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Paleomycology is the study of fossil fungi. [1] Paleomycology is considered a subdiscipline of paleobotany, centered on mushrooms, fungal spores, and hyphae preserved in sediment layers and rock. [2] Fungi have been found in the palaeoecological record as far back as the Paleozoic era, with evidence of influencing the evolutionary processes of early flowering plants. [3]



Gilled mushroom (Coprinites dominicana) preserved in amber Coprinites dominicana.png
Gilled mushroom (Coprinites dominicana) preserved in amber

Interest in fossilized fungi dates back to the early nineteenth century, with the first illustrated collection-- focused on matching fossils to modern fungi-- curated by Luigi Meschinelli in 1898. [3] Historically, however, paleoecologists tend to place a larger focus on plant and animal macrofossils, partially due to the difficulty and unfamiliarity in identifying fungi physiology and morphology. [3]

Early Discovery

Callixylon whiteanum Callixylon whiteanum.jpg
Callixylon whiteanum

A majority of fossilized fungi remains-- such as spores and scleotia [3] -- are discovered in amber [4] . Two particular discoveries of fossil fungi, one in the Baltic sea dated to the Eocene and another in the Dominican Republic dated to the Miocene, are is important for comparison across timescales and for the development of the evolutionary record. A sample of amber from the Baltic site preserved a hexapod and the fungi Aspergillus collembolorum, which suggests the presence of parasitic relationships as early as 34 million years ago. [4] Fossil fungi presents indirect evidence of when symbiotic relationships coevolved, such as saprophytism or commensalism among mycorrhizae or lichen. The presence of wood-rotting fungi in Callixylon whiteanum, one of the oldest identified trees, suggests that saprophytic interactions between plants and fungi evolved when wood first began to develop. [2]

Ecological Importance

Evolutionary relationships

Fungi require a carbon source for growth and development, which is provided by the decomposition of organic plant and animal matter. Mycorrhizal relationships between plant and fungi are mutualistic: the fungus gains a carbon source, while the plant receives nutrient minerals. Discovery of fungi in the Early Devonian Rhynie chert, when plants were root and leafless, suggests that fungi played a large role in the evolution of plant life into terrestrial ecosystems. [3]

Fungal endophytes and epiphytes, similarly to mycorrhizae, establish a symbiotic relationship with plant hosts through which they obtain their necessary nutrients-- however, the lack of fossil endophytes on plant leaves prior to the Cretaceous period suggests that leaves as a fungal habitat were exploited by fungi after flowering plants evolved about 130 million years ago. [3] The use of fungal epi- and endophytes in the fossil record can be used to determine the evolutionary modifications required to colonize certain ecosystems, as well as to identify the environmental tolerances of fungi, their potential as palaeoclimatological proxies (for instance, the presence of Sporomiella being used to reconstruct megaherbivore extinction), and future use in identifying extinct morphologies. [3] Evidence of bioeroder fungi has been identified in carbonate substrates (such as in shells) in which organic carbon-containing matter was extracted, indicating the presence of a mutualistic or parasitic relationship between a fungi and host. [3]

Fungal hyphae Fungal hyphae and mycelium.jpg
Fungal hyphae

Fungi have not only been identified as bioeroders, but also as part of a food chain. The presence of fungal hyphae and spores in coprolites suggests that arthropods depended on fungi as a food course. [3]

Interdisciplinary uses

Fossilized fungal organisms are not only important for examining interrelationships between fungi, plants, and animals, but also important to geological evolutionary history. The weathering of rocks and nutrient cycling in mineral media show the impact and spread of microbial fungi in geological processes. [3]

See also

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Fungus</span> Biological kingdom, separate from plants and animals

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Hartig net</span> Network of inward-growing hyphae

The Hartig net is the network of inward-growing hyphae, that extends into the plant host root, penetrating between plant cells in the root epidermis and cortex in ectomycorrhizal symbiosis. This network is the internal component of fungal morphology in ectomycorrhizal symbiotic structures formed with host plant roots, in addition to a hyphal mantle or sheath on the root surface, and extramatrical mycelium extending from the mantle into the surrounding soil. The Hartig net is the site of mutualistic resource exchange between the fungus and the host plant. Essential nutrients for plant growth are acquired from the soil by exploration and foraging of the extramatrical mycelium, then transported through the hyphal network across the mantle and into the Hartig net, where they are released by the fungi into the root apoplastic space for uptake by the plant. The hyphae in the Hartig net acquire sugars from the plant root, which are transported to the external mycelium to provide a carbon source to sustain fungal growth.

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The mycorrhizosphere is the region around a mycorrhizal fungus in which nutrients released from the fungus increase the microbial population and its activities. The roots of most terrestrial plants, including most crop plants and almost all woody plants, are colonized by mycorrhiza-forming symbiotic fungi. In this relationship, the plant roots are infected by a fungus, but the rest of the fungal mycelium continues to grow through the soil, digesting and absorbing nutrients and water and sharing these with its plant host. The fungus in turn benefits by receiving photosynthetic sugars from its host. The mycorrhizosphere consists of roots, hyphae of the directly connected mycorrhizal fungi, associated microorganisms, and the soil in their direct influence.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Ectomycorrhiza</span> Non-penetrative symbiotic association between a fungus and the roots of a vascular plant

An ectomycorrhiza is a form of symbiotic relationship that occurs between a fungal symbiont, or mycobiont, and the roots of various plant species. The mycobiont is often from the phyla Basidiomycota and Ascomycota, and more rarely from the Zygomycota. Ectomycorrhizas form on the roots of around 2% of plant species, usually woody plants, including species from the birch, dipterocarp, myrtle, beech, willow, pine and rose families. Research on ectomycorrhizas is increasingly important in areas such as ecosystem management and restoration, forestry and agriculture.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Root microbiome</span> Microbe community of plant roots

The root microbiome is the dynamic community of microorganisms associated with plant roots. Because they are rich in a variety of carbon compounds, plant roots provide unique environments for a diverse assemblage of soil microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi, and archaea. The microbial communities inside the root and in the rhizosphere are distinct from each other, and from the microbial communities of bulk soil, although there is some overlap in species composition.

Dark septate endophytes (DSE) are a group of endophytic fungi characterized by their morphology of melanized, septate, hyphae. This group is likely paraphyletic, and contain conidial as well as sterile fungi that colonize roots intracellularly or intercellularly. Very little is known about the number of fungal taxa within this group, but all are in the Ascomycota. They are found in over 600 plant species and across 114 families of angiosperms and gymnosperms and co-occur with other types of mycorrhizal fungi. They have a wide global distribution and can be more abundant in stressed environments. Much of their taxonomy, physiology, and ecology are unknown.

Fungal-bacterial endosymbiosis encompasses the mutualistic relationship between a fungus and intracellular bacteria species residing within the fungus. Many examples of endosymbiotic relationships between bacteria and plants, algae and insects exist and have been well characterized, however fungal-bacteria endosymbiosis has been less well described.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Mycobiome</span> The fungal community in and on an organism

The mycobiome, mycobiota, or fungal microbiome, is the fungal community in and on an organism.

Orchid mycorrhizae are endomycorrhizal fungi which develop symbiotic relationships with the roots and seeds of plants of the family Orchidaceae. Nearly all orchids are myco-heterotrophic at some point in their life cycle. Orchid mycorrhizae are critically important during orchid germination, as an orchid seed has virtually no energy reserve and obtains its carbon from the fungal symbiont.


  1. Brown OLM (2004). "Fossil fungi or paleomycology". Interciencia (in Spanish). 29 (2): 94–98.
  2. 1 2 Taylor, Thomas N.; Taylor, Edith L.; Krings, Michael (2009). Paleobotany: The Biology and Evolution of Fossil Plants, Second Edition. Boston: Academic Press. p. 98. Retrieved 2010-01-15.
  3. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Taylor, Thomas N.; Krings, Michael (1 January 2010). "Paleomycology: The Rediscovery of the Obvious". Palaios. 25 (5). Retrieved 14 February 2024.
  4. 1 2 Layton, Christine. "Paleomycology: Discovering the fungal contemporaries of dinosaurs". Cornell Mushroom Blog. Cornell University. Retrieved 27 July 2020.