Momentum compaction

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The momentum compaction or momentum compaction factor is a measure for the momentum dependence of the recirculation path length for an object that is bound in cyclic motion (closed orbit). It is used in the calculation of particle paths in circular particle accelerators (like synchrotrons), and for astronomical objects that are bound by gravitation.

For a perturbed orbit, the momentum compaction factor is defined as the derivative of normalized path length difference to normalized momentum [1] [2]


Furthermore, the momentum compaction is closely connected to the so-called slip-factor [3] with the horizontal dispersion and the gyroradius

wherein is the Lorentz factor.

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  1. Conte, Mario; McKay, William W. (Apr 2008). An Introduction to the Physics of Particle Accelerators (2nd ed.). World Scientific. ISBN   978-981-277-961-8.
  2. Minty, Michiko G.; Zimmermann, Frank (2003). Measurement and Control of Charged Particle Beams. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer-Verlag. p. 159. ISBN   978-3-540-44187-8.
  3. Steinhagen, R. J. (August 2009). Daniel Brandt (ed.). CERN Accelerator School Beam Diagnostics / Tune and chromaticity diagnostics. CERN. p. 343.