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A parallelogon is constructed by two or three pairs of parallel line segments. The vertices and edges on the interior of the hexagon are suppressed. Parallelogons as 2 or 3 vectors.png
A parallelogon is constructed by two or three pairs of parallel line segments. The vertices and edges on the interior of the hexagon are suppressed.
There are five Bravais lattices in two dimensions, related to the parallelogon tessellations by their five symmetry variations. 2d-bravais.svg
There are five Bravais lattices in two dimensions, related to the parallelogon tessellations by their five symmetry variations.

In geometry, a parallelogon is a polygon with parallel opposite sides (hence the name) that can tile a plane by translation (rotation is not permitted). [1] [2]


Parallelogons have an even number of sides and opposite sides that are equal in length. A less obvious corollary is that parallelogons can only have either four or six sides; [1] Parallelogons have 180-degree rotational symmetry around the center.

A four-sided parallelogon is called a parallelogram.

The faces of a parallelohedron (the three dimensional analogue) are called parallelogons. [2]

Two polygonal types

Quadrilateral and hexagonal parallelogons each have varied geometric symmetric forms. They all have central inversion symmetry, order 2. Every convex parallelogon is a zonogon, but hexagonal parallelogons enable the possibility of nonconvex polygons.

4 Parallelogon parallelogram.png Parallelogram Z2, order 2
Parallelogon rectangle.png Parallelogon rhombus.png Rectangle & rhombus Dih2, order 4
Parallelogon square.png Square Dih4, order 8
6 Hexagonal parallelogon.png Parallelogon general hexagon.png Concave hexagonal parallelogon.png Concave hexagonal parallelogon2.png Elongated
Z2, order 2
Elongated hexagonal parallelogon.png Vertex elongated hexagonal parallelogon.png Bow-tie hexagon.png Bow-tie hexagon2.png Elongated
Dih2, order 4
Regular hexagonal parallelogon.png Regular
Dih6, order 12

Geometric variations

A parallelogram can tile the plane as a distorted square tiling while a hexagonal parallelogon can tile the plane as a distorted regular hexagonal tiling.

Parallelogram tilings
1 length2 lengths
Lattice of squares.svg
p4m (*442)
Lattice of rhombuses.svg
cmm (2*22)
Lattice of rectangles.svg
pmm (*2222)
Lattice of rhomboids.svg
p2 (2222)
Hexagonal parallelogon tilings
1 length2 lengths3 lengths
Isohedral tiling p6-13.png Isohedral tiling p6-12.png Isohedral tiling p4-22-concave.png Isohedral tiling p6-7.png Isohedral tiling p4-22-concave2.png
Regular hexagon
p6m (*632)
Elongated rhombus
cmm (2*22)
Elongated parallelogram
p2 (2222)

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  1. 1 2 Aleksandr Danilovich Alexandrov (2005) [1950]. Convex Polyhedra. Translated by N.S. Dairbekov; S.S. Kutateladze; A.B. Sosinsky. Springer. p.  351. ISBN   3-540-23158-7. ISSN   1439-7382.
  2. 1 2 Grünbaum, Branko (2010-12-01). "The Bilinski Dodecahedron and Assorted Parallelohedra, Zonohedra, Monohedra, Isozonohedra, and Otherhedra". The Mathematical Intelligencer. 32 (4): 5–15. doi:10.1007/s00283-010-9138-7. hdl: 1773/15593 . ISSN   1866-7414. S2CID   120403108. PDF