Norwegian Sociology Canon

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The Norwegian Sociology Canon (Norwegian : Norsk sosiologisk kanon) is an award presented from 2009 to 2011 to 25 nonfiction texts that are considered to have had the greatest influence on sociology in Norway. [1] [2] [3] The list of works was published in the journal of the Norwegian Sociology Association (Norwegian : Norsk sosiologforening).

The jury that created the list was composed of Willy Pedersen (chair), Andreas Hompland, Cathrine Holst, Ida Hjelde, and Ola Korsnes. The criteria for selection were "professional originality and quality, professional impact, social impact, craftsmanship and methodological soundness, and literary value." [4]


AuthorTitlePublishedExternal link
Eilert Sundt Om giftermål i Norge (Marriage in Norway)1855 Full text
Eilert Sundt Om sædelighets-tilstanden i Norge (Morality in Norway)1857, 1864, 1866 Full text 1
Full text 3
Nils Christie Fangevoktere i konsentrasjonsleire (Prison Guards in Concentration Camps)1952 National Library
Hans Skjervheim Deltakar og tilskodar og andre essays (Participant and Onlooker, and Other Essays)1976 National Library
Vilhelm Aubert Om straffens sosiale funksjon (The Social Function of Punishment)1954 National Library
Gabriel Øidne Litt om motsetninga mellom Austlandet og Vestlandet (On the Distinction Between Eastern and Western Norway), in Syn og Segn 1957
Vilhelm Aubert , Ulf Torgersen, Tore Lindbekk, Sonja Pollan, & Karl Tangen Akademikere i norsk samfunnsstruktur (Academics in Norwegian Social Structure), in Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning 1960
Sverre Lysgaard Arbeiderkollektivet: en studie i de underordnedes sosiologi (The Workers' Collective: A Study in the Sociology of Subordinates)1961 National Library
Harriet Holter Kjønnsroller og sosial struktur (Gender Roles and Social Structure), originally published in the anthology Kvinners liv og arbeid (edited by Dahlström et al.)1962 National Library
Vilhelm Aubert Sosiologi (Sociology)1964 National Library
Ottar Brox Avvisning av storsamfunnet som økonomisk tilpasningsform (Rejection of Mainstream Society as a Form of Economic Adjustment), in Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning 1964
Yngvar Løchen Idealer og realiteter i et psykiatrisk sykehus (Ideals and Realities in a Psychiatric Hospital)1965 National Library
Thomas Mathiesen The Defences of the Weak: A Sociological Study of a Norwegian Correctional Institution1965
Stein Rokkan Numerisk demokrati og korporativ pluralisme: To beslutningskanaler i norsk politikk (Numerical Democracy and Corporate Pluralism: Two Decision Channels in Norwegian Politics)1966 National Library
Dag Østerberg Forståelsesformer. Et filosofisk bidrag (Forms of Understanding: A Philosophical Contribution)1966 National Library
Ole-Jørgen Skog The Collectivity of Drinking Cultures1985
Kari Wærness The Rationality of Caring1984
Harriet Holter (ed.)Patriarchy in a Welfare Society1984 ISBN   82-00-07058-1
Jon Elster Ulysses and the Sirens. Studies in Rationality and Irrationality1979
Cato Wadel Hva er arbeid? (What is Work?), in Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning nos. 5-6 19771977
Natalie Rogoff Ramsøy Sosial mobilitet i Norge: En studie av endring i levekår og sosial status basert på livshistorier til 3400 norske menn (Social Mobility in Norway: A Study of Changes in Living Conditions and Social Status Based on Life Stories of 3,400 Norwegian Men)1977 National Library
Gudmund Hernes Makt og avmakt: En begrepsanalyse (Power and Powerlessness: A Conceptual Analysis)1975 National Library
Stein Bråten Model Monopoly and Communication: Systems Theoretical Notes on Democratization1973
Johan Galtung Imperialismen: en strukturalistisk teori (A Structural Theory of Imperialism)1971
Natalie Rogoff Ramsøy (ed.)Det norske samfunn (Norwegian Society)1968 National Library

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  1. Sosiolognytt 1(11).
  2. Norsk sosiologisk kanon. 2011. Morgenbladet (February 4).
  3. Sosiologisk kanon. Sosiologen.
  4. Pedersen, Eirin. Kanon – en mulighet for bråk og refleksjon. Sosiologen.