Opera Show Format

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Opera Show Format
Filename extension
.xhtml, .html
Internet media type
Developed by Opera Software
Type of format Presentation program
Extended from XHTML 1.0 Strict
Extended to S5 (file format)
Website Creating presentations/slideshows with HTML & CSS

The Opera Show Format (OSF) is a set of conventions used in a web page using XHTML 1.0 Strict and CSS 2.1. [1] [2] It is designed to allow presentations to be easily created with web authoring tools. [3] [4] [5] OSF requires that a number of meta tags be present, including version, generator, author, and presdate (the creation or presentation date). The entire presentation, including all slides and images (in data: URIs) is contained in a single file. The look of all slides is controlled by the layout section, contained in a <div class="layout"> HTML element. The slides themselves are contained in a presentation section contained in a <div class="presentation"> element. Each slide is contained in a <div class="slide"> element.



The Slide Show (S9) Ruby gem creates OSF-compatible presentations using a wiki-style markup language. [6] Other tools include the Windows-based QuickShow, [7] and the Project Velt [8] Opera widget. Opera Software once provided an online OSF generator, which has since gone offline. An older version is available at the personal site of Opera Software's CTO, Håkon Wium Lie. [9]

See also

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  1. Alternatives to PowerPoint, WebAIM
  2. Farwell, Jennifer (September 2006). "PowerPoint Alternatives". PC Today.
  3. Luoma, Timothy J., 30 Days to Becoming an Opera Lover (PDF), pp. 38–39
  4. Luoma, Timothy J., From closed to open..., archived from the original on May 14, 2008
  5. Luoma, Timothy J., How (and why) It Was Done, archived from the original on 2008-05-07
  6. "Slide Show (S9)". Archived from the original on 2017-04-14. Retrieved 2020-04-25.
  7. QuickShow
  8. Project Velt
  9. OperaShow Generator