Pasteurella bettyae

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Pasteurella bettyae
Scientific classification Red Pencil Icon.png
Domain: Bacteria
Phylum: Pseudomonadota
Class: Gammaproteobacteria
Order: Pasteurellales
Family: Pasteurellaceae
Genus: Pasteurella
P. bettyae
Binomial name
Pasteurella bettyae
Sneath and Stevens 1990

Pasteurella bettyae is a bacterium associated with human Bartholin gland abscess and finger infections. [1]


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  1. Sneath, P. H. A.; Stevens, M. (1990). "Actinobacillus rossii sp. nov., Actinobacillus seminis sp. nov., nom. rev., Pasteurella bettii sp. nov., Pasteurella lymphangitidis sp. nov., Pasteurella mairi sp. nov., and Pasteurella trehalosi sp. nov". International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology. 40 (2): 148–153. doi: 10.1099/00207713-40-2-148 . ISSN   0020-7713. PMID   2223608.

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