Ministry of Justice (Uzbekistan)

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Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan
O'zbekiston Respublikasi Adliya vazirligi
Emblema Miniust.jpg
The official emblem of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Agency overview
FormedSeptember 28, 1990
Jurisdiction Government of Uzbekistan
Headquarters5 Saylgokh St Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Minister responsible
  • Akbar Toshkulov, Minister of Justice

The Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan, (Uzbek : O'zbekiston Respublikasi Adliya vazirligi), is the central government body charged consistent implementation of a single state policy in the sphere of lawmaking and law enforcement practice in Uzbekistan. [1]



People's Commissariat of Justice of Uzbekistan was established November 26, 1924 decision of the Revolutionary Committee based on the People's Commissariat of Justice of the Turkestan Autonomous Republic . One of its most important tasks was to coordinate and organize the activities of judicial authorities in the former states have joined the Uzbek Bukhara Emirate, and Khorezm Kokand khanate.

May 6, 1925 the Presidium of the CEC of Uzbekistan approved the Statutes of the People's Commissariat of Justice, to determine its structure and authority . According to Article 1 NKJU entrusted to : general management, organization and guidance of all judicial institutions, prosecution, investigation authorities, notaries and bailiffs, court approval in office workers; monitor the activities of land commissions and other institutions carrying out judicial functions, to monitor the activities boards defenders and management of legal assistance to the population, consideration of controversial issues on the delimitation of the competence of judicial authorities, on the one hand, and the other departments of the other; preliminary review of all introduced to the CEC and SNK Uzbekistan legislative proposals, monitoring of compliance with the law, the interpretation of existing laws, publication of collections of laws and orders of the government of the republic, etc.

People's Commissariat of Justice consisted of three main sections: the judicial system and supervision, prosecution, and the Department of legislative proposals. People's Commissar of Justice considered simultaneously and the State Prosecutor of the Republic, appoint and dismiss the CEC to report SNK Uzbek SSR . December 22, 1926 Regulation of the People 's Commissariat of Justice of Uzbekistan was amended and supplemented, and October 11, 1931 replaced by a new, repeatedly changed in subsequent years due to changes in the structure and functions of the judicial and prosecutorial .

In the early 1930s of the People's Commissariat of Justice of the republic consisted of the Prosecutor's Office, Supreme Court, organizational and Instruction Department, the General Directorate of corrective labor institutions and the general department . Vice Commissar of Justice had to face the prosecutor of the Republic, President of the Supreme Court and the Chief of the corrective labor institutions .

NKJU tasked to the republic unified judicial policy, the organization and the overall supervision of the activities of all organs of justice, supervision over the legality of actions of officials and individuals. He led the investigation of all the organs in the fight against crime, the study of crime and ways to combat it. In conducting the People's Commissariat of Justice is to oversee special judicial institutions, as well as oversees all correctional labor practices in the country, etc.

The prosecutor's office was part of the Ministry of Justice of Uzbekistan until 1936. Is administered by the People's Commissariat of Justice of the Union republics Penitentiary institutions moved, according to the decision of the CEC and SNK on October 27, 1934, with the introduction of the NKVD and its local bodies . September 10, 1934 CEC and CPC Uzbek SSR adopted a decree "On the reorganization and strengthening of judicial and prosecution ", which changed the structure of some of the People's Commissariat of Justice, the Prosecutor's Office and the Supreme Court of Uzbekistan. NKJU consisted then of the Prosecutor's Office, the Supreme Court of the Republic and departments.

The final act of a centralized judicial and prosecutorial system was the decision of the CEC and SNK on July 20, 1936 "On the formation of the People's Commissariat of Justice of the USSR ." December 8, 1936 the CEC and SNK approved the Statute of the People's Commissariat of Justice of the USSR. Supreme Court of Uzbekistan was released from judicial control functions, he became only the highest supervisory authority of the republic. Of reference of People 's Commissariat of Justice of the Union republics were seized all prosecutors and investigative agencies . At the Union- Republican People's Commissariat of Justice of the USSR entrusted the organization and management of judicial institutions. The Regulation determines the structure of the People's Commissariat of Justice of Uzbekistan, which was headed by People's Commissar of having two deputies. As part NKJU Uzbek SSR departments were established judicial institutions, the department of judicial protection and legal assistance to the population sector notaries department Uzbek SSR codification of legislation, legal advice, etc. In addition, NKJU republic directed and oversaw the activities of bailiffs, organized and led the court statistics .

During the war in the structure of Justice has not changed significantly . Network of Justice of the Republic remained stable, although in separate links it endured adjustments related to changes in the administrative-territorial division of the republic, especially in wartime.

In accordance with the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Uzbek SSR on August 7, 1956 "On the Abolition of Justice Department of the Uzbek SSR in province Soviets " The Council of Ministers Uzbek SSR decision of 6 November 1956 approved the new Statute of the Ministry of Justice of the republic. According to the new Regulation Justice Uzbek SSR subordinated directly to the Council of Ministers. The ministry functioned Board comprising the Minister, his deputies and several senior officials who examined the practical management of the judicial institutions and judicial authorities, checking performance, recruitment, training major orders, instructions, etc.

March 23, 1959 for the purpose of "concentration of control over the activities of regional and national courts ", the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet UzSSR abolished the Ministry of Justice of the republic. The right to conduct an audit of the regional and national courts, to exercise control over all their activities, the responsibility for maintaining judicial statistics went to the Supreme Court Uzbek SSR . As a result of this reorganization as organs of judicial administration began to advocate higher courts .

The Council of Ministers of the Republic of 27 March 1959 at the latest Law Commission was established, which was entrusted with the work of codification and systematization of legislation, working on behalf of the government and made a preliminary review of the Council of Ministers the draft legislation and government decisions on regulatory nature .

However, subsequent events have shown that this approach was wrong, was the result of a voluntary approach to the practice of state-building. As a consequence, the quality was damaged preparation of legislation . Adversely affected by this reorganization and staffing of legal professionals . In this regard, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR August 31, 1970 issued a decree " On the Formation of the Union- republic's Ministry of Justice of the USSR ." In accordance with October 1, 1970 the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Uzbek SSR issued a decree " On the Formation of the Union- republic's Ministry of Justice of the Uzbek SSR ." The provision to it was approved by Council of Ministers Uzbek SSR 27 September 1972. The Ministry of Justice organizational leadership by the Supreme Court of Karakalpakstan Autonomous Republic, regional, Tashkent city, district (city) people's courts, the work on organizing and preparing proposals for codification of legislation Uzbek SSR, providing methodological guidance legal work in the national economy, guidance and coordination of public bodies and public organizations to promote legal knowledge and clarifying the law of population, business notaries, Tashkent research Institute forensic and general management of the organs of civil status and legal profession Uzbek SSR. [2]

In 70–80 years of significant changes in the structure and competence of the governing bodies of justice has occurred. Ministry of Justice Uzbek SSR provides organizational support of the courts, during which addressed the formation of the judiciary, selection, placement and training of personnel of the judiciary and the courts, creating normal conditions for the implementation of the courts of justice, was organized statements of judges and people 's assessors before voters, conducted general checks organization of work in the district, municipal and provincial courts, authorities and institutions of justice.

During these years, the Ministry of Justice, its local bodies, in coordination with other law enforcement agencies studied jurisprudence on certain categories of criminal cases and take measures to correct deficiencies. In particular, it summarizes judicial practice in cases of embezzlement, bribery and speculation, violation of safety rules, judicial and prosecutorial practice for the release of property from seizure ( exclusion from the inventory), checked the law enforcement agencies to combat the theft of state and public property, postscripts and speculation, studied the state of administrative and financial authorities on compensation of material damage in cases of theft of state property, etc.

Board of the Ministry of Justice has repeatedly discussed the work of legal services, ministries, agencies, organizations and businesses to comply with legislation on the protection of women and minors . The focus of the Ministry of Justice and the courts of the Republic were the problem of effective use of legal means for the prevention of violations of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens. Employees of the judiciary and law courts conducted propaganda among the population. Were judges, notaries, lawyers, legal scholars . The Ministry of Justice has used this form of work and how the analysis of the theme and content of legal publications in the national newspapers and to make proposals to strengthen their activities.

Improving the performance of Justice and courts largely depended on their working conditions and logistics . These institutions bring in significant revenue local budgets, and their content is not local funds were, of the national budget allocated small amounts . Many courts, notaries and registry office located in emergency or unsuitable premises . Lacked paper, typewriters, office equipment, furniture, etc., and the number of states was almost twice lower than the standard . In 1991, the people of Uzbekistan gained independence . Its historical significance lies primarily in the fact that it enshrines a commitment to human rights and the principles of state independence, puts the task of creating a humane and democratic state of law. During the period of lawful state significantly increases the role of the Ministry of Justice as sole legal body of the republic . In order to enhance the role and responsibility of Justice, activation of legislative activity, improve legal services to the population, protection of constitutional rights and legitimate interests of citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan President January 8, 1992 issued a decree "On improvement of the Ministry of Justice ." On this basis, the Cabinet of Ministers Decree Republic of Uzbekistan on November 12, 1992 adopted Resolution No. 523 " On issues of improvement activities of the Ministry of Justice ."

This Decision Union- Republican Ministry of Justice of the Uzbek SSR was transformed into the Ministry of Justice, was also approved the structure of the central apparatus of the Ministry of Justice and the new Regulations .

To further improve the activity of the Ministry of Justice to ensure the implementation of the unified state policy in the area of law and practice, as well as the implementation of the protection of constitutional rights and freedoms Cabinet of Ministers August 27, 2003 adopted Resolution No. 370 "On measures for further improvement of Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan. " Ministry is a republican executive bodies subordinate to the nature of their activities directly to the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and is under the status of the Cabinet of Ministers.

In the system of the Ministry of Justice are: the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, the Justice regional administrations and the city of Tashkent, the institution of notaries, civil status records ( registry office ), Tashkent Research Institute of Forensic Expertise ( TashNIISE ), Institute of Judicial Training, Tashkent State law Institute, Tashkent State College of Law, law Lyceum, publishing "Adolat", as well as self-supporting legal aid center . The Ministry is headed by Minister appointed and dismissed from office in accordance with the Constitution, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and then submitted for approval to the Oliy Majlis .

The main and most important task of the Ministry of Justice is to provide a unified state policy in the field of legislation and law enforcement practice. Building a democratic state of law is impossible without a high and lasting authority of the law . This truth lies at the heart of policy renewal and progress . Rule of law, obedience to him the legislative, executive and judicial powers - precondition operation of law. That Constitution, laws must be above any authority . Without this condition can not be formed people's confidence in the inviolability of their rights, to create a society of personal and economic freedom. In 2011, special attention was paid consistent democratic renewal and further liberalization of all spheres of society, in particular, social, economic, political, legal sphere . In this regard, an important guide to action is put forward by the President November 12, 2010 at the joint session of the Oliy Majlis of the Concept of further deepening democratic reforms and formation of civil society in the country.

This Concept suggestions for practical implementation documents establishing new legal mechanisms to further strengthen the role of judicial authorities in compliance with the law and the rule of law . We can say that these proposals were the beginning of a new phase of the judicial authorities . With the adoption of Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On measures for further improvement of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan" dated August 23, 2011 to improve even more work in this direction . In this Resolution Regulations defines the role of the Ministry of Justice to improve governance and public administration .

In accordance with the decree of the President " On measures to further enhance the role of judicial authorities in ensuring the legitimacy of the state bodies " from June 17, 2011 established new mechanisms for the implementation of the system for monitoring and controlling the activities of the law enforcement agencies of government, local authorities, law enforcement and regulatory bodies. The system formed by the Ministry of Justice General Directorate for monitoring compliance with legislation and its territorial offices .

Creating this structure served as an important step towards the implementation outlined in the Concept of priority - the rule of law in the activities of public authorities, law enforcement and regulatory authorities, as well as the establishment of their system of checks and balances.

Tasks, functions and rights

The main tasks of the ministry are:

The main functions of the ministry are:

- Function Part I: in a unified state policy in the area of law and practice:

1. In the field of training and legal expertise of laws and regulations:

2. In departmental rule making:

3. Systematization of legislation in the field of:

- Function Part II: in the field of protection of human rights and freedoms enshrined in the Constitution and laws:

- Function Part III: in the coordination of government agencies on legal advocacy:

- Function Part IV: in logistical and financial support of the courts, as well as ensuring the performance of judicial acts and other public bodies:

- Function Part V: in the sphere of state regulation in the field of legal services:

1. On the organization of activities of the notary and civil registration:

2. Development of advocacy and legal services:

List of ministers (1970-present)

Current Administration

PositionNamePhoneDays of reception of citizens
Minister of Justice of the Republic of UzbekistanAkbar Tashkulov+99871 207-04-58On the first Friday of each month, from 3 pm to 5 pm.
Deputy Minister of Justice of the Republic of UzbekistanAlisher Karimov+99871207-04-59Monday, from 3 pm to 5 pm
Deputy Minister of Justice of the Republic of UzbekistanMuzraf Ikramov+99871207-04-59Thursday, from 3 pm to 5 pm
Deputy Minister of Justice of the Republic of UzbekistanHudayor Meliev+99871207-04-60Monday, from 3 pm to 5 pm
Deputy Minister of Justice of the Republic of UzbekistanSherzad Rabiev+99871207-04-61Tuesday, from 3 pm to 5 pm

Anti-Bribery Compliance Certificate ISO

September 9, 2020 the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan became the first government body in Uzbekistan that complied with the international standard ISO 37001:2016 “Anti-corruption Management System” in all areas of activity, and therefore, was added to the international rating and received a certificate.

See also

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