Mill Creek is a groundwater-fed stream located in the Township of Puslinch, in southwestern Ontario. Mill Creek is part of the Grand River watershed. [1]
The Friends of Mill Creek (FoMC) community group organizes ecological restoration activities on Mill Creek, including a youth stewardship rangers program. [2]
Mill Creek is located in the centre of the Grand River Watershed in south-central Ontario. Extending into the City of Cambridge and Township of North Dumfries, the City of Guelph, the Township of Puslinch, and the Town of Milton, the subwatershed drains around 104 square kilometres of land. [1] The headwaters begin in Puslinch Township and travel southwest through Aberfoyle, then through Class I wetlands just south of Highway 401. [1] After reaching the Shade’s Mills Reservoir and Dam, Mill Creek outlets into the Grand River in downtown Cambridge near the Grand River Pedestrian Bridge.
A map of the Mill Creek subwatershed is available on the Friends of Mill Creek website.
The Grand River Conservation Authority (GRCA) declared Mill Creek as, “one of the most significant examples of stream improvement work in the province” in 1991 [3] .
The integrity and ecological status of Mill Creek has historically faced many threats. Historical threats to the creek include sediment loading and channelization due to the development of Highway 401 and the Hanlon Expressway interchange; as well as unrestricted cattle access to the creek which exacerbated bank destruction [3] . Currently, further development in the area may damage the creek [4] .
Efforts for stream restoration at Mill Creek have historically been motivated by the want to maintain trout populations. Mill Creek was originally a brook trout stream, and brown trout were introduced in 1940 and 1950 [3] . Between 1982 and 1991, the human resources for creek rehabilitation were provided by a variety of Special Employment programs: the KW Fly Fishers, Galt Sportsman Club, Anti-Recession programs, and summer students [3] . In 1993, the Ontario Ministries of Environment and Energy and of Natural Resources published subwatershed planning guidelines [5] . The goal of these guidelines was to promote an early, integrated, effective, and ecosystem-based approach to land and subwatershed planning [5] . This document served as a basis for the Mill Creek Subwatershed Plan. The subwatershed plan was published in June 1996, which characterized the subwatershed environmental system and proposed a management plan for the creek and surrounding area [6] .
Valued ecosystem components (VEC) are borne from a combination of scientific and societal ideals, and provide insight into impact analysis, mitigation, and monitoring [7] [8] . In Mill Creek, two species that unmistakably serve as VECs are brook trout and brown trout. Both species inhabit some but not all stretches of Mill Creek, and are highly sought after by the local angler community [9] .
The cool and well-oxygenated water of Mill Creek is the ideal habitat for brook trout that optimally live at 14°C to 16°C [10] . Some populations of brook trout are amphidromous and others seasonally migrate between lakes and tributary streams [10] . When not migrating between streams, brook trout can also move great distances within streams in response to seasonal and spawning needs – which occur in the late summer and fall [10] . They are opportunistic feeders, with a diet comprising of both vertebrates and invertebrates. Brook trout are an ecologically important species, having the capacity to affect the growth and survival of cohabitating species through competition, preying, or hybridization [10] [11] .
While brook trout are native to Eastern North America, brown trout are native to Europe, North Africa, and West Asia and have been in and naturalized to Ontario streams in 1913 [12] [13] . The provincial government has been stocking brown trout in certain stretches of Mill Creek on an annual basis since at least 2014 [14] [15] . The number of individuals stocked in the creek nearly doubled from 507 in 2023 to 1000 in 2024 [15] .
Brook trout can survive in a large range of temperatures and oxygen concentrations, being found throughout stream-fed pools and ponds, calm, quiet waters, and faster, turbulent streams [12] [13] . They are capable of inhabiting 0°C to 27°C but can only reproduce between 0°C to 10°C; spawning occurs in October and November [12] [16] . Some brown trout display amphidromous behavior, while others remain for their entire life in their home stream [16] . These fish feed most aggressively during the night and are opportunistic feeders [16] . What makes brown trout ecologically important is their capacity to survive in a broader temperature and oxygen range than other native species, namely the brook trout [13] . In this respect they have the capacity to prey on and out-compete brook trout, altering the naturally occurring fauna of Ontario streams [13] .
Within the Grand River watershed, there are several invasive species of concern that may be currently present in Mill Creek or invade the region in the future.
Aquatic invasive species of concern include Neogobius melanostomus (round goby), Petromyzon marinus (sea lamprey), Faxonius rusticus (rusty crayfish), and Dreissena polymorpha (zebra mussels). Round gobies are invading inland water from the Great Lakes, where they negatively impact ecosystems by eating the eggs of native fish. [17] The GRCA reports that round goby is present as far north in the watershed as Belwood Lake, [18] and the species has been detected in most of the systems surrounding Mill Creek. [19] Parasitic sea lamprey have been detected as far north as the Caledonia Dam in the Grand River watershed, [18] so are not present near Mill Creek yet [20] - although they are likely moving north. [21] Rusty crayfish are spreading through southern Ontario (including the Grand River watershed [18] ), and have been detected by the Ministry of Natural Resources near Mill Creek. [22] These crayfish outcompete native crayfish and juvenile fish. [18] Zebra mussels have been detected within the Grand River watershed up to the Dunnville Dam, as well as in Guelph Lake - in the vicinity of Mill Creek. [18]
Invasive plants present in the Mill Creek subwatershed include Rhamnus cathartica (European/common buckthorn), Alliaria petiolata (garlic mustard), Phragmites australis (common reed grass), and Lythrum salicaria (purple loosestrife), which threaten native plant species as well as the integrity and functioning of wetland and riparian habitats. [23] [24]
Invasive pathogens that may affect species in the Mill Creek ecosystem include viral hemorrhagic septicemia (VHS), ophidiomycosis (snake fungal disease), Ranavirus spp., and chytridiomycosis. The pathogen VHS (affecting fish) is present in Lake Erie and parts of its tributaries; [25] Mill Creek is located next to a VHS management zone. [26] The fungal pathogen Ophidiomyces ophiodiicola affects native snake species that are present in the Mill Creek subwatershed, including Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis (eastern garter snake), and has been detected in this region. [27] [28] Viruses in the genus Ranavirus infect reptiles and amphibians, and are distributed across most of Canada. [29] The strain Frog virus 3 (FV3) is prevalent in eastern North America and threatens the frogs, salamanders, and turtles present in the Mill Creek subwatershed. [29] [30] [31] [32] The fungal species Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis and Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans cause chytridiomycosis in amphibian species, leading to detrimental levels of mortality. [33] These pathogens are widespread in wild amphibian populations in Ontario, and have been detected in the vicinity of Mill Creek. [33] Invasive pathogens affecting trees in this region include Dutch elm disease and white pine blister rust - among others. [34]
The Jefferson salamander (Ambystoma jeffersonianum) was assessed as threatened in 2008 and later changed to endangered in 2011. The two chorus frog (Pseudacris triseriata) species in Ontario are the western and the boreal chorus frog, which are both more often heard than seen. Monarchs (Danaus plexippus) only breed in habitats with milkweed (Asclepias spp.), since it is the only plants the caterpillars feed on [35] . There are many birds at risk throughout the Mill Creek Subwatershed. Some common habitats that need to be protected for these birds to thrive include a mix of tree species, including deciduous, coniferous, and mixed forests, a mix of forested areas and meadows for foraging and nesting [36] , rocky areas, diverse areas including some with little to no vegetation [37] , and diverse ages of plants [38] . Activity that threatens the survival of these species includes outdoor cats attacking nests on forest floors and in lower areas, habitat loss and degradation, car mortalities and changes in food supply related to pesticides [36] , and habitat loss related to fire suppression [37] . Some threats to the survival of turtle species in Mill Creek include loss or fragmenting of habitat, motor vehicles, raccoons and foxes that prey on eggs, as well as illegal collection for the pet trade [39] , and adult mortality since many turtles are slow breeders [40] . Habitats in Mill Creek where the eastern milksnake (Lampropeltis triangulum) would be found include meadows, deciduous, coniferous, and mixed forests, areas of high forest cover, man-made structures such as barns for hibernation, near water sources such as marshes and swamps. The dense blazing star is a perennial wildflower that can grow as tall as two meters. It grows in moist prairies and wet areas. It does not do well in the shade and is usually found in sunny areas kept open by fire, floods, drought, or grazing [41] . It is threatened by habitat loss due to development or habitat alteration, as well as invasive plants such as European common reed (Phragmites australis) [41] .
The CBM (Canada Building Materials) McNally Pit is located on Lots 25 and 26, Concession 2, in the Township of Puslinch. The CBM McNally East Pit is located adjacent to and southeast of the McNally Pit, on Part Lot 27. Both pits are licensed for extraction of aggregates from below the water table, and the McNally Pit possesses a Permit to Take Water. [42] Aggregates from both sites as well as other local CBM sites are washed and processed at the McNally Pit. [42] While extraction below the water table is occurring, monitoring wells around the perimeter of the pit and a staff gauge measuring surface water elevation are maintained. [42] As per the site’s 2020-2021 Groundwater Monitoring Program, the McNally Pit appears to have no adverse effects on the local groundwater system, but pond levels were above the Early Warning Threshold in 2020 and 2021. [42]
The McMillan Gravel Pit is located at Concession 2, Township of Puslinch. It is no longer operational, with extraction stopping in 2004. [43] Tributary 3 of Mill Creek is the closest groundwater discharge to this site and accurately represents the groundwater discharge quality passing through the McMillan Gravel Pit. [43] Benthic macroinvertebrate sampling of Tributary 3 of Mill Creek and calculation of the water quality index based on BioMAP (Biological Monitoring and Assessment Program) methods are used to qualitatively evaluate and monitor the site’s water quality. [43] Analysis started in 1997 before extraction stopped. [43] The 2023 benthic macroinvertebrate sampling did not observe any negative impacts to water quality due to extraction on the site. [43]
The CBM Lanci Gravel Pit is located on Part Lot 25, Concession 1, in the Township of Puslinch. Weekly water level monitoring is conducted on the site, and it is licensed for Category 1 Class “A” below-water extraction. [44] Above-water extraction operations began in April 2012 and below water extraction began in July 2013, with no extraction on the site between 2019 and 2022. [44] According to the 2022 Groundwater Monitoring Data, groundwater beneath the pit flows in a generally southwest direction, and site operations did not impact water levels. [44]
The CBM Neubauer Lit is located on Part Lot 27, Concession 1, in the Township of Puslinch. The site’s 2023 Groundwater Monitoring Data noted that overall groundwater levels remained within historical ranges for that year, and that no change occurred to water table gradients nor groundwater flow patterns. [45]
Located on lot 24, Concession Rd 1 and partially on lots 21, 22, 23 and 24, on Concession Rd 2, the Dufferin Aggregates pit is a 1.884 km2 -property owned by the University of Guelph and operated by Dufferin Aggregates. Extraction at this site started in 1995 and presently has four large open water bodies where aggregate was extracted below the water table [46] .
Located at 7051 Wellington Rd 124, on the South side of Highway 124, in the townships of Guelph-Eramosa and Puslinch, the LaFarge pit has been in operation for almost 50 years. It has operated as a sand and gravel quarry, and also hosts a ready-mix concrete plant and an asphalt plant operated by another company under a lease. The site is being readied to commence aggregate production once more. It requires an amendment to the existing Permit to Take Water, and an industrial Sewage Works Approval [47] .
Formerly Nestle Canada, BlueTriton has been an employer in Wellington County for over 20 years. The company bottles water at the Aberfoyle facility in Puslinch. Pumping began in 2000. The company possesses a Permit to Take Water, being allowed to withdraw up to 2,500 litres per minute, totalling up to a maximum of 3,600,000 litres per day [48] .
In the Aberfoyle area, the number of local roads as well as the size of aggregate pits has increased. The number of residences in Puslinch is increasing much faster than the population. Agriculture is a critical part of Wellington County’s local economy, and the Puslinch area and landowners depend on it [49] .
The first phase of the transportation system improvements to the Highway 6 corridor between Freelton and Guelph was concluded in 2020 with the completion of the replacement of the Concession Rd 7 bridge over Highway 401. Phase two of the project includes the Class Environmental Assessment (EA), detail design, and construction of the Highway 6/Hanlon expressway midblock Interchange, a new Interchange on Highway 6 [50] .
There is also a planned expansion of Highway 6 from North of Freelton to Malty Rd. The traffic on the Hanlon expressway will be maintained for the majority of construction, with some temporary lane closures. Construction is expected to be completed by late 2025. There will be a widening of Highway 401 from 6 lanes to 10 lanes between the interchange with the new Highway 6 North alignment to Highway 6 South. Additionally, there will be construction of a local connection road in the Township of Puslinch [51] .
Shade's Mills Conservation Area is a publicly accessible GRCA conservation area in Cambridge, with access to hiking trails and fishing along Mill Creek and the Shade’s Mills Reservoir it fills [52] . This site has been visited by the rangers consistently to perform restoration work, including trail maintenance and the removal of dams and fallen trees to improve flow. Recently, the rangers have also focused on removing invasive dog-strangling vine (Cynanchum rossicum/Vincetoxicum rossicum and C. nigrum/V. nigrum) and phragmites (Phragmites australis) along this stretch
Friends of Mill Creek is a volunteer group composed of environmentalists, local industrialists, politicians, landowners and residents focusing on the rehabilitation of the creek. The members meet on the third Wednesday of every month at the Puslinch Community Centre. The community-based organization was founded to implement some of the recommendations of the Mill Creek Subwatershed Study, but its overall goal is to maintain Mill Creek’s status as a cold-water stream. The group began with an assessment of water temperatures in the Aberfoyle area. Friends of Mill Creek have been a part of a variety of projects, including fish biomass sampling, in-stream rehabilitation and trail maintenance, dam removals, reforestation and naturalization, and continued temperature monitoring and water sampling. [53] Please visit for a map of projects.
Each summer, four high school students are hired as the Mill Creek Ranger Crew members. Guided by a university student Crew Leader, they aid in restoration efforts. For example, the 2005 Crew removed log jams as part of their in-stream habitat enhancement, and the 2015 Crew built stream deflectors for sediment deposition in the Creek. Every cohort summarizes their work in a Ranger’s Report. [53] Please visit here for an example of the Ranger Report.
Halton Hills is a town in the Regional Municipality of Halton, located in the northwestern end of the Greater Toronto Area, Ontario, Canada with a population of 62,951 (2021).
Puslinch is a township in south-central Ontario, Canada, in Wellington County, surrounding the south end of Guelph. The main source of production is agricultural, spring water bottling and mining. Aggregate mining has been dominant throughout the county. About half of the township is forested, and a conservation area lies to the southwest. Near the western edge of the township, just outside Cambridge, Ontario, is Puslinch Lake, the largest kettle lake in North America. It is part of the Guelph census metropolitan area.
Fathom Five National Marine Park is a National Marine Conservation Area in the Georgian Bay part of Lake Huron, Ontario, Canada, that seeks to protect and display shipwrecks and lighthouses, and conserve freshwater ecosystems. Parks Canada has management plans for the aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, with a multi-action plan for species that are at risk, including endemic species, the Monarch butterfly, the eastern ribbonsnake, and the eastern whip-poor-will. The aquatic ecosystems in the park are also of particular interest. Many fish, shellfish, amphibians, and eels are an attraction for naturalists in the park. Much of this wildlife is accessible to scuba divers and snorkellers in the park. The many shipwrecks make the park a popular scuba diving destination, and glass bottom boat tours leave Tobermory regularly, allowing tourists to see the shipwrecks without having to get wet. Additionally, there are three main popular hiking trails found within Fathom Five National Marine Park that provides visitors with views of old growth forests and the Georgian Bay. The Saugeen Ojibway Peoples have inhabited the Bruce Peninsula and the area that is now Fathom Five National Marine Park for thousands of years. This land provided for their communities and their people with the plethora of wildlife and plant life. They provide the local knowledge about Lake Huron and its ecological value to the reserve, park, and their overall livelihood. Parks Canada and Saugeen Ojibway People's collaboration is said to yield a benefit to both parties with regard to overall ecosystem knowledge.
The Credit River is a river in southern Ontario, which flows from headwaters above the Niagara Escarpment near Orangeville and Caledon East to empty into Lake Ontario at Port Credit, Mississauga. It drains an area of approximately 1,000 square kilometres (390 sq mi). The total length of the river and its tributary streams is over 1,500 kilometres (930 mi).
The brook trout is a species of freshwater fish in the char genus Salvelinus of the salmon family Salmonidae native to Eastern North America in the United States and Canada. Two ecological forms of brook trout have been recognized by the US Forest Service. One ecological form is short-lived potamodromous populations in Lake Superior known as coaster trout or coasters. The second ecological form is the long-living predaceous anadromous populations which are found in northern lakes and coastal rivers from Long Island to Hudson Bay, which are referred to as salters. In parts of its range, it is also known as the eastern brook trout, speckled trout, brook char, squaretail, brookie, or mud trout, among others. Adult coaster brook trout are capable of reaching sizes over 2 feet in length and weigh up to 6.8 kg (15 lb), whereas adult salters average between 6 and 15 inches in length and weigh between 0.5 and 2.3 kg. The brook trout is characterized by its distinctive olive-green body with yellow and blue-rimmed red spots, white and black edged orange fins, and dorsal vermiculation. The diet of the brook trout is restrictive to the season and location of the fish, but will typically consist of terrestrial and aquatic insects, fry, crustaceans, zooplankton, and worms.
The Eramosa River is a river in Wellington County in southwestern Ontario which rises near Erin, Ontario, and flows southwest through the city of Guelph, where it joins the Speed River, which then enters the Grand River in Cambridge. The river is believed to derive its name from the Mississauga word um-ne-mo-sah, meaning "black dog" or "dead dog".
The Speed River is a river that flows through Wellington County and the Region of Waterloo in southwestern Ontario, Canada. It flows south from its source near Orton, through Guelph, where it is joined by the Eramosa River, then through the towns of Hespeler and Preston, finally uniting with the Grand River in north-west Cambridge.
Nestlé Pure Life is a brand of bottled water from Nestlé Waters globally and BlueTriton Brands in North America. The brand was first established in 1998 in Pakistan and is now available in 21 countries in Asia, the Americas, Africa, and Europe. In early April 2021, the sale of Nestlé Waters North America's bottling operations, including Nestlé Pure Life, to One Rock Capital Partners LLC and Metropoulos & Co. was concluded.
Sixteen Mile Creek is a river in Halton Region in the Greater Toronto Area of Ontario, Canada. It is in the Great Lakes Basin, and flows from the Niagara Escarpment through the towns of Milton and Oakville to Lake Ontario.
Pacifastacus fortis is an endangered crayfish species endemic to Shasta County, California, where it is found and first described in 1914, only in isolated spots along the Pit River and Fall River Mills. It is estimated that there are a total of roughly 4000 of the species still alive today. The exact subpopulations for the Shasta crayfish were discovered in 2004 through a genetic study that determined three different genetic clusters: Crystal Lake, the Big Lake group, and Thousand Springs.
Alameda Creek is a large perennial stream in the San Francisco Bay Area. The creek runs for 45 miles (72 km) from a lake northeast of Packard Ridge to the eastern shore of San Francisco Bay by way of Niles Canyon and a flood control channel. Along its course, Alameda Creek provides wildlife habitat, water supply, a conduit for flood waters, opportunities for recreation, and a host of aesthetic and environmental values. The creek and three major reservoirs in the watershed are used as water supply by the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, Alameda County Water District and Zone 7 Water Agency. Within the watershed can be found some of the highest peaks and tallest waterfall in the East Bay, over a dozen regional parks, and notable natural landmarks such as the cascades at Little Yosemite and the wildflower-strewn grasslands and oak savannahs of the Sunol Regional Wilderness.
Fishkill Creek is a tributary of the Hudson River in Dutchess County, New York, United States. At 33.5 miles (53.9 km) it is the second longest stream in the county, after Wappinger Creek. It rises in the town of Union Vale and flows generally southwest to a small estuary on the Hudson just south of Beacon. Part of its 193-square-mile (500 km2) watershed is in Putnam County to the south. Sprout Creek, the county's third-longest creek, is its most significant tributary. Whaley and Sylvan lakes and Beacon Reservoir, its largest, deepest and highest lakes, are among the bodies of water within the watershed.
Ninemile Creek, also known as Nine Mile Creek, is a stream in Central New York in the United States. Its source is at Otisco Lake in the town of Marcellus, from where the creek runs northward for 21.75 miles (35.00 km) through the villages of Marcellus and Camillus to Onondaga Lake in the town of Geddes. Nine Mile Creek is a scenic stream noted for trout fishing.
The Arkell Spring Grounds is an aquifer-fed spring located in Arkell, Ontario, Canada. The spring is owned by the city of Guelph and provides local residents with the majority of their drinking water.
Puslinch Lake is a kettle lake located in Wellington County, Ontario, Canada. It is the largest kettle lake in North America. The lake is "private", according to Puslinch Township Council, but some public access was available near the trailer park until the owners closed both to the public in July 2020 after a snowmobile accident left the owners of the access point fiscally responsible, prompting a quick closure of the public access point. In October 2020, Township of Puslinch announced that it "working towards creating a public access to Puslinch Lake".
Balch Creek is a 3.5-mile (5.6 km) tributary of the Willamette River in the U.S. state of Oregon. Beginning at the crest of the Tualatin Mountains, the creek flows generally east down a canyon along Northwest Cornell Road in unincorporated Multnomah County and through the Macleay Park section of Forest Park, a large municipal park in Portland. At the lower end of the park, the stream enters a pipe and remains underground until reaching the river. Danford Balch, after whom the creek is named, settled a land claim along the creek in the mid-19th century. After murdering his son-in-law, he became the first person legally hanged in Oregon.
Medway Creek is a tributary of the Thames River in southwestern Ontario, Canada, draining into the North branch of the Thames at the University of Western Ontario.
BlueTriton Brands, Inc. is an American beverage company based in Stamford, Connecticut. A former subsidiary of Nestlé, it was known between 2002 and 2021 as Nestlé Waters North America, Inc. and operated as the North American business unit of Nestlé Waters. It produces and distributes numerous brands of bottled water across North America including Arrowhead Water, Deer Park Spring Water, Ice Mountain, Pure Life, Splash, Saratoga, Ozarka, Poland Spring, and Zephyrhills.
Ice River Springs is a private label bottled water producer for retailers and food service operators and manufacturer of the Ice River Green brand of bottled water. The company runs a plastic recycling operation, Blue Mountain Plastics (BMP), that takes bottles collected by municipalities and produces food grade recycled PETE for its water bottles. As of 2020, the company was headquartered in Shelburne, Ontario. The recycling facility was also located in Shelburne and its nearest bottling plant was in Feversham, Ontario, 40km away. Its operations included locations across Canada and the Ice River Hialeah Gardens subsidiary in Florida, USA.
Otter Lake is located within the Township of Rideau Lakes. The lake lies close to Highway 15 between the villages of Lombardy and Portland. Because Otter Lake lies more or less in a north-south direction, there are often some spectacular sunrises and sunsets that can be viewed from property owners docks, balconies, and decks.