Firekeeper was chosen by Publishers Weekly as one of the Best Books Published in 1994, was one of five finalists for the Lenore Marshall Poetry Prize (given by the Academy of American Poets) in 1994, and received the Natalie Ornish Poetry Award from the Texas Institute of Letters. Song of the World Becoming (Milkweed Editions, 2001) contains all of Rogers' poems previously published in her books through 2001, 40 new poems, and line and title indexes. It was a finalist for the Los Angeles Times Book Award and was named an Editor's Choice, Top of the List by Booklist.
Ms. Rogers is the mother of renowned materials scientist Professor John A. Rogers, currently at Northwestern University.[3]
Her poems were selected for publication in Best Spiritual Writing for 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, and 2010 editions. Her poetry appeared in The Best American Poetry of 1996 selected by Adrienne Rich, and The Best American Poetry of 2009, selected by David Wagoner. She received five Pushcart Prizes Best of the Small Presses 1984, 1985, 1989, 1992 and 1999 editions. Two Prairie Schooner Strousse Awards were won in 1993 and 1996. The Theodore Roethke Prize from Poetry Northwest was awarded in 1981.[7] Poetry awarded her poems the Tietjens Prize in 1981, the Hokin Prize in 1982, and the Bock Prize in 1998.
She was the 1987 poet in residence at The Frost Place in Franconia, NH. She was a judge for the National Poetry Series in 1999 and 2004, and co-poetry editor with Carl Phillips for the 2003 Pushcart Prize XXVII, Best of the Small Presses. She was in residency at the Rockefeller's International Conference and Study Center in Bellagio, Italy, May, 2000.
Rogers worked with sculptor Steve Wood of Public Art Associates to create this bench along the American Discovery Trail in Green Mountain Falls, Colorado, at the base of Pikes Peak. It is a 4' x 15' concrete, stone and ceramic tile bench meant to withstand the elements for many years. The poems by Pattiann Rogers are on the tile pieces interspersed around the bench meant to be read at various angles of an oncoming potential reader. Here is a nice description of the bench with pictures by Lauren Carroll. More about the trails and projects around the Pikes Peak area. Exact location of the bench.
Finding Poems Under the Open Sky, presents photographs and text on five different poetry trails installed in five different locations in the U.S.. One of the five sections (text by Pattiann Rogers) describes the goals and installations of the Milwaukee County Zoo signs and photographs. The four other sections contain descriptions and goals written by those who installed each trail. World Literature Today, January–February, 2013, Volume 87, Number 1, Editor Daniel Simon, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma.[11]
Sowell Collection
The Sowell Collection at Texas Tech University acquired the unique papers of Pattiann Rogers and have made them available for public viewing.
Brachman, Jo, "Cosmology's Celebration: An Interview with Pattiann Rogers", Terminus Magazine, Issue 13, 2016, published by School of Literature, Media and Communication and Georgia Tech's Ivan Allen Colleges
Doyle, Brian, Poems that Possess Me like New Music in the Blood: An Interview with Pattiann Rogers, Image, a Journal of the Arts and Religion, Center for Religious Humanism, Seattle Pacific University, Seattle WA. - This interview also appears in its entirety in The Grand Array. Trinity University Press, San Antonio, TX. 2010. by Pattiann Rogers)
Elliott, David, 'Praise is a Generative Act,' A Conversation with Pattiann Rogers, Tampa Review, Spring, 1999
Seyburn, Patty, "Interview with Pattiann Rogers," Gulf Coast, U. of Houston, Houston, TX, Spring, 1997
Walker, Casey, "Pattiann Rogers, an Interview and Poetry," Wild Duck Review, April, 1997
Whitehouse, Shelia, "An Interview with Pattiann Rogers," South Carolina Review, Fall, 1992
Seale, Jan Epton, “Interview with Pattiann Rogers,” Concho River Review, Spring, 1991
Bryan, Sharon, "Interview: Pattiann Rogers," River City Review, Spring, 1990
McCann, Richard, "An Interview with Richard McCann", Iowa Review Volume 17, no 2, Spring/Summer 1987 - This interview also appears in its entirety in The Grand Array. Trinity University Press, San Antonio, TX. 2010. by Pattiann Rogers)
Review of Firekeeper, Selected Poems, Revised and Expanded Edition, published 2005 Brachman, Jo, All There Is----Pattiann Rogers' Firekeeper: New and Selected Poems, Terminus Magazine, Issue 13, 2016, published by School of Literature, Media and Communication and Georgia Tech's Ivan Allen College
Tracy, D.H, Poetry, May, 2006
Review of Generations, published 2003
Marek, Jayne E., "Three Ways to Touch the World", Notre Dame Review, 2004
Reviews of Song of the World Becoming, New and Collected Poems, 1981 - 2001, published 2001 (partial)
Buttel, Robert, "Naming the Soul", American Book Review, May–June, 2002
Merrill, Christopher, "Voyages into the Immediate: Recent Nature Writings," New England Review/Breadloaf Quarterly, Volume X, No. 3, Spring, 1988
Allen, Dick, "Poetry I, Charles Tomlinson, Pattiann Rogers, Geoffrey Hill and others," The Hudson Review, Volume XL, No. 3, Autumn, 1987
Gwynn, R.S., "Second Gear: Review of Leon Stokesbury, Edward Hirsch, Pattiann Rogers and Timothy Steele," The New *England Review/Breadloaf Quarterly, Volume IX, No. 1, Autumn, 1986
Reviews of The Expectations of Light, published 1981
Hoagland, Tony, "The Expectations of Light, by Pattiann Rogers," Telescope, Volume 3, No. 1, Winter, 1983
Hopes, David, "Reviews and so Forth," The Hiram Poetry Review, Issue No. 32, Spring-Summer, 1983
Martz, Louis L., "Ammons, Warren, and the Tribe of Walt," The Yale Review, Autumn, 1982
Stitt, Peter, "The Objective Mode in Contemporary Lyric Poetry," The Georgia Review, Volume 36, No. 2, Summer, 1982
Brown, Laurie, The Library Journal, January, 1982
Anthologies containing Rogers' poems
Fire and Rain: Ecopoetry of California, Foreword by Dana Gioia, edited by Lucille Lang Day and Ruth Nolan, Scarlet Tanager Books, Oakland, California, 2018
The Practicing Poet, Writing Beyond the Basics, edited by Diane Lockward, Terrapin Books, 2018
The Golden Shovel Anthology, New Poems Honoring Gwendolyn Brooks, edited by Peter Khan, Ravi Shankar, and Patricia Smith, The University of Arkansas Press, Fayetteville, AR, 2017
If Bees are Few, A Hive of Bee Poems, edited by James P. Lenfestey, Editor, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, MN, 2016
Children & Nature, edited by George K. Russell, The Myrin Institute, Great Barrington, MA, 2014
Animals and People, A Selection of Essays from Orion Magazine, copyright The Orion Society, 2013 (Animals and People, a poem by Pattiann Rogers)
Literature and the Environment, A Reader on Nature and Culture, edited by Lorraine Anderson, Scott Slvic and Jon P. O'Grady, published by Pearson, 2013
Yonder Mountain, An Ozarks Anthology, edited by Anthony Priest, The University of Arkansas Press, Fayetteville, AR, 2013
The Ecopoetry Anthology, edited by Ann Fisher-Wirth and Laura-Gray Street, Trinity University Press, San Antonio, TX, 2013
The Language of Conservation, Poetry in Library and Zoo Collaborations, edited by Jane Prestin, Poets House, New York City, 2013
Green Mountains Review, 25th Anniversary Poetry Retrospective, Poetry Editor, Elizabeth Powell, Johnson State College, Johnson Vermont, 2012
Poetry East, Great Poems, With Commentaries by Contemporary Poets, edited by Richard Jones, affiliated with DePaul University, 2012
Collecting Life: Poets on Objects Known and Imagined, edited by Madelyn Garner and Andrea L. Watson, 3: A Taos Press, 2011
Floating Bridge Review, Number Four, Edited by Kathleen Flenniken, Gerry McFarland, Devon Musgrave, Joel Panchot, John Pierce, and Ron Starr, Floating Bridge Press, Seattle, WA, 2011
Mountain Record, The Zen Practitioner's Journal, Dharma Communications, Mt. Tremper, NY, 2011
Poetry International, Editor in Chief, Ilya Kaminsky, San Diego State University Press, 2011
Decomposition, An anthology of Fungi Inspired Poems, edited by Renee Roehl and Kelly Chadwick, Lost Horse Press, Sandpoint, Idaho, 2010
Low Down and Coming On, A Feast of Delicious Poems about Pigs, edited by James P. Lenfestey, Red Dragon Fly Press, Northfield & Red Wing, Minnesota, 2010
New Poets of the American West, An Anthology of Poets from Eleven Western States, edited by Lowell Jaeger, Many Voices Press, Flathead Valley Community College, 2010
When She Named Fire, An Anthology of Contemporary Poetry by American Women, edited by Andrea Hollander Budy, Autumn House Press, Pittsburgh, 2009
Women's Work, Modern Women Poets Writing in English, Edited by Eva Salzman and Amy Wack, Seren: the book imprint of Poetry, Wales Press Ltd., Bridgend, Wales, 2009
Descant, Fifty Years, edited by Dave Kuhne, Daniel E. Williams, Charlotte Hogg, and Charlotte Willis, published by Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, TX, 2008
Satellite Convulsions, Poems from Tin House, Published by Tin House Books, Portland Oregon and NY, NY 2008
Strange Attractions, Poems of Love and Mathematics, edited by Sarah Glaz and JoAnne Growney, A.K. Peters Ltd., Wellesley, Massachusetts, 2008
Earth Shattering, Ecopoems, edited by Neil Astley, BloodAxe Books, 2007
EarthLight, Spiritual Wisdom for an Ecological Age, edited by Cindy Spring and Anthony Manousos, with Eric Sabelman and Sandy Farley, published by Friends Bulletin, 2007
Say This of Horses, edited by C.E. Greer and Jenny Kander, University of Iowa Press, 2007
The McSweeney's Book of Poets Picking Poets, edited by Dominic Luxford, McSweeney's Books, San Francisco, CA, 2007
Home Ground, A Guide to the American Landscape, edited by Barry Lopez & Debra Gwartney, Trinity University Press, San Antonio, Tx, 2006
The Pushcart Book of Poetry: The Best Poems From Thirty Years of The Pushcart Prize, edited by Joan Murry with the Pushcart Prize poetry editors, The Pushcart Press, Wainscott, NY, 2006
Twenty Poems to Nourish Your Soul, Selected by Judith Valente and Charles Reynard, Loyola Press, 2006
180 More, Extraordinary Poems for Every Day, selected by Billy Collins, Random House Trade Paperbacks, 2005
Imagine a World: Poetry for Peacemakers, edited by Peggy Rosenthal, Pax Christi, USA, Erie Pennsylvania, 2005
Lasting, Poems on Aging, edited by Meg Files, Published by Pima Press, 2005
Visiting Frost, Poems Inspired by the Life and Work of Robert Frost, edited by Sheila Coghill & Thom Tammaro, University of Iowa Press, 2005
Birds in the Hand, edited by Dylan Nelson and Kent Nelson, Northpoint Press, 2004
Falling From Grace in Texas, A Literary Response to the Demise of Paradise, edited by Rick Bass and Paul Christensen, Wings Press, San Antonio, TX, 2004
O Taste and See, food poems, edited by David Lee Garrison & Terry Hermsen, Harmony Series, Bottom Dog Press, Huron, OH, 2004
Poetric Animals and Animal Souls, by Randy Malamud, published by Palgrave Macmillan, NY, NY, 2003
Sea of Voices, Isle of Story, A WIWA Anthology of the Best Contemporary Poetry, edited by Celeste Mergens & Marian Blue, Triple Tree Publishing, Eugene, OR, 2003
Strongly Spent, Shenandoah, 50 Years of Poetry, edited by R.T. Smith, The Washington and Lee University Press, Lexington, Virginia, 2003
Working the Dirt, An Anthology of Southern Poets, edited by Jennifer Horne, NewSouth Books, Montgomery, AL, 2003
A Chorus for Peace, A Global Anthology of Poetry by Women, edited by Marilyn Arnold, Bonnie Ballif-Spanville, Kristen Tracy, University of Iowa Press, Iowa City, IA, 2002
Best Spiritual Writing 2002, edited by Philip Zaleski, Harper San Francisco, 2002
Ecopoetry, A Critical Introduction, edited by John Elder, The University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City, UT, 2002
March Hares, The Best Poems from Fine Madness, 1982 – 2002, Fine Madness, Seattle, WA, 2002
The Poetry Anthology, 1912 - 2002, Ninety Years of America's Most Distinguished Verse Magazine, edited by Joseph Parisi and Stephen Young, published by Ivan R. Dee Chicago, IL. 2002
Best of Prairie Schooner, Fiction and Poetry, Edited by Hilda Raz, University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln and London, 2001
Best Spiritual Writing 2001, edited by Philip Zaleski, Harper San Francisco, 2001
Poets of the New Century, edited by Roger Weingarten and Richard M. Higgerson, David R. Godine, Publisher, Inc, Boston, Mass. 2001
The Breath of Parted Lips, Voices from the Robert Frost Place, Cavan Kerry Press, Fort Lee, NJ, 2001
The Measured Word, On Science and Poetry, edited by Kurt Brown, Milkweed Editions, 2001
The Beloit Poetry Journal Foundation, Inc., Lamoine, Maine, 2000
American Nature Writing 2000, selected by John Murray, Oregon State University Press, Corvallis, OR, 2000
Buck and Wing, Southern Poetry at 2000, ed. R.T. Smith, Shenandoah, Washington and Lee University Press, Spring, 2000, Lexington, VA, Vol. 50 Number 1, 2000
Metre, A Magazine of International Poetry, edited by Justin Quinn and David Wheatley, in association with Lilliput Press, 2000
Poetry Comes Up Where It Can, Poems from The Amicus Journal, 1990 – 2000, The University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City, UT, edited by Brian Swan, 2000
The Paris Review, No. 157 Winter 2000, A Compendium of Fiction, Poetry, Interviews, Essays, Art and More by the editors of the Paris Review, Picador, NY 2000
And What Rough Beast, Poems at the End of the Century, edited by Robert McGovern and Stephen Haven, The Ashland Poetry Press, Ashland University, Ashland, Ohio, 1999
Best Spiritual Writing, 1999, Ed. Philip Zaleski, Harper San Francisco, 1999
Wild Stars, Poetry from Art of the Wild, edited by Jill Wright, Starry Puddle Publishing, Los Angeles, CA, 1999
Best Texas Writing, edited by Joe Ahearn and Brian Clements, Rancho Loco Press, Dallas, TX, 1998
Intimate Nature, The Bond Between Women and Animals, edited by Linda Hogan, Deena Metzger, and Brenda Peterson, The Ballentine Publishing Group, 1998
Pillow, Ed. Lily Pond, Celestial Arts, Berkeley, CA, 1998
Pushcart Prize XXIII, Best of the Small Presses, Fall, 1998
The Book of Love, edited by Diane Ackerman and Jeanne Macklin, W.W. Norton Company, 1998
Verse and Universe, edited by Kurt Brown, Milkweed Editions, 1998
Wild Song, Poems of the Natural World, Ed. John Daniel, Athens, Georgia: The University of Georgia Press, 1998
Poetry, 85th Anniversary Issue, Ed. Joseph Parisi, Chicago: Modern Poetry Association, October/November, 1997
The Portable Western Reader, edited by William Kittredge, Penguin Books, 1997
Chicago Review, Fifty Years: A Retrospective Issue, edited by David Nicholls, Volume 42, Numbers 3 & 4, University of Chicago, 1996
Claiming the Spirit Within, edited by Marilyn Sewell, Beacon Press, 1996
Hard Choices, An Iowa Review Reader, edited by David Hamilton, University of Iowa Press, 1996
The Best American Poetry 1996, selected by Adrienne Rich, edited by David Lehman, Scribner, 1996
From the Island's Edge: A Sitka Reader, edited by Carolyn Servid, Graywolf Press, 1995
High Fantastic, Colorado's Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, Science Fiction, edited by Steve Rasnic Tem, Ocean View Books, Denver, CO, 1995
Poems for the Wild Earth, Blackberry Books, 1995
The Writing Path 1, Poetry and Prose from Writers' Conferences, Edited by Michael Pettit, University of Iowa Press, Iowa City, Iowa, 1995
What Will Suffice, Contemporary American Poets on the Art of Poetry, Edited by Christopher Buckley and Christopher Merrill, Gibbs Smith, Publisher, 1995
Articulations, edited by Jon Mukand, University of Iowa Press, 1994
Texas in Poetry, A 150 Year Anthology, edited by Billy Bob Hill, Center for Texas Studies, University of North Texas, 1994
The Wesleyan Tradition: Four Decades of American Poetry, edited by Michael Collier, Wesleyan University Press, 1994
Women on Hunting, edited by Pam Houston, The Ecco Press, 1994
Poetry, A HarperCollins Pocket Anthology, edited by R.S Gwynn, HarperCollins College Publishers, 1993
The Paris Review, No. 128 Fall 1993, A Compendium of Fiction, Poetry, Interviews, Essays, Art and More by the editors of the Paris Review, Picador, NY 1993
The Sophisticated Cat, edited by Joyce Carol Oates, Dutton Press, 1993
Pushcart Prize 17, Best of the Small Presses, edited by Bill Henderson, Avon Books, Wainscott, NY, 1992
Heart of the Flower, Poems for the Sensuous Gardener, edited by Sondra Zeidenstein, Chicory Blue Press, 1991
New American Poets of the 90's, edited by Jack Myers and Roger Weingarten, David R. Godine, Publisher, 1991
Sisters of the Earth, edited by Lorraine Anderson, Vintage Books, A Division of Random House, 1991
The Forgotten Language, Contemporary Poets and Nature, edited by Christopher Merrill, Peregrine Smith Books, Salt Lake City, UT, 1991
Looking for Home, Women Writing About Exile, edited by Deborah Keenan and Roseann Lloyd,Milkweed Editions, 1990
Vital Signs, Contemporary American Poetry from the University Presses, edited by Ronald Wallace, University of Wisconsin Press, 1990
Pushcart Prize 14, Best of the Small Presses, edited by Bill Henderson, Avon Books, Wainscott, NY, 1989
Keener Sounds, Selected Poems from The Georgia Review, edited by Stanley W. Lindberg and Stephen Corey, The University of Georgia Press, 1987
Poetry, The 75th Anniversary Issue, edited by Joseph Parisi, The Modern Poetry Association, Chicago, IL, 1987
Pushcart Prize X, Best of the Small Presses, Avon Books, 1985–86
The Made Thing: An Anthology of Contemporary Southern Poetry, edited by Leon Stokesbury, University of Arkansas Press, 1986
New American Poets of the 80s, edited by Jack Myers and Roger Weingarten, A. Wampeter Press/Poetry International Book, Green Harbor, MA, 1984
Pushcart Prize IX, Best of the Small Presses, edited by Bill Henderson, Avon Books, Wainscott, NY, 1984
The Morrow Anthology of Younger American Poets, edited by Dave Smith and David Bottoms, William P. Morrow Publishing Co., New York, NY, 1984
Christmas in Texas, An original Celebration of the Holiday Season in Words and Sketches, edited by V.T. Abercrombie and Helen Williams, Brown Rabbit Press, Houston, TX, 1979
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