Miquel configuration

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Miquel configuration Miquel isometric.svg
Miquel configuration
Rhombic dodecahedral graph Rhombic Dodecahedral Graph.svg
Rhombic dodecahedral graph

In geometry, the Miquel configuration is a configuration of eight points and six circles in the Euclidean plane, with four points per circle and three circles through each point. [1] Its Levi graph is the Rhombic dodecahedral graph, the skeleton of both Rhombic dodecahedron and Bilinski dodecahedron. The configuration is related to Miquel's theorem.

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  1. Grünbaum, Branko (2009), Configurations of points and lines, Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 103, Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society, p. xiv+399, ISBN   978-0-8218-4308-6, MR   2510707 .