Minister for Sport and Civil Society

Last updated

The minister for sport and civil society was a junior minister in the Department for Culture, Media and Sport of the United Kingdom government, with responsibility for sport and Civil Society in England. In 2020, the role merged with that of the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Arts, Heritage and Tourism to become Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Sport, Tourism, Heritage and Civil Society.


The post covered sport as well as tourism and heritage. The sports minister has at various times previously reported to the Department for Education and Science (1964–1969), Ministry of Housing and Local Government (1969–1970), Department of the Environment (1970–1990), Department for Education and Science (1990–1992), Department of National Heritage (1992–1997) and Department for Culture, Media and Sport (1997–present).

Sport is a devolved matter in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland resting with the corresponding ministers in the Scottish Government, Welsh Government and the Northern Ireland Executive, although when the Northern Ireland Assembly was suspended, responsibility went to the Northern Ireland Office.

Under Margaret Thatcher the office was known as Under-Secretary of State for Sport.

Current responsibilities

Ministers for Sport

NamePortraitTerm of officePolitical partyPrime Minister
Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Sport
Denis Howell No image.svg 20 October 196413 October 1969 Labour Wilson
Minister of State for Sport
Denis Howell No image.svg 13 October 196924 June 1970 Labour Wilson
Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Sport
Eldon Griffiths No image.svg 24 June 19704 March 1974 Conservative Heath
Minister of State for Sport
Denis Howell No image.svg 7 March 19743 May 1979 Labour Wilson
Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Sport
Hector Monro No image.svg 4 May 197913 September 1981 Conservative Thatcher I
Neil Macfarlane Neil Macfarlane (3x4 crop).jpg 14 September 19812 September 1985 Thatcher I
Thatcher II
Richard Tracey No image.svg 7 September 198513 June 1987 Thatcher II
Colin Moynihan Official portrait of Lord Moynihan crop 2.jpg 22 June 198726 July 1990 Thatcher III
Robert Atkins Sir Robert Atkins (Martin Rulsch) 1.jpg 26 July 199014 April 1992 Thatcher III
Major I
Robert Key No image.svg 14 April 199226 May 1993 Major II
Iain Sproat No image.svg 26 May 19931 May 1997
Tony Banks No image.svg 2 May 199720 October 1999 Labour Blair I
Kate Hoey Official portrait of Baroness Hoey crop 1.jpg 20 October 19997 June 2001
Minister of State for Sport
Richard Caborn Richard Caborn.jpg 11 June 200117 June 2005 Labour Blair II
Minister of State for Sport and Tourism
Richard Caborn Richard Caborn.jpg 17 June 200528 June 2007 Labour Blair III
Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Sport
Gerry Sutcliffe Gerry Sutcliffe.jpg 29 June 20076 May 2010 Labour Brown
Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Sport and the Olympics
Hugh Robertson Hugh Robertson Official.jpg 14 May 20106 September 2012 Conservative Cameron I
Minister of State for Sport and Olympic Legacy Tourism
Hugh Robertson Hugh Robertson Official.jpg 6 September 20127 October 2013 Conservative Cameron I
Minister of State for Sport and Tourism
Helen Grant Official portrait of Mrs Helen Grant MP crop 2.jpg 7 October 201312 May 2015 Conservative Cameron I
Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Sport, Heritage, and Tourism
Tracey Crouch Official portrait of Tracey Crouch MP crop 2.jpg 12 May 201515 June 2017 Conservative Cameron II
May I
Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Sport, Civil Society and Loneliness
Tracey Crouch Official portrait of Tracey Crouch MP crop 2.jpg 15 June 20171 November 2018 Conservative May II
Mims Davies Mims Davies.jpg 5 November 201825 July 2019 Conservative
Minister of State for Sport, Media and Creative Industries
Nigel Adams Official portrait of Nigel Adams MP crop 2.jpg 24 July 201913 February 2020 Conservative Johnson I
Johnson II
Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Sport, Tourism, Heritage and Civil Society
Nigel Huddleston Official portrait of Nigel Huddleston MP crop 2.jpg 13 February 20207 September 2022 Conservative Johnson II
Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Sport, Arts and Ceremonials
Stuart Andrew Official portrait of Stuart Andrew crop 2, 2021.jpg 20 September 202227 October 2022 Conservative Truss
Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Sport, Tourism and Civil Society
Stuart Andrew Official portrait of Stuart Andrew crop 2, 2021.jpg 27 October 20227 February 2023 Conservative Sunak
Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Sport, Gambling and Civil Society
Stuart Andrew Official portrait of Stuart Andrew crop 2, 2021.jpg 7 February 20235 July 2024 Conservative Sunak
