information about military matters. These may include, among others, description of specific battles, sieges, general campaigns, reports of military authorities, and commented works about ground or naval battles.



The term treatise derives from the Latin word "tractatus", meaning a formal, systematic discourse. [1]


Considering the various aspects of the war, the armies and the military operations, a chronology of military treatises allows to locate each work within a timeline, facilitating its consultation and comparison with similar works.

This chronology includes actual military treatises together with some works related to the subject (military expeditions or campaigns, descriptions of sieges and others). Whenever possible, references will include the possibility of consulting the original work or a complete translation.

10th century BC

5th century BC

4th century BC

3rd century BC

1st century BC

1st century AD

Outline of a Roman camp. Marschlager des Pseudo-Hygin.png
Outline of a Roman camp.

2nd century

Outline of a Roman camp.

5th century

10th century

11th century

14th century

15th century

16th century

17th century

De ivre belli ac pacis, cover of the second edition of 1631. 381px-Grotius de jure 1631.jpg
De ivre belli ac pacis, cover of the second edition of 1631.

18th century

19th century

20th century

21st century

See also

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  1. Allen, R.E., ed. (1990). Concise Oxford Dictionary of Current English (8th ed.). Oxford: Clarendon Press. p. 1293. ISBN   0-19-861243-5.
  2. The Brahmanda Purana Part 1: Ancient Indian Tradition and Mythology Volume 22, J.L. Shastri, Dr. G.V. Tagare, Motilal Banarsidass, p. 349
  3. Jenofonte (1781). Las obras de Xenofonte ateniense. en la Imprenta Real de la Gazeta.
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  10. Hyginus Gromaticus. De munitionibus castrorum.
  11. Apollodore de Damas; Athenaeus Mechanicus; Philon de Byzance; Bitōn; Héron de Byzance; Giovanni Battista Aleotti; Héron d'Alexandrie; Bernardino Baldi; Sextus Julius Africanus (1693). Veteres mathematici. ex Typographia regia.
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  13. Polyaenus di Lampsaco (di Lampsaco) (1821). Gli Stratagemmi di Polieno tradotti da Lelio Carani. dalla tipografia di Gio. Battista Sonzogno. pp. 53–.
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  27. Niccolò Machiavelli (1869). Libro dell' arte della guerra. Barbèra. pp. 23–.
  28. Francesco Balbi; Francisco Balbi di Correggio (2005). The Siege of Malta, 1565. Boydell Press. pp. 29–. ISBN   978-1-84383-140-2.
  29. Bernardino de Mendoza (1596). Theorica y practica de guerra. Plantiniana.
  30. Bernardino de Mendoza (1597). Theorique and Practise of Warre. Translated by Edward Hoby.
  31. Balthazar Ayala (1912). Three Books on the Law of War and on the Duties Connected with War and on Military Discipline. Classics of International Law. Translated by John Pawley Bate. Washington DC: Carnegie Institution.
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  33. Giorgio Basta (1606). Il mastro di campo generale. Venice.
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  49. Nouveau dictionnaire historique des sièges et batailles mémorables et des combats maritimes les plus fameux, de tous les peuples du monde, anciens et modernes, jusqu'à nos jours;: ouvrage dans lequel on a soigneusement recueilli les exploits des grands capitaines, les actions héroïques des officiers et soldats de toutes armes, et les stratagèmes militaires les plus singuliers. Gilbert et Cie. 1809. pp. 1–.
  50. Claude Fortuné RUGGIERI (1812). Pyrotechnie militaire, ou traité complet des feux de guerre et des bouches à feu, etc. pp. 139–.
  51. Sir Charles Ekins (1828). The Naval Battles of Great Britain: From the Accession of the Illustrious House of Hanover to the Throne to the Battle of Navarin. Baldwin and Cradock. pp. 20–.
  52. Girolamo Ulloa Calà (1851). Dell'arte della guerra per Girolamo Ulloa. Tip. Savoiardo e Bocco. pp. 1–.
  53. Auguste Frédéric Lendy (1853). The principles of war; or, Elementary treatise on the higher tactics and strategy.
  54. George Twemlow (1855). Considerations on tactics and strategy, by G. Twemlow.
  55. James John Graham (1858). Elementary history of the progress of the Art of War. pp. 7–.
  56. Henry Wager Halleck (1860). Elements of Military Art and Science, Or, Course of Instruction in Strategy, Fortification, Tactics of Battles, &c: Embracing the Duties of Staff, Infantry, Cavalry, Artillery, and Engineers : Adapted to the Use of Volunteers and Militia. D. Appleton. pp. 32–.
  57. Antoine Henri baron de Jomini (1862). The Art of War. Lippincott.
  58. Antoine Henri baron de Jomini (1838). Précis de l'art de la guerre, ou Nouveau tableau analytique des principales combinaisons de la stratégie: de la grande tactique et de la politique militaire. Anselin.
  59. Antoine Henri baron de Jomini (1840). Précis de l'art de la guerre: ou Nouveau traité analytique des principales combinaisons de la stratégie, de la grande tactique et de la politique militaire; suivi du tableau analytique des principales combinaisons de la guerre et de leurs rapports avec la politique des états, pour servir d'introduction au traité des grandes operations militaires. J. B. Petit. pp. 5–.
  60. Henry Wager Halleck (1862). Elements of Military Art and Science: Or, Course of Instruction in Strategy, Fortification, Tactics of Battles, &c., Embracing the Duties of Staff, Infantry, Cavalry, Artillery, and Engineers. D. Appleton.
  62. George Washington Cullum (1863). Elements of Military Art and History: Comprising the History and Tactics of the Separate Arms; the Combination of the Arms; and the Minor Operations of War. D. Van Nostrand.
  63. Der Gebirgskrieg. [With] Karter. 1870. pp. 1–.
  64. Franz Freiherr von Kuhn (1872). La guerra di montagna. Tip.sociale nello stab.di. S.Filippo Neri.
  65. Louis-Nathaniel Rossel (1871). Abrégé de l'art de la guerre: extraits des oeuvres de Napoléon, Jomini, L'Archiduc Charles, etc... E. Lachaud.
  66. Orazio Dogliotti (1873). Difesa dell'Italia secondo i principii sviluppati dal generale Franz von Kuhn nell'opera (Der Gebirgskrieg) La guerra in montagna. Tip. C. Voghera. pp. 3–.
  67. Charles Oman (1937). A history of the art of war in the sixteenth century. Metheun. ISBN   9780598497574.
  68. Strategic Review. United States Strategic Institute. 1975.
  69. Theory and Nature of War: Readings. U.S. Marine Corps Command and Staff College. 1993.
  70. Colin S. Gray (2006). Irregular Enemies and the Essence of Strategy: Can the American Way of War Adapt?. Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College. ISBN   9781584872344.
  71. Colin S. Gray (2009). Schools for Strategy: Teaching Strategy for 21st Century Conflict. Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College. ISBN   978-1-58487-411-9.