Moffatt eddies are sequences of eddies that develop in corners bounded by plane walls (or sometimes between a wall and a free surface) due to an arbitrary disturbance acting at asymptotically large distances from the corner. Although the source of motion is the arbitrary disturbance at large distances, the eddies develop quite independently and thus solution of these eddies emerges from an eigenvalue problem, a self-similar solution of the second kind.
The eddies are named after Keith Moffatt, who discovered these eddies in 1964, [1] although some of the results were already obtained by William Reginald Dean and P. E. Montagnon in 1949. [2] Lord Rayleigh also studied the problem of flow near the corner with homogeneous boundary conditions in 1911. [3] Moffatt eddies inside cones are solved by P. N. Shankar. [4]
Near the corner, the flow can be assumed to be Stokes flow. Describing the two-dimensional planar problem by the cylindrical coordinates with velocity components defined by a stream function such that
the governing equation can be shown to be simply the biharmonic equation . The equation has to be solved with homogeneous boundary conditions (conditions taken for two walls separated by angle )
The Taylor scraping flow is similar to this problem but driven inhomogeneous boundary condition. The solution is obtained by the eigenfunction expansion, [5]
where are constants and the real part of the eigenvalues are always greater than unity. The eigenvalues will be function of the angle , but regardless eigenfunctions can be written down for any ,
For antisymmetrical solution, the eigenfunction is even and hence and the boundary conditions demand . The equations admits no real root when °. These complex eigenvalues indeed correspond to the moffatt eddies. The complex eigenvalue if given by where
Here .
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In quantum mechanics, the Hellmann–Feynman theorem relates the derivative of the total energy with respect to a parameter, to the expectation value of the derivative of the Hamiltonian with respect to that same parameter. According to the theorem, once the spatial distribution of the electrons has been determined by solving the Schrödinger equation, all the forces in the system can be calculated using classical electrostatics.
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In geometry, a strophoid is a curve generated from a given curve C and points A and O as follows: Let L be a variable line passing through O and intersecting C at K. Now let P1 and P2 be the two points on L whose distance from K is the same as the distance from A to K. The locus of such points P1 and P2 is then the strophoid of C with respect to the pole O and fixed point A. Note that AP1 and AP2 are at right angles in this construction.
In mathematics, Watt's curve is a tricircular plane algebraic curve of degree six. It is generated by two circles of radius b with centers distance 2a apart (taken to be at. A line segment of length 2c attaches to a point on each of the circles, and the midpoint of the line segment traces out the Watt curve as the circles rotate partially back and forth or completely around. It arose in connection with James Watt's pioneering work on the steam engine.
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In geometry, various formalisms exist to express a rotation in three dimensions as a mathematical transformation. In physics, this concept is applied to classical mechanics where rotational kinematics is the science of quantitative description of a purely rotational motion. The orientation of an object at a given instant is described with the same tools, as it is defined as an imaginary rotation from a reference placement in space, rather than an actually observed rotation from a previous placement in space.
In the Standard Model, using quantum field theory it is conventional to use the helicity basis to simplify calculations. In this basis, the spin is quantized along the axis in the direction of motion of the particle.
In mathematics, the spectral theory of ordinary differential equations is the part of spectral theory concerned with the determination of the spectrum and eigenfunction expansion associated with a linear ordinary differential equation. In his dissertation Hermann Weyl generalized the classical Sturm–Liouville theory on a finite closed interval to second order differential operators with singularities at the endpoints of the interval, possibly semi-infinite or infinite. Unlike the classical case, the spectrum may no longer consist of just a countable set of eigenvalues, but may also contain a continuous part. In this case the eigenfunction expansion involves an integral over the continuous part with respect to a spectral measure, given by the Titchmarsh–Kodaira formula. The theory was put in its final simplified form for singular differential equations of even degree by Kodaira and others, using von Neumann's spectral theorem. It has had important applications in quantum mechanics, operator theory and harmonic analysis on semisimple Lie groups.
In general relativity, a point mass deflects a light ray with impact parameter by an angle approximately equal to
This article derives the main properties of rotations in 3-dimensional space.
In fluid dynamics, the Oseen equations describe the flow of a viscous and incompressible fluid at small Reynolds numbers, as formulated by Carl Wilhelm Oseen in 1910. Oseen flow is an improved description of these flows, as compared to Stokes flow, with the (partial) inclusion of convective acceleration.
In fluid dynamics, a cnoidal wave is a nonlinear and exact periodic wave solution of the Korteweg–de Vries equation. These solutions are in terms of the Jacobi elliptic function cn, which is why they are coined cnoidal waves. They are used to describe surface gravity waves of fairly long wavelength, as compared to the water depth.
In fluid dynamics, Taylor scraping flow is a type of two-dimensional corner flow occurring when one of the wall is sliding over the other with constant velocity, named after G. I. Taylor.
Schneider flow is an axisymmetric flow induced by a laminar or turbulent jet (with large jet Reynolds number or by a laminar plume, in which the fluid domain is bounded by a wall. The solution is an exact solution of the Navier-Stokes equations, discovered by Wilhelm Schneider in 1981. The solution was discovered also by A. A. Golubinskii and V. V. Sychev in 1979, however, was never applied to flows entrained by jets. The solution is an extension of Taylor's potential flow solution to arbitrary Reynolds number.
The fracture of soft materials involves large deformations and crack blunting before propagation of the crack can occur. Consequently, the stress field close to the crack tip is significantly different from the traditional formulation encountered in the Linear elastic fracture mechanics. Therefore, fracture analysis for these applications requires a special attention. The Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics (LEFM) and K-field are based on the assumption of infinitesimal deformation, and as a result are not suitable to describe the fracture of soft materials. However, LEFM general approach can be applied to understand the basics of fracture on soft materials. The solution for the deformation and crack stress field in soft materials considers large deformation and is derived from the finite strain elastostatics framework and hyperelastic material models.