Mixed binomial process

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A mixed binomial process is a special point process in probability theory. They naturally arise from restrictions of (mixed) Poisson processes bounded intervals.



Let be a probability distribution and let be i.i.d. random variables with distribution . Let be a random variable taking a.s. (almost surely) values in . Assume that are independent and let denote the Dirac measure on the point .

Then a random measure is called a mixed binomial process iff it has a representation as

This is equivalent to conditionally on being a binomial process based on and . [1]


Laplace transform

Conditional on , a mixed Binomial processe has the Laplace transform

for any positive, measurable function .

Restriction to bounded sets

For a point process and a bounded measurable set define the restriction of on as


Mixed binomial processes are stable under restrictions in the sense that if is a mixed binomial process based on and , then is a mixed binomial process based on

and some random variable .

Also if is a Poisson process or a mixed Poisson process, then is a mixed binomial process. [2]


Poisson-type random measures are a family of three random counting measures which are closed under restriction to a subspace, i.e. closed under thinning, that are examples of mixed binomial processes. They are the only distributions in the canonical non-negative power series family of distributions to possess this property and include the Poisson distribution, negative binomial distribution, and binomial distribution. Poisson-type (PT) random measures include the Poisson random measure, negative binomial random measure, and binomial random measure. [3]

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Poisson point process

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A binomial process is a special point process in probability theory.

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Poisson-type random measures are a family of three random counting measures which are closed under restriction to a subspace, i.e. closed under thinning. They are the only distributions in the canonical non-negative power series family of distributions to possess this property and include the Poisson distribution, negative binomial distribution, and binomial distribution. The PT family of distributions is also known as the Katz family of distributions, the Panjer or (a,b,0) class of distributions and may be retrieved through the Conway–Maxwell–Poisson distribution.


  1. Kallenberg, Olav (2017). Random Measures, Theory and Applications. Switzerland: Springer. p. 72. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-41598-7. ISBN   978-3-319-41596-3.
  2. Kallenberg, Olav (2017). Random Measures, Theory and Applications. Switzerland: Springer. p. 77. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-41598-7. ISBN   978-3-319-41596-3.
  3. Caleb Bastian, Gregory Rempala. Throwing stones and collecting bones: Looking for Poisson-like random measures, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 2020. doi:10.1002/mma.6224