Opinion polling for the next Czech presidential election

Last updated

This page lists nationwide public opinion polls that have been conducted relating to the next Czech presidential election. Poll results are listed in the tables below in reverse chronological order, showing the most recent first. The highest percentage figure in each polling survey is displayed in bold, and the background shaded in the leading candidate's colour. In the instance that there is a tie, then no figure is shaded. Poll results use the date the survey's fieldwork was done, as opposed to the date of publication; however, if such date is unknown, the date of publication will be given instead.


Opinion polls for the first round


DateAgency Andrej Babiš Petr Pavel Danuše Nerudová Pavel Fischer Miroslav Kalousek Marek Hilšer Jiří Drahoš Miroslava Němcová Miloš Vystrčil Václav Klaus Josef Středula Karel Janeček Vladimír Dlouhý Klára Long Slámová Jaromír Soukup Tomio Okamura Lenka Bradáčová Vít Rakušan Alena Vitásková Jiří Rusnok Michael Kocáb Marek Eben Dana Drábová Tomáš Zima Tomáš Pojar Ivo Mareš
6 - 13 June 2022 STEM/MARK 201699N/A8N/A99N/A4N/AN/AN/AN/A6N/AN/AN/AN/A4N/AN/AN/AN/AN/A
2 - 13 June 2022 Sanep
1 May-4 June 2022 Median 28.519.53.56.5N/A5.0N/A6.0N/A3.
4-22 April 2022 Sanep 25.720.46.59.6N/A5.3N/A3.
1 March–4 April 2022 Median 25205.07.5N/A4.0N/A3.5N/A3.
2–4 March 2022 Median 26165.57N/A5N/A8N/A4.53.553N/A1N/AN/A3.53.53.52N/AN/AN/AN/AN/A
17-22 February 2022 STEM/Mark 1713710N/A991110N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A87N/A4N/AN/A149N/AN/AN/A
17–19 January 2022 Kantar 26155535843N/A223N/AN/A92N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A
2–10 January 2022 Sanep


DateAgency Andrej Babiš Marek Eben Jiří Drahoš Petr Pavel Marek Hilšer Václav Klaus Jr. Pavel Rychetský Miroslava Němcová Pavel Fischer Dana Drábová Lenka Bradáčová Miloš Vystrčil Tomio Okamura Danuše Nerudová Vít Rakušan Václav Klaus Miroslav Kalousek Josef Středula Karel Janeček Vladimír Dlouhý
TBA Ipsos 23.2N/AN/A12.56.6N/AN/A6.86.0N/A4.
30 November 2021 Median 26.5N/A7.515.54.5N/AN/A7.06.5N/AN/AN/AN/A3.
25–30 September 2021 Median 8.0N/A7.013.06.0N/AN/A6.07.0N/AN/AN/AN/A2.0N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A
23 April 2021 STEM/Mark
26 October 2020STEM/Mark [1]
5 May 2020STEM/Mark [2]
14 November 2019STEM/Mark [3] [4]

Opinion polls for the second round

Babiš vs Pavel

DateAgency Andrej Babiš Petr Pavel
6 - 13 June 2022 STEM/MARK 3249
2 - 13 June 2022 Sanep 51.748.3
4-22 April 2022 Sanep 51.248.8
2–10 January 2022 Sanep 51.748.3
TBA Ipsos 46.054.0
7–14 Dec 2021 STEM 32.041.0

Babiš vs Fischer

DateAgency Andrej Babiš Pavel Fischer
TBA Ipsos 50.649.4

Babiš vs Vystrčil

DateAgency Andrej Babiš Miloš Vystrčil
TBA Ipsos 53.646.4

Babiš vs Němcová

DateAgency Andrej Babiš Miroslava Němcová
TBA Ipsos 51.948.1

Babiš vs Nerudová

DateAgency Andrej Babiš Danuše Nerudová
7–14 Dec 2021 STEM 33.041.0

Babiš vs Středula

DateAgency Andrej Babiš Josef Středula
7–14 Dec 2021 STEM 36.021.0

Hypothetical polling

The polls listed below include candidates who decided not to run.

Babiš vs Rakušan

DateAgency Andrej Babiš Vít Rakušan
TBA Ipsos 49.650.4

Babiš vs Kalousek

DateAgency Andrej Babiš Miroslav Kalousek
TBA Ipsos 6040

Other polls

Prediction of who will win in 2023

DateAgency Jiří Dienstbier Andrej Babiš Tomio Okamura Miroslava Němcová Bohuslav Sobotka Václav Klaus Václav Klaus Jr. Pavel Fischer Jiří Drahoš
24 December 2018Betting Agencies [5] N/A10.08.0N/AN/A20.
3 December 2013Czech Radio [6]

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  4. "Babiš by v prezidentské volbě dostal podle průzkumu nejvíce hlasů. Současně má nejvíce odpůrců". Hospodářské noviny (IHNED.cz) (in Czech). 14 November 2019. Retrieved 14 November 2019.
  5. "Favority na budoucího prezidenta jsou Fischer a Klaus mladší". Novinky.cz. Retrieved 24 December 2018.
  6. "Češi vidí rok 2023 většinou růžově". Rozhlas.cz (in Czech). 3 December 2013. Retrieved 15 May 2017.