![]() | This article is written like a research paper or scientific journal that may use overly technical terms or may not be written like an encyclopedic article.(November 2016) |
Laser theory of Fabry-Perot (FP) semiconductor lasers proves to be nonlinear, since the gain, [1] [2] the refractive index [3] and the loss coefficient [4] are the functions of energy flux. The nonlinear theory [2] made it possible to explain a number of experiments some of which could not even be explained (for example, natural linewidth), much less modeled, on the basis of other theoretical models; this suggests that the nonlinear theory developed is a new paradigm of the laser theory.
Maxwell's equations describe the field for passive medium and cannot be used in describing the field in laser and quantum amplifier. Phenomenological equations are derived for electromagnetic field in the gain medium, i.e. Maxwell's equations for the gain medium, and Poynting's theorem for these equations. [1] [2] [5] Maxwell's equations in the gain medium are used to obtain equations for energy flux, and to describe nonlinear phase effect. [1] [2] [5]
we have defined η as a specific gain factor; σ is specific conductivity that describes incoherent losses (for example, on free electrons). Other Maxwell's equations are used unchanged.
Poynting theorem follows from (1)-(3):
where S is Poynting vector; V=sz, 0 <z<L, where s is cross section (to axis z) of active laser medium.
Equations for energy flux follow from (4):
where is the energy flux; is sectional area of the active zone of the laser; is confinement factor; is absorption factor in active zone; is absorption factor outside active zone; is losses due to incoherent scattering; is two-photon absorption factor; [2] [4] and ).
Theory of natural linewidth in semiconductor lasers has been developed, it follows that refractive index n in FP lasers [3] [5] and effective refractive index nef in Distributed FeedBack (DFB) lasers [5] [6] are the functions of E:
The formulas for the line shape in FP and in DFB lasers were derived. These formulas for the line shape are similar and have the following form:
where is laser generation frequency;
where have different form for FP and for DFB lasers [2] [6] [7] [8] . [9] Let us write the natural linewidth Δν [2] [8] [9]
where is the bridge function; [2] [8] [9] and are characteristic linewidth and characteristic laser power; k is characteristic parameter of laser nonlinearity; q is non-dimensional inverse power:
The theory of natural linewidth in semiconductor lasers has an independent significance. At the same time, the developed theory is an integral part of the nonlinear theory of lasers, and its concepts and the introduced characteristic parameters are used in all parts of the nonlinear theory.
Using the density matrix equations with relaxation, the following derivations have been made: Einstein’s spectral coefficient in a semiconductor laser and, accordingly, Einstein’s coefficient; [1] [2] [10] formula for the saturation effect in a semiconductor laser was derived; it was shown that the saturation effect in a semiconductor laser is small. [1] [2] Gain in a semiconductor laser has been derived using the density matrix equations with relaxation. [1] [2] It has been found that Fabry-Perot laser gain depends on energy flux, and this determines the ‘basic nonlinear effect’ in a semiconductor laser
where is Einstein coefficient for induced transition between the two energy levels when exposed to a narrow-band wave is written in the following form: [2] [10]
where is effective natural linewidth; is the energy flux; is spectral density of transitions.
Necessary conditions for induced radiation of the 1st and 2nd kind have been defined in. [1] [2] Necessary conditions for induced radiation are determined by the requirement for the gain to be greater than zero. Necessary condition for induced radiation of the 1st kind formulated by Bernard and Duraffourg [2] [11] is that the population of levels located above becomes more than the population of levels located below
The necessary condition of induced radiation of the 2nd kind formulated by Noppe [1] [2] is that:
The necessary condition of induced radiation of the 2nd kind allows formulating the basic restriction of laser capacity, [1] [2] which has been confirmed experimentally:
where is energy flux; is the characteristic parameter of ultimate power. Figure 1 shows the function for two sets of characteristic parameters.
4.1. Maxwell's equations in the gain medium are used to obtain equations for energy flux. [1] [2] [5] Nonlinear phase effect has been described and simulated, [1] [2] using the nonlinearity of refractive index. [3] (see Fig.3).
4.2. Based on the developed theory, experimental output characteristics have been simulated: natural linewidth (see simulation in, [2] [6] ) (see Fig.2), experimental watt - ampere characteristics [1] [2] [11] (see Fig.4) and dependence of experimental output radiation line-length on the current in Fabry-Perot semiconductor injection lasers, [1] [2] (see Fig.3), as well as linewidth in DFB lasers (see simulation in, [7] [8] ). Created theory makes it possible to simulate the majority published experiments on the measurement of the natural linewidth in Fabry-Perot lasers and distributed feedback DFB lasers [2] [6] [7] [8] [9] [12] with help of two methods (using (13) and (15)). Based on the formula derived for the line shape, [2] [6] 12 experiments on measuring the natural linewidth in Fabry-Perot lasers (for example see Fig.2) and 15 experiments in DFB lasers [2] [9] have been simulated. Based on the formula derived for the natural linewidth, [2] [6] [8] 15 experiments on measuring the natural linewidth in Fabry-Perot lasers [2] [6] and 15 experiments in DFB lasers [2] [9] have been simulated. The derived formula for line shape of radiation (of FP lasers [2] [6] [12] and DFB lasers [2] [7] ) is distinguished from Lorentz line formula.
4.3. Based on the developed theory, experimental output characteristics have been simulated: natural linewidth (see simulation in, [5] [7] ), experimental watt - ampere characteristics [10] (see Fig.4), and dependence of experimental output radiation line-length on the current in Fabry-Perot semiconductor injection lasers [13] (see Fig.3), as well as linewidth in DFB lasers (see simulation in, [2] [9] ).
4.4. On the basis of the nonlinear theory, recommendations have been made for the development of lasers with smaller natural linewidth and lasers with higher output power. [1] [2]
Based on the solution of the density matrix equations, Einstein coefficient for induced transition has been derived; it has been shown that the saturation effect is small for semiconductor lasers. [1] [2] The formula of gain depending on the energy flux has been derived; it is the basic nonlinear effect in a laser. It has been stated that the main effect resulting in nonlinearity is the saturation effect. [1] [2] For semiconductor lasers, the saturation effect is negligible. We derived the gain g for a Fabry-Perot semiconductor laser based on the density matrix equations and expressions for the natural linewidth. [1] [2] Thus, the linewidth theory [2] [8] [9] is an integral part of the nonlinear theory. The resulting dependence of g on the energy flux has been called the main nonlinear effect in semiconductor lasers; [1] [2] derivation of this relation formula is presented in. [1] [2] Experimental wavelength shift versus normalized current (J/Jth), and the output power versus current have been simulated for a high-power laser with a quantum well of intrinsic semiconductor. Broadening of the states density due to different effects has been taken into consideration. The nonlinear theory made it possible to explain a number of experiments some of which could not even be explained (for example, natural linewidth), much less modeled, on the basis of other theoretical models; this suggests that the nonlinear theory developed is a new paradigm of the laser theory. Due to the nonlinear theory development, recommendations can be given for creating lasers with smaller natural linewidth, and lasers with higher output power.
In optics, a Fabry–Pérot interferometer (FPI) or etalon is an optical cavity made from two parallel reflecting surfaces. Optical waves can pass through the optical cavity only when they are in resonance with it. It is named after Charles Fabry and Alfred Perot, who developed the instrument in 1899. Etalon is from the French étalon, meaning "measuring gauge" or "standard".
In physics, specifically in quantum mechanics, a coherent state is the specific quantum state of the quantum harmonic oscillator, often described as a state which has dynamics most closely resembling the oscillatory behavior of a classical harmonic oscillator. It was the first example of quantum dynamics when Erwin Schrödinger derived it in 1926, while searching for solutions of the Schrödinger equation that satisfy the correspondence principle. The quantum harmonic oscillator arise in the quantum theory of a wide range of physical systems. For instance, a coherent state describes the oscillating motion of a particle confined in a quadratic potential well. The coherent state describes a state in a system for which the ground-state wavepacket is displaced from the origin of the system. This state can be related to classical solutions by a particle oscillating with an amplitude equivalent to the displacement.
In mathematics, the Hodge star operator or Hodge star is a linear map defined on the exterior algebra of a finite-dimensional oriented vector space endowed with a nondegenerate symmetric bilinear form. Applying the operator to an element of the algebra produces the Hodge dual of the element. This map was introduced by W. V. D. Hodge.
In the physical science of dynamics, rigid-body dynamics studies the movement of systems of interconnected bodies under the action of external forces. The assumption that the bodies are rigid simplifies analysis, by reducing the parameters that describe the configuration of the system to the translation and rotation of reference frames attached to each body. This excludes bodies that display fluid, highly elastic, and plastic behavior.
The Duffing equation, named after Georg Duffing (1861–1944), is a non-linear second-order differential equation used to model certain damped and driven oscillators. The equation is given by
In classical mechanics, anharmonicity is the deviation of a system from being a harmonic oscillator. An oscillator that is not oscillating in harmonic motion is known as an anharmonic oscillator where the system can be approximated to a harmonic oscillator and the anharmonicity can be calculated using perturbation theory. If the anharmonicity is large, then other numerical techniques have to be used. In reality all oscillating systems are anharmonic, but most approximate the harmonic oscillator the smaller the amplitude of the oscillation is.
In applied mathematics, discontinuous Galerkin methods (DG methods) form a class of numerical methods for solving differential equations. They combine features of the finite element and the finite volume framework and have been successfully applied to hyperbolic, elliptic, parabolic and mixed form problems arising from a wide range of applications. DG methods have in particular received considerable interest for problems with a dominant first-order part, e.g. in electrodynamics, fluid mechanics and plasma physics.
When an electromagnetic wave travels through a medium in which it gets attenuated, it undergoes exponential decay as described by the Beer–Lambert law. However, there are many possible ways to characterize the wave and how quickly it is attenuated. This article describes the mathematical relationships among:
The Mattis–Bardeen theory is a theory that describes the electrodynamic properties of superconductivity. It is commonly applied in the research field of optical spectroscopy on superconductors.
An electric dipole transition is the dominant effect of an interaction of an electron in an atom with the electromagnetic field.
Laser linewidth is the spectral linewidth of a laser beam.
Circuit quantum electrodynamics provides a means of studying the fundamental interaction between light and matter. As in the field of cavity quantum electrodynamics, a single photon within a single mode cavity coherently couples to a quantum object (atom). In contrast to cavity QED, the photon is stored in a one-dimensional on-chip resonator and the quantum object is no natural atom but an artificial one. These artificial atoms usually are mesoscopic devices which exhibit an atom-like energy spectrum. The field of circuit QED is a prominent example for quantum information processing and a promising candidate for future quantum computation.
The vibration of plates is a special case of the more general problem of mechanical vibrations. The equations governing the motion of plates are simpler than those for general three-dimensional objects because one of the dimensions of a plate is much smaller than the other two. This suggests that a two-dimensional plate theory will give an excellent approximation to the actual three-dimensional motion of a plate-like object, and indeed that is found to be true.
The Elliott formula describes analytically, or with few adjustable parameters such as the dephasing constant, the light absorption or emission spectra of solids. It was originally derived by Roger James Elliott to describe linear absorption based on properties of a single electron–hole pair. The analysis can be extended to a many-body investigation with full predictive powers when all parameters are computed microscopically using, e.g., the semiconductor Bloch equations or the semiconductor luminescence equations.
The interaction of matter with light, i.e., electromagnetic fields, is able to generate a coherent superposition of excited quantum states in the material. Coherent denotes the fact that the material excitations have a well defined phase relation which originates from the phase of the incident electromagnetic wave. Macroscopically, the superposition state of the material results in an optical polarization, i.e., a rapidly oscillating dipole density. The optical polarization is a genuine non-equilibrium quantity that decays to zero when the excited system relaxes to its equilibrium state after the electromagnetic pulse is switched off. Due to this decay which is called dephasing, coherent effects are observable only for a certain temporal duration after pulsed photoexcitation. Various materials such as atoms, molecules, metals, insulators, semiconductors are studied using coherent optical spectroscopy and such experiments and their theoretical analysis has revealed a wealth of insights on the involved matter states and their dynamical evolution.
Semiconductor lasers or laser diodes play an important part in our everyday lives by providing cheap and compact-size lasers. They consist of complex multi-layer structures requiring nanometer scale accuracy and an elaborate design. Their theoretical description is important not only from a fundamental point of view, but also in order to generate new and improved designs. It is common to all systems that the laser is an inverted carrier density system. The carrier inversion results in an electromagnetic polarization which drives an electric field . In most cases, the electric field is confined in a resonator, the properties of which are also important factors for laser performance.
Optical gain is the most important requirement for the realization of a semiconductor laser because it describes the optical amplification in the semiconductor material. This optical gain is due to stimulated emission associated with light emission created by recombination of electrons and holes. While in other laser materials like in gas lasers or solid state lasers, the processes associated with optical gain are rather simple, in semiconductors this is a complex many-body problem of interacting photons, electrons, and holes. Accordingly, understanding these processes is a major objective as being a basic requirement for device optimization. This task can be solved by development of appropriate theoretical models to describe the semiconductor optical gain and by comparison of the predictions of these models with experimental results found.
Vasiliev equations are formally consistent gauge invariant nonlinear equations whose linearization over a specific vacuum solution describes free massless higher-spin fields on anti-de Sitter space. The Vasiliev equations are classical equations and no Lagrangian is known that starts from canonical two-derivative Frønsdal Lagrangian and is completed by interactions terms. There is a number of variations of Vasiliev equations that work in three, four and arbitrary number of space-time dimensions. Vasiliev's equations admit supersymmetric extensions with any number of super-symmetries and allow for Yang–Mills gaugings. Vasiliev's equations are background independent, the simplest exact solution being anti-de Sitter space. It is important to note that locality is not properly implemented and the equations give a solution of certain formal deformation procedure, which is difficult to map to field theory language. The higher-spin AdS/CFT correspondence is reviewed in Higher-spin theory article.
Cavity optomechanics is a branch of physics which focuses on the interaction between light and mechanical objects on low-energy scales. It is a cross field of optics, quantum optics, solid-state physics and materials science. The motivation for research on cavity optomechanics comes from fundamental effects of quantum theory and gravity, as well as technological applications.
Pokhozhaev's identity is an integral relation satisfied by stationary localized solutions to a nonlinear Schrödinger equation or nonlinear Klein–Gordon equation. It was obtained by S.I. Pokhozhaev and is similar to the virial theorem. This relation is also known as D.H. Derrick's theorem. Similar identities can be derived for other equations of mathematical physics.