Ministry of Justice and Human Rights (Chile)

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The Ministry of Justice and Human Rights (Spanish : Ministerio de Justicia y Derechos Humanos) is the Ministry of State responsible for the law and judiciary. The current Minister of Justice and Human Rights is Luis Cordero, who has served since January 11, 2023. [1]



The Ministry of Justice has been known by four different names.

Ministers of Justice of Chile

Government of Domingo Santa María
José Eugenio Vergara PL 1881–1885
Emilio Crisólogo Varas PR 1885–1886
Pedro Montt Montt PN 1886
Government of José Manuel Balmaceda
Adolfo Valderrama Sáenz de la Peña PL 1886–1887
Francisco Freire Caldera PL 1887
Pedro Lucio Cuadra PL 1887–1888
Federico Puga Borne PL 1888
Julio Bañados Espinosa PL 1888–1889
Federico Puga Borne PL 1889
Isidoro Errázuriz Errázuriz PL 1889–1890
Gregorio Donoso Vergara PLD 1890
Rafael Casanova Casanova PLD 1890
Ismael Pérez Montt PLD 1890–1891
Francisco Concha Berguecio PLD 1891
Government of Jorge Montt Álvarez
Isidoro Errázuriz Errázuriz PL 1891
Federico Errázuriz Echaurren PL 1891
Joaquín Walker Martínez PC 1891
Isidoro Errázuriz Errázuriz PL 1891–1892
Juan Castellón Larenas PR 1892
Gaspar Toro Hurtado PR 1892
Máximo del Campo Yávar PC 1892–1893
Joaquín Rodríguez Rozas PL 1893
Francisco Pinto Zañartu PL 1893–1894
Federico Errázuriz Echaurren PL 1894
Osvaldo Rengifo Vial PL 1894–1895
Mariano Sánchez Fontecilla PL 1895
Gaspar Toro Hurtado PR 1895
Government of Federico Errázuriz Echaurren
Adolfo Ibáñez Gutiérrez PL 1896
Federico Puga Borne PL 1896–1897
José Domingo Amunátegui Rivera PL 1897–1898
Augusto Orrego Luco PL 1898
Juan Antonio Orrego PL 1898
Carlos Palacios Zapata PL 1898
Francisco Herboso España PL 1899–1900
Emilio Bello Codecido PLD 1900
Francisco Herboso España PL 1900–1901
Ramón Vergara Donoso PLD 1901
Ventura Carvallo Elizalde PL 1901
Ramón Escobar Escobar PLD 1901
Government of Germán Riesco Errázuriz
Manuel Ballesteros Ríos PL 1901
Rafael Balmaceda Fernández PLD 1901–1902
José Domingo Amunátegui Rivera PL 1902–1903
Aníbal Sanfuentes Velasco PLD 1903
Francisco Concha Berguecio PLD 1903–1904
Efraín Vásquez Guarda PLD 1904
Enrique Rodríguez Velásquez PN 1904
Alejandro Fierro Pérez-Camino PN 1904–1905
Javier Ángel Figueroa PLD 1905
Antonio Huneeus Gana PL 1905
Guillermo Pinto Agüero PLD 1905–1906
Manuel Salas Lavaqui PLD 1906
Samuel Claro Lastarria PL 1906
Government of Pedro Montt Montt
Enrique Rodríguez Velásquez PN 1906
Ramón Escobar Escobar PLD 1906–1907
Óscar Viel Cavero PLD 1907–1909
Emiliano Figueroa Larraín PLD 1909
Government of Ramón Barros Luco
Domingo Amunátegui Solar PL 1909–1911
Benjamín Montt Montt PN 1911–1912
Arturo del Río Racet PLD 1912
Enrique Villegas Echiburu PLD 1912–1913
Aníbal Letelier Núñez PLD 1913–1914
Absalón Valencia Zavala PLD 1914–1915
Samuel Claro Lastarria PL 1915
Gregorio Amunátegui Solar PL 1915
Government of Juan Luis Sanfuentes
Augusto Orrego Luco PL 1915–1916
Roberto Sánchez García de la Huerta PLD 1916
Alberto Romero Herrera PN 1916
Pedro Íñiguez Larraín PLDo 1916–1917
Ángel Guarello Costa PD 1917
Arturo Alemparte Quiroga PN 1917–1918
Pedro Aguirre Cerda PR 1918
Alcibíades Roldán Alvarez PL 1918
Luis Orrego Luco PR 1918–1919
Pablo Ramírez Rodríguez PR 1919
Julio Prado Amor PLD 1919
José Bernales Navarro PD 1919–1920
Enrique Bermúdez de la Paz PL 1920
Javier Gandarillas Matta PR 1920
Lorenzo Montt Montt PLDo 1920
Government of Arturo Alessandri Palma
Alberto Montt Montt PL 1920
Armando Jaramillo Valderrama PL 1920–1921
Tomás Ramírez Frías PL 1921
Roberto Sánchez García de la Huerta PLD 1921–1922
Octavio Maira González PR 1922
Ángel Guarello Costa PD 1922
Robinson Paredes Pacheco PD 1922–1923
Carlos Alberto Ruiz Bahamonde PR 1923
Luis Salas Romo PR 1923
Marcial Martínez de Ferrari PL 1923
Alcíbiades Roldán Álvarez PL 1923–1924
Domingo Antonio Durán Morales PR 1924
Guillermo Labarca Hubertson PR 1924
Jorge Prieto Echaurren PLD 1924
Luis Salas Romo PR 1924
Gregorio Amunátegui Jordán PL 1924
Government of Military Junta of 1924
Gregorio Amunátegui Jordán PL 1924
José Bernales Navarro PD 1924
José Maza Fernández PLDo 1924
Government of Arturo Alessandri Palma
José Maza Fernández PLDo 1925
Government of Luis Barros Borgoño (interino)
Oscar Fenner Marín Militar 1925
Government of Emiliano Figueroa Larraín
Alamiro Huidobro Valdés PC 1925–1926
Alvaro Santa María PLD 1926
Ramón Montero PR 1926–1927
Aquiles Vergara Vicuña PR 1927
Government of Carlos Ibáñez del Campo
Aquiles Vergara Vicuña PR 1927
José Santos Salas USRACH 1927
Enrique Balmaceda Toro PLD 1927–1928
Osvaldo Koch Krefft ind 1928–1930
David Hermosilla PR 1930
Humberto Arce Bobadilla PR 1930–1931
Antonio Planet Cordero PC 1931
José Manuel Ríos Arias PL 1931
Guillermo Edwards Matte PL 1931
Alberto Edwards Vivas PN 1931
Government of Pedro Opazo Letelier (interino)
Luis Gutiérrez Alliendes PC 1931
Government of Juan Esteban Montero (interino)
Luis Gutiérrez Alliendes PC 1931
Government of Manuel Trucco Franzzani (interino)
Luis Gutiérrez Alliendes PC 1931
Horacio Walker Larraín PC 1931
Government of Juan Esteban Montero
Luis Gutiérrez Alliendes PC 1931–1932
Arturo Ureta Echazarreta PC 1932
Government of the Socialist Republic of Chile
Pedro Antonio Fajardo Ulloa PD 1932
Santiago Pérez Peña PL 1932
Government of Carlos Dávila Espinoza
Santiago Pérez Peña PL 1932
Guillermo Bañados Honorato PD 1932
Government of Bartolomé Blanche Espejo (interino)
Juan Antonio Ríos Morales PR 1932
Government of Abraham Oyanedel Urrutia (interino)
Absalón Valencia Zavala PLD 1932
2.º Government of Arturo Alessandri Palma
Domingo Durán Morales PR 1932–1934
Osvaldo Vial Vial PL 1934–1935
Francisco Garcés Gana PL 1935–1936
Humberto Álvarez Suárez PL 1936
Pedro Freeman Caris PR 1936–1937
Fernando Moller Bordeu PR 1937
Alejandro Serani Burgos PD 1937
Guillermo Correa Fuenzalida PL 1937
Government of Pedro Aguirre Cerda
Raúl Puga Monsalve PD 1938–1941
Domingo Godoy Pérez PL 1941
Tomás Mora Pineda PR 1941
Government of Jerónimo Méndez Arancibia (interino)
Tomás Mora Pineda PR 1941–1942
Government of Juan Antonio Ríos Morales
Jerónimo Ortúzar Rojas PD 1942
Oscar Gajardo Villarroel ind 1942–1944
Benjamín Claro Velasco PR 1944
Eugenio Puga Fisher PD 1944–1945
Enrique Arriagada Saldías PSA 1945–1946
Government of Alfredo Duhalde Vásquez (interim)
Arnaldo Carrasco Carrasco Militar 1946
Fernando Moller Bordeu PR 1946
Eugenio Puga Fisher PD 1946
Government of Juan Antonio Iribarren (interino)
Eugenio Puga Fisher PD 1946
Government of Gabriel González Videla
Guillermo Correa Fuenzalida PL 1946–1947
Humberto Correa Labra PR 1947
Eugenio Puga Fisher PD 1947–1948
Luis Felipe Letelier Icaza PCT 1948–1949
Juan Bautista Rossetti Colombino PS 1949–1950
Eugenio Puga Fisher PD 1950
Ruperto Puga Fisher PD 1950
Humberto Parada Berger PDa 1950–1952
Adriana Olguín de Baltra [1st female] PR 1952
2.º Government of Carlos Ibáñez del Campo
Orlando Latorre González PDP 1952–1953
Enrique Monti Forno PSP 1953
Juan Gómez Millas PAL 1953
Santiago Wilson Hernández PDP 1953–1954
Osvaldo Koch Krefft ind 1954–1955
Arturo Zúñiga Latorre ind 1955
Mariano Fontecilla Varas PNC 1955
Santiago Wilson Hernández PDP 1955–1956
Mariano Fontecilla Varas PNC 1956
Arturo Zúñiga Latorre ind 1956–1957
Adrián Barrientos Villalobos Militar 1957–1958
Luis Octavio Reyes Ugarte ind 1958
Arturo Zúñiga Latorre ind 1958
Osvaldo Saint Marie Sorucco ind 1958
Óscar Acevedo Vega ind 1958
Government of Jorge Alessandri Rodríguez
Julio Philippi Izquierdo ind 1958–1960
Enrique Ortúzar Escobar ind 1960–1964
Government of Eduardo Frei Montalva
Pedro Jesús Rodríguez González PDC 1964–1968
William Thayer Arteaga PDC 1968
Jaime Castillo Velasco PDC 1968–1969
Máximo Pacheco Gómez PDC 1969
Gustavo Dagoberto Lagos Matus PDC 1969
Government of Salvador Allende Gossens
Lisandro Cruz Ponce API 1970–1972
Manuel Sanhueza Cruz PIR 1972
Jorge Tapia Valdés PR 1972
Sergio Insunza Barrios PCCh 1972–1973
Government of Augusto Pinochet Ugarte
Gonzalo Prieto Gándara Independent1973–1974
Hugo Musante Romero Independent1974–1975
Miguel Schweitzer Speisky Independent1975–1977
Renato Damilano Bonfante Independent1977
Mónica Madariaga Gutiérrez Independent1977–1983
Jaime del Valle Alliende Independent1983
Hugo Rosende Subiabre Independent1983–1990
Government of Patricio Aylwin Azócar
Francisco Cumplido Cereceda PDC 1990–1994
Government of Eduardo Frei Ruiz-Tagle
Soledad Alvear Valenzuela PDC 1994–1999
José Antonio Gómez Urrutia PRSD 1999–2000
Government of Ricardo Lagos Escobar
José Antonio Gómez Urrutia PRSD 2000–2003
Luis Bates Hidalgo ind 2003–2006
1.º Government of Michelle Bachelet Jeria
Isidro Solís Palma PRSD 2006–2007
Carlos Maldonado Curti PRSD 2007–2010
1.º Government of Sebastián Piñera Echenique
Felipe Bulnes Serrano RN 2010–2011
Teodoro Ribera Neumann RN 2011–2012
Patricia Pérez Goldberg ind 2012–2014
2.º Government of Michelle Bachelet Jeria
José Antonio Gómez Urrutia PRSD 2014–2015
Javiera Blanco Suárez Ind-PDC 2015–2016
Jaime Campos Quiroga PRSD 2016–2018
2.º Government of Sebastián Piñera Echenique
Hernán Larraín Fernández UDI 2018–2022
Government of Gabriel Boric
Marcela Ríos 2022–2023
Luis Cordero Vega 2023-2024
Jaime Gajardo Falcón 2024-present

See also

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  1. "B¿Quién es Luis Cordero Vega? El nuevo ministro de Justicia que asume tras polémica salida de Ríos". biobiochile.c. April 4, 2023. Retrieved April 15, 2023.