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In cryptography, PKCS (Public Key Cryptography Standards) are a group of public-key cryptography standards devised and published by RSA Security LLC, starting in the early 1990s. The company published the standards to promote the use of the cryptography techniques for which they had patents, such as the RSA algorithm, the Schnorr signature algorithm and several others. Though not industry standards (because the company retained control over them), some of the standards have begun to move into the "standards track" processes of relevant standards organizations in recent years[ when? ], such as the IETF and the PKIX working group.


PKCS Standards Summary
PKCS #1 2.2RSA Cryptography Standard [1] See RFC 8017. Defines the mathematical properties and format of RSA public and private keys (ASN.1-encoded in clear-text), and the basic algorithms and encoding/padding schemes for performing RSA encryption, decryption, and producing and verifying signatures.
PKCS #2-WithdrawnNo longer active as of 2010. Covered RSA encryption of message digests; subsequently merged into PKCS #1.
PKCS #31.4 Diffie–Hellman Key Agreement Standard [2] A cryptographic protocol that allows two parties that have no prior knowledge of each other to jointly establish a shared secret key over an insecure communications channel.
PKCS #4-WithdrawnNo longer active as of 2010. Covered RSA key syntax; subsequently merged into PKCS #1.
PKCS #52.1Password-based Encryption Standard [3] [4] See RFC 8018 and PBKDF2.
PKCS #61.5Extended-Certificate Syntax Standard [5] Defines extensions to the old v1 X.509 certificate specification. Obsoleted by v3 of the same.
PKCS #7 1.5 Cryptographic Message Syntax Standard [6] See RFC 2315. Used to sign and/or encrypt messages under a PKI. Used also for certificate dissemination (for instance as a response to a PKCS #10 message). Formed the basis for S/MIME, which is as of 2010 based on RFC 5652, an updated Cryptographic Message Syntax Standard (CMS). Often used for single sign-on.
PKCS #8 1.2Private-Key Information Syntax Standard [7] See RFC 5958. Used to carry private certificate keypairs (encrypted or unencrypted).
PKCS #92.0Selected Attribute Types [8] See RFC 2985. Defines selected attribute types for use in PKCS #6 extended certificates, PKCS #7 digitally signed messages, PKCS #8 private-key information, and PKCS #10 certificate-signing requests.
PKCS #10 1.7Certification Request Standard [9] See RFC 2986. Format of messages sent to a certification authority to request certification of a public key. See certificate signing request.
PKCS #11 3.0Cryptographic Token Interface [10] Also known as "Cryptoki". An API defining a generic interface to cryptographic tokens (see also hardware security module). Often used in single sign-on, public-key cryptography and disk encryption [11] systems. RSA Security has turned over further development of the PKCS #11 standard to the OASIS PKCS 11 Technical Committee.
PKCS #12 1.1Personal Information Exchange Syntax Standard [12] See RFC 7292. Defines a file format commonly used to store private keys with accompanying public key certificates, protected with a password-based symmetric key. PFX is a predecessor to PKCS #12.

This container format can contain multiple embedded objects, such as multiple certificates. Usually protected/encrypted with a password. Usable as a format for the Java KeyStore and to establish client authentication certificates in Mozilla Firefox. Usable by Apache Tomcat.

PKCS #13 Elliptic-curve cryptography Standard(Apparently abandoned, only reference is a proposal from 1998.)
PKCS #14 Pseudo-random Number Generation (Apparently abandoned, no documents exist.)
PKCS #151.1Cryptographic Token Information Format Standard [13] Defines a standard allowing users of cryptographic tokens to identify themselves to applications, independent of the application's Cryptoki implementation (PKCS #11) or other API. RSA has relinquished IC-card-related parts of this standard to ISO/IEC 7816-15. [14]

See also

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In cryptography, PKCS #11 is one of the Public-Key Cryptography Standards, and also refers to the programming interface to create and manipulate cryptographic tokens.

Burton S. "Burt" Kaliski, Jr. is a cryptographer, who is currently the chief technology officer (CTO) and senior vice president at Verisign. Before joining Verisign in 2011, he was the founding director of the EMC Innovation Network at EMC Corporation since its 2006 acquisition of RSA Security where he was Chief Scientist for RSA Laboratories. His notable work includes the development of such public key cryptography standards as PKCS and IEEE P1363, the extension of linear cryptanalysis to use multiple approximations, and the design of the block cipher Crab.

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In cryptography, PKCS #12 defines an archive file format for storing many cryptography objects as a single file. It is commonly used to bundle a private key with its X.509 certificate or to bundle all the members of a chain of trust.

In cryptography, PKCS #1 is the first of a family of standards called Public-Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS), published by RSA Laboratories. It provides the basic definitions of and recommendations for implementing the RSA algorithm for public-key cryptography. It defines the mathematical properties of public and private keys, primitive operations for encryption and signatures, secure cryptographic schemes, and related ASN.1 syntax representations.

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In cryptography, PKCS #7 is a standard syntax for storing signed and/or encrypted data. PKCS #7 is one of the family of standards called Public-Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS) created by RSA Laboratories.


  1. "PKCS #1: RSA Cryptography Standard". RSA Laboratories.
  2. "PKCS #3: Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement Standard". RSA Laboratories.
  3. "PKCS #5: Password-Based Cryptography Standard". RSA Laboratories. Archived from the original on April 7, 2015.
  4. "PKCS #5 v2.0: Password-Based Cryptography Standard" (PDF). RSA Laboratories. March 25, 1999. Retrieved May 30, 2024.
  5. "PKCS #6: Extended-Certificate Syntax Standard". RSA Laboratories.
  6. "PKCS #7: Cryptographic Message Syntax Standard". RSA Laboratories.
  7. "PKCS #8: Private-Key Information Syntax Standard". RSA Laboratories.
  8. "PKCS #9: Selected Attribute Types". RSA Laboratories.
  9. "PKCS #10: Certification Request Syntax Standard". RSA Laboratories.
  10. "PKCS #11: Cryptographic Token Interface Standard". RSA Laboratories.
  11. Security Token/Smartcard Support in FreeOTFE
  12. "PKCS #12: Personal Information Exchange Syntax Standard". RSA Laboratories. Archived from the original on April 1, 2014.
  13. "PKCS #15: Cryptographic Token Information Format Standard". RSA Laboratories.
  14. RSA Laboratories: "PKCS #15: Cryptographic Token Information Format Standard".