National Council of Churches of Kenya

Last updated

The National Council of Churches of Kenya (NCCK), (in Swahili, Baraza kuu la makanisa nchini Kenya) is a fellowship of Protestant churches and Christian organisations registered in Kenya. It is currently Chaired by the Africa Brotherhood Church (ABC) Archbishop Dr. Timothy N. Ndambuki. Its motto is "For Wananchi" which means "for citizens" (Wananchi meaning citizens in Swahili): This motto has been exemplified in NCCK's long involvement in public service, advocacy, and social responsibility in Kenya. It is a member of the Fellowship of Christian Councils and Churches in the Great Lakes and Horn of Africa.


The NCCK was nominated for the 2023 Nobel Peace Prize

Governance of the Council

As defined by the NCCK Constitution, [1] the supreme body of NCCK is the General Assembly (GA), which meets once every three years, which has an Executive Committee which meets biannually. This Committee has two sub-committees, namely, the Programme Committee, and the Finance and Administration committee. These committees meet regularly throughout the year, and work closely with the management team. The day-to-day operation of the Council is the responsibility of management team under the leadership of the General Secretary who is also the chief executive officer of the Council. [2]

Officer of the CouncilName
ChairmanRev. Dr Elias Otieno Agola
Vice ChairmanBishop Dr John Okinda
Honorary TreasurerMr. John Thiong'o
General SecretaryRev. Canon Chris Kinyanjui Kamau
Chairman, Finance & Administration CommitteeRichard Kiplagat
Chairman, Program CommitteeBsp. Joseph Ntombura
Deputy General Secretary

Management Team

General SecretaryRev. Canon Chris Kinyanjui Kamau
Deputy General Secretary
Chief of PartyMs. Susie Ibutu
Director, ProgrammesPhyllis Kamau
Head, Human Resource & AdministrationFridah Mbaya
Manager, FinancePeter Mutiso


The Council's headquarters are located at the Jumuia Place, Lenana Road, Nairobi. This facility also serves as the Nairobi region offices. NCCK maintains nine regional offices throughout Kenya as well as five conference or retreat centers namely:

History of NCCK

The Church of the Torch, Kikuyu, where NCCK was founded in 1913 Church of the Torch.JPG
The Church of the Torch, Kikuyu, where NCCK was founded in 1913

Established in 1913, it has been a key player in mobilizing Kenyans in various political, economic, and social issues. As such, NCCK's story is intricately intertwined with Kenya's national historical narrative. [3]


NCCK has 37 member churches and organizations, who seek to facilitate the attainment of a united, just, peaceful and sustainable society. [4] That is; 27 member churches, eleven associate members and six fraternal associate members. These are:

Full Members

Africa Brotherhood Church
African Christian Churches and Schools
African Church of the Holy Spirit
Africa Independent Pentecostal Church of Africa
African Interior Church
African Israel Nineveh Church
Anglican Church of Kenya
Church of Africa Sinai Mission
Coptic Orthodox Church
Episcopal Church of Africa
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Kenya
Friends Church in Kenya
Free Pentecostal Fellowship of Kenya Full Gospel Churches of Kenya
Kenya Assemblies of God
Kenya Evangelical Lutheran Church
Kenya Mennonite Church
Lyahuka Church of East Africa
Maranatha Faith Assemblies
Methodist Church in Kenya
National Independent Church of Africa
Overcoming Faith Centre Church of Kenya
Pentecostal Evangelistic Fellowship of Africa
Presbyterian Church of East Africa
Reformed Church of East Africa
Salvation Army
Scriptural Holiness Mission
Zion Harvest Mission
Deeper Life Bible Church
Church of God Planters international churches

Associate Members

Bible Society of Kenya
Christian Churches Education Association
Christian Health Association of Kenya
Christian Hostels Fellowship Kenya United Independent Churches
Mt Zion Church Kayole Kenya Ecumenical Church Loan Fund
Christian Students Leadership Centre (Ufungamano House) Kenya Students Christian Fellowship
St Paul's University
Public Law Institute Young Women's Christian Association (World YWCA)
Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA)

Fraternal Members

African Evangelistic Enterprise
Daystar University
Fellowship of Christian Unions (FOCUS)
Trans World Radio
Trinity Fellowship
World Vision International


  1. "NCCK Constitution and By-Laws". NCCK. 2020-05-24.
  2. "Who We Are". NCCK.
  3. "History of NCCK". NCCK. 2020-05-20.
  4. "Membership of NCCK". NCCK.