Money plant

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Money plant may refer to several species, including:

Epipremnum aureum 31082012.jpg Epipremnum aureum – a tropical vining plant, in the Araceae, found in Northern Australia through Southeast Asia into China, Japan, Bangladesh, India and Pakistan.
HydrocotyleVulgaris.jpg Hydrocotyle vulgaris – a small, creeping, perennial, aquatic herb native to Europe, North Africa and West Asia.
Lunaria annua, without seeds.jpg Lunaria – herbaceous biennials in Brassicaceae, grown for their attractive spring flowering and dried silver seed pod middles, also referred to as "money tree" and "silver dollar plant", because the seedpods resemble a large coin.
A 40 year old jade plant (Crassula ovata).jpg Crassula ovata – a small plant with fleshy leaves in the Crassulaceae, also known as a jade plant or a friendship tree
Pilea peperomioides Chinese money plant.jpg Pilea peperomioides – a small plant in the Urticaceae, with very round, dark green leaves, also known as Chinese Money Plant, Lefse Plant, or Missionary Plant and is from the south of China
Pachira aquatica (inflorescense).jpg Pachira aquatica – a tropical wetland tree of the mallow family Malvaceae, native to Central and South America, known by a variety of common names including Malabar chestnut, French Peanut and provision tree, and is commercially sold under the names money tree and money plant.

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