
Last updated
Ping pongo oslo.jpeg
Pingpongo match in Oslo
Highest governing body Pingpongo Board (PPOB)
NicknamesPing pong with Obstacles
First playedDecember 2, 2010
ContactDepends on the variation played
Team membersSingles, Doubles, teams
Mixed-sex Unisex
Typeindoor and outdoor
EquipmentTable, paddles, balls and obstacles
Country or regionWorldwide
Olympic No

Ping pong with obstacles, or Pingpongo, is a sport that consists of a variation of ping pong or traditional table tennis, by adding material and/or mental obstacles. It was created in Argentina in 2010 but is also officially played since 2013 in Norway and Uruguay.


In addition to the official venues where tournaments are regularly held, some special one-time official tournaments have been held in Guatemala, Brazil, France, Community of Madrid, Basque Country and Wales, this last as part of the World Alternative Games 2014. [1]

General characteristics

The game

According to its rules, [2] pingpongo encourages creativity and the personalization of the sport by its players. Thus, there are no fixed rules, but a general framework is set by the official rules themselves, which state as follows:

"Everything that is not ping pong is ping pong with obstacles. This sport can be played with or without a table, net, ball, as long as something goes from a place to another, and an objective scoring system and a way of winning a match are established."

The table and the net

Pingpongo table in Fotballfesten Oslo, Norway. June 2014 Pingpongo-board.png
Pingpongo table in Fotballfesten Oslo, Norway. June 2014

Pingpongo has no regulations for the size of the table or net, neither for their existence. There is only a recommendation that if using a table (or tables) for playing with a bouncing ball, surfaces should allow the game to have certain continuity regardless of their irregularities and the consequent unpredictable trajectory of the ball. In any case table should present equal difficulties to all players.

During official tournaments, matches were performed on conventional table tennis tables, festival tables, groups of small bar tables, on tables made up with timber from old public benches, and even on boards propped on trestles.

Details of pingpongo obstacles, table and net used during the special official tournament placed in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. July 2014 Pingpongo net.jpg
Details of pingpongo obstacles, table and net used during the special official tournament placed in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. July 2014

Paddles and balls

The paddles and balls to be used also depend on the variety previously agreed upon for the development of the match or tournament. In the classic variations of pingpongo the traditional paddles and ball of ping pong are used.


Obstacles can be either tangible or intangible. Pingpongo has the stated purpose of promoting dialogue and consensus; thus, any obstacle must be determined by mutual agreement of the players of a given match or tournament.

The number of obstacles that may be used is infinite; therefore, pingpongo is a sport with an infinite number of game variations. Every type of obstacle to be used during official events must be previously approved by the PPOB. Even though the rules are very permissive and allow creativity at all times, when practicing pingpongo officially the use of animals as obstacles is not allowed, nor are: smoking, making Nazi comments, or any kind of expression of violence, or using cell phones during the matches.

In Norway, for instance, the organizers of each official tournament previously determine the conceptual framework in which the material and mental obstacles, the communications and the decoration of the event will be set. So, there were tournaments where the material obstacles ranged from chess pieces to images projected on the table, and the mental obstacles went from paying compliments to the opponent when hitting the ball to singing "Happy Xmas (War Is Over)" by Yoko Ono and John Lennon nonstop while listening to it with headphones during the whole match.

Material obstacles

Some of the most used material obstacles in Argentina are Rubik cubes, plastic building blocks and jenga pieces, as basic obstacles, placing one, two, or three on each side of the table (the same number on each side). Other material obstacles used more sporadically are grains of salt (in Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil). These obstacles are spread equally on both sides of the table and they stand out for increasing the unpredictability of the ball's trajectory. In Norway, each tournament is developed in relation to one or several topics, and all material obstacles are chosen in order to highlight them.

Other common obstacles are: beer bottles, cups, framed photos of Carlos Gardel, football players figurines, toy football goals, toy animals, signs depicting the amounts of money spent to organise the Olympic Games, and plastic cups. In some tournaments, players may add own material obstacles.

During November 2014, several of these material obstacles were featured in a show called "memoria futura" (Future memory) at the Centro Cultural de España in Montevideo. Exhibition arranged by antipodes café with the collaboration of the Uruguayan Association of Pingpongo, AOPPO Asociación Oriental de Pingpong con Obstáculos.

Mental obstacles

The purpose of these obstacles is to create a scenario where players split their performance between material and immaterial. For example by answering questions, mentioning things while hitting the ball (countries, flowers, compliments, etcetera), singing songs, or keeping a certain conversation.


Matches are usually singles, but pingpongo can be played in teams. There is no differentiation by gender or age in pingpongo; therefore, both men and women of all ages can play as equals in the tournaments.

The game came be similar to traditional table tennis, meaning, a player gets a point when the opponent fails to stop the ball from bouncing twice on his side of the table or return it to the other side, or returns it out of the other court. However, since the rules are established before every match or tournament, different ways of scoring and winning matches can be set. Variations are infinite, but every rule to be applied on the game will be previously agreed upon by the players of the match and/or tournament, and, in the case of official events, the rules must previously supervised by the Pingpongo Board (PPOB, the pingpongo authority on a world level).

Game length

In general, the match or set ends when one of the two players obtains 7, 11 or 15 points, as agreed beforehand, gaining a lead of one or two points. When both players are even with 6, 10, or 14 points each, they will play successive points (where each player will serve once per point in turn) until one of them wins by a two-point difference. This may vary according to the variation. For example, in the football variation, when both players are even one point to the end of the set or the match, definition is made by “penalties”, which implies that each player hits the ball with his paddle sending it to the other side of the table trying to put the ball through a small goal set for that purpose.

Depending on the competition and the stage within it, a match of pingpongo may be played to the best of 1, 3, or 5 sets.


Service is done freely and decided by both players before a match.

The most common serve is the same as in table tennis where the ball must bounce first in the server's side of the table and then on the receiver's one. A mistake in service gives a point to the opponent, this can happen when the ball hits the net, bounces on the server's court or on one of the server's obstacles and does not pass onto the opponent's court, or if it does not bounce on the opponent's court. If the ball touches the net upon service and passes onto the opponent's court, service shall be done again. .

Each player serves two consecutive points, after which the opponent serves. If the match is for 11 points and both players score 10, each player shall serve once until the game ends with a lead of two points for one of the players. The same happens if the match or set is for 15 points and is tied on 13.

The players can switch court every six points.


During official pingpongo tournaments the umpire or umpires may be the players themselves, the event organizers or the audience. Some matches present different obstacles that require the participation of more than one umpire. For example, if the mental obstacle during a match is that the players name a flower every time they hit the ball with the paddle, and if they fail to do it they lose a point, it will be necessary to add one umpire per player to keep track of this rule. The players may agree to manage without umpires and umpire the match themselves. Every official tournament in official venues must have one manager in charge of keeping record of the match results, which shall be later sent to the PPOB for the ranking. Every special official tournament shall have at least one member of the PPOB present, who may participate in the tournament, act as umpire or only supervise.


A section of the official rules states that a variation of pingpongo may be accepted as official "as long as it is agreed before each tournament or match between participants". Also, when there is a dilemma about a formal aspect of the game, the aim is to always choose the option that creates more dynamism and entertainment for the players and the audience. [2]

Even though there are an infinite number of variations, there are some already in use or recommended by the PPOB, and which may be used simultaneously:


The origin of Pingpongo is dated December the 2nd 2010, when members of Bola Sin Manija, an Argentinian independent group of critic and promotion of alternative sports [5] established the Asociación Argentina de Pingpong con Obstáculos (Argentine Association of Ping Pong with obstacles), defining in addition the first rule guidelines and first official tournament of this sport.

Norway was added as official venue in August 2013 [6] and Uruguay the same year in September. In Norway tournaments are played basically in Oslo both in public and private indoors and outdoor spaces, but one official tournament was developed in Longyearbyen, Svalbard in 2014.

Besides the official venues where tournaments are placed periodically, there have been special official tournaments placed in Guatemala (2012), Brazil (2014), Wales (2014), Basque Country (2014), Community of Madrid (2014) and France (2015). As of today, more than 500 people from over 30 nationalities have played this sport officially.

In 2013 after Norway and Uruguay became official venues, AAPPO created a global on-line administrative board called AAPPO-Board, which in 2014, in agreement with the rest of the official venues changed its name to PINGPONGO BOARD or PPOB. [7]

Several artistic variations of Table tennis, like those created by George Maciunas or later by Gabriel Orozco, as well as popular alterations like Beer pong or Slam pong can be found but none of them constitutes a sport with an international e independent organisation defining rules, rankings and official regular activities. [8] But all members of the international board (PPOB) agreed that the sport exist from the beginning of existence. [9]

Pingpongo Board

The Pingpongo Board (PPOB) is the authority that rules the development of Pingpongo in the world at official level, defining the basic rules of the sport, running its World Ranking in its two variants and supervising all official tournaments, be them in special or official venues. It is composed by the founding members of the AAPPO, and by a maximum of two members from each official venue. Any country interested in being an official venue or in organizing an official special tournament should contact with PPOB via email and subsequently maintain an open communication, basically on-line.

Classification or ranking

There are three official rankings: Local Rankings, Biannual World Rankings (2014–2015; 2016–2017, etc.) and Historical World Ranking. Both World Rankings are updated by the PPOB the week after an official tournament takes place.

Distribution of points

The points awarded by tournaments for each position correspond with a unified system established by the PPOB in relation with the number of participants in the tournament. Example the distribution of points in relation with the number of participants in direct elimination tournaments:

1 or 14 (*)

( * ) In any case, when losing the first game, either in first or second round, the participant will receive one point. In case of advancing to second round after winning a game during first round, the player will get the corresponding points, which in this example for 23 participants would be 14.

A Round-robin tournament define points for each match won. In Pingpongo, these points are defined by the total of points of the tournament (which is the same as the number of players multiplied by 10) divided by the number of matches to be played in the Round Robin series by all players. A Round-robin tournament can help to define for example four semifinalist or just the two finalist who will receive points according to the previous table of elimination tournaments. A Round-robin tournament helps players to play more and have more chances to advance to the finals. This system is used in the FIFA World Cup, for example.

Historical world ranking

Historical classification includes all the official tournaments played since the origin of the Argentine Association of Ping Pong with obstacles (AAPPO). It is updated during the week in which an official tournament takes place.

"Top 10". Last updated: August 31, 2015

Pos [10] PlayerNationalityPoints
1Martín CompletaFlag of Argentina.svg  Argentina 1.530
2Nicolás BrunoFlag of Argentina.svg  Argentina 1.120
3Juan Martín GutiérrezFlag of Argentina.svg  Argentina 1.090
4 Alex Asensi Flag of the Valencian Community (2x3).svg  Valencia 918
5Fernando ParraFlag of Colombia.svg  Colombia 801
6Ezequiel BertránFlag of Argentina.svg  Argentina 693
7Bruno MoledaFlag of Uruguay.svg  Uruguay 552
8Hernán Lopez WinneFlag of Argentina.svg  Argentina 534
9Lucas AriasFlag of Argentina.svg  Argentina 532
10Bruno CioccaFlag of Argentina.svg  Argentina 523

Biennial World Ranking

The Biennial World Ranking was created by the PPOB with the goal to unify the scoring system between the various organizations and it is a ranking that takes into account the points distributed in the world during a period of two years. Once completed the period of 104 weeks a new ranking begins. Current Biennial World ranking corresponds to the years 2014 and 2015.

"Top 10". Last updated: August 31, 2015

Pos [11] PlayerNationalityPoints
1Nicolás BrunoFlag of Argentina.svg  Argentina 1120
2 Alex Asensi Flag of the Valencian Community (2x3).svg  Valencia 799
3Alejandro TorreFlag of Uruguay.svg  Uruguay 599
4Ezequiel BertránFlag of Argentina.svg  Argentina 570
5Juan Martín GutiérrezFlag of Argentina.svg  Argentina 420
6Felipe RidaoFlag of Uruguay.svg  Uruguay 368
7Diego SkliarFlag of Argentina.svg  Argentina 340
8Sara GalvãoFlag of Portugal.svg  Portugal 320
8Álvaro GarcíaFlag of Spain.svg  Spain 320
10Eduardo BalbiFlag of Uruguay.svg  Uruguay 308

Local rankings

Local rankings are regulated by the heads of each official venue but follow a unified system of distribution of points. They are updated during the week after a tournament takes place. Unlike world rankings, local rankings can give more than 1600 points a year and can be historical (counting all the points from the start of the official activities in the venue) or defined by periods of time (for example, annual, biennial, etc.)

Example: "Top 10" Ranking PINGPONGO NORGE 2013-2015. Last updated: Dec. 11th, 2015

Pos [12] PlayerNationalityPoints
1 Alex Asensi Flag of the Valencian Community (2x3).svg  Valencia 918
2Felipe RidaoFlag of Uruguay.svg  Uruguay 547
3Jo Ofrim BjørkeFlag of Norway.svg  Norway 516
4Sebastián CorreaFlag of Uruguay.svg  Uruguay 240
5Tom HaugeplassFlag of Norway.svg  Norway 229
6Ian Correia SampaioFlag of Brazil.svg  Brazil 200
7Lars Thomas DolvenFlag of Norway.svg  Norway 180
8Tuva LangfeldtFlag of Norway.svg  Norway 171
9Jordi MarsetFlag of the Valencian Community (2x3).svg  Valencia 151
10Pedro RubioFlag of Uruguay.svg  Uruguay 120

Official special tournaments

Official special tournaments must count with the presence and/or participation of at least one member of the PPOB and have to previously be coordinated with the PPOB. They must have a minimum of eight participants and provide points for the “Historical” and “biennial” global rankings in accordance with the number of participants as the classification system indicate. Official special tournaments do not allow the creation of a local official ranking.

Official special tournaments have been played in Guatemala (2013), Brazil (2014) and Wales (2014), the latter during the World Alternative Games 2014 that took place in Llanwrtyd Wells, the smallest town in Great Britain. Of the 32 participants, 29 were local, which would be almost 5% of the total population of the city. Another curiosity of this tournament was that it had both the oldest player ever (79 years old) and the two youngest ones (seven years old twins who also played between them in the first ever official match between twins).

No pingpongo tournament demands a registration fee for the participants.

DateTournamentLocationChampionRunner upResultPoints
2014Pingpongo Madrid "Design as Obstacle" Tournament Flag of the Community of Madrid.svg Madrid, Community of Madrid Flag of Spain.svg Francisco Fernández Ferreiro Flag of Belgium (civil).svg David Berkvens9-11 / 11-9 / 12-10150
2014Pingpongo Madrid "Relaxing Cup" Flag of the Community of Madrid.svg El Campo de Cebada, Madrid, Community of Madrid Flag of Spain.svg Álvaro García Flag of Spain.svg Mario Fuentes15(taza)-10 / 10-15 / 15-10160
2014Pingpongo Euskadi [13] Flag of the Basque Country.svg Hondartza, Zarautz, Basque Country Flag of the Basque Country.svg Imanol Uriarte Flag of Uruguay.svg Roberto Díaz11-9 / 11-8160
2014Pingpongo World Alternative Games [14] 2014 Tournament Flag of Wales (1959-present).svg Llanwrtyd Wells, Wales Flag of Portugal.svg Sara Galvão Flag of Wales (1959-present).svg Peter Brown15-8 / 15-11320
2014I Aberto Brasileiro de Pingpongo [15] Flag of Brazil.svg Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Flag of Argentina.svg Hernán López Winne Flag of Argentina.svg Luciano Altman11-10 (penalties) / 8-11 / 11-0 (Cow goal)190
2013Special challenger AAPPO 15 [16] Flag of Guatemala.svg Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala Flag of Guatemala.svg Gary Estrada Flag of Chile.svg / Flag of Argentina.svg Francisco Godinez11-715

Official venues

To become an official venue, organizers must contact the PPOB prior to the start of the activities. Each official venue must perform a minimum of three tournaments per year and count with a minimum of 24 participants per year. No tournament of pingpongo must involve any sort of registration fee for participants. Prior to each tournament official venues must notify PPOB the basic rules of said tournament.

Once the tournament is finished the official venue is responsible for sending a text and image report to the PPOB as well as the results with the detail of the distribution of points according to the scoring system established by the PPOB. The official venue is responsible for communicating their own events as well as creating and updating their local ranking based on the official points.

The name of the venue is standardized by the PPOB and includes the word Pingpongo first and then the country (recognized or not recognized ), autonomous community or city name in Spanish, English or in local language written with latin alphabet .

The current official venues are Pingpongo Argentina, Pinpongo Uruguay and Pingpongo Norge.

Tournaments by official venues

Pingpongo Argentina

DateTournamentLocationChampionRunner upResultPoints
2015.03VII Abierto Argentino de PingpongoFM La Tribu, Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina Flag of Argentina.svg Nicolás Bruno Flag of Argentina.svg Ezequiel Bertrán9-11 / 11-9 / 11-6320
2014.12VI Abierto Argentino de PingpongoFM La Tribu, Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina Flag of Argentina.svg Nicolás Bruno Flag of Argentina.svg Pablo Rowinski11-1 (vaso)320
2014.06PingPongo Edición Mundial [17] FM La Tribu, Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina Flag of Argentina.svg Nicolás Bruno Flag of Argentina.svg Juan Martín Gutiérrez11-6 / 11-6320
2014.03IV Abierto Argentino de Pingpongo [18] FM La Tribu, Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina Flag of Argentina.svg Ezequiel Bertrán Flag of Argentina.svg Juan Martín Gutiérrez11-6 / 11-9400
2013.10I Copa Codasports [19] Ce.Re.NA, Ezeiza, Buenos Aires, Argentina Flag of Argentina.svg Agustín Manzanel Flag of Argentina.svg Pablo Vázquez11-3 / 12-14 / 11-3150
2013.07III Abierto Argentino de Pingpongo [20] Fm La Tribu, Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina Flag of Colombia.svg Fernando Parra Flag of Argentina.svg Martín Completa11-6 / 11-6750
2012.12II Abierto Argentino de Pingpongo [21] Fm La Tribu, Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina Flag of Argentina.svg Martín Completa Flag of Argentina.svg Lucas Arias11-9 / 11-4500
2012.08I Abierto Argentino de Pingpongo [22] Fm La Tribu, Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina Flag of Argentina.svg Martín Completa Flag of Argentina.svg Lucas Arias11-6 / 11-6500

Pingpongpo Norge

DateTournamentLocationChampionRunner upResultPoints
2015.12Pingpongo Dazzle TournamentKulturhuset, Oslo, Norway Flag of Norway.svg Jo Ofrim Bjørke Flag of Norway.svg Arjan Memisi11-5 / 11-8180
2015.10Noble Pingpongo Prize TournamentKulturhuset, Oslo, Norway Flag of Norway.svg Jo Ofrim Bjørke Flag of Uruguay.svg Felipe Ridao8-11 / 11-6 / 11-6120
2015.09Vote Pingpongo Party TournamentKulturhuset, Oslo, Norway Flag of Uruguay.svg Felipe Ridao Flag of Norway.svg Halvor Haukeli11-3 / 10-12 / 11-780
2015.08Summertime and the livin is easy CupKulturhuset, Oslo, Norway Flag of Uruguay.svg Sebastián Correa Flag of Uruguay.svg Pedro Rubio11-7 / 10-12 / 11-7240
2015.03Evolution TournamentKulturhuset, Oslo, Norway Flag of the Valencian Community (2x3).svg Jordi Marset Flag of Norway.svg Renate Vea Petersson6-11 / 11-6 / 11-4150
2014.10PINGPONGO 78°NKarlsberger Pub, Longyearbyen, Svalbard, Norway Flag of Norway.svg Lars Thomas Dolven Flag of Norway.svg Tommy Andersen15-11 / 15-1180
2014.08VIP ChampionshipKulturhuset UT, Youngstorget, Oslo, Norway Flag of Brazil.svg Ian Correia Sampaio Flag of Uruguay.svg Felipe Ridao9-11 / 12-10 / 11-9200
2014.06VM i PINGPONGO [23] Fotballfesten, Kontraskjæret, Oslo, Norway Flag of the Valencian Community (2x3).svg Alex Asensi Flag of Uruguay.svg Felipe Ridao15-13 / 15-10290
2014.04Banana Tournament [24] Kulturhuset, Oslo, Norway Flag of the Valencian Community (2x3).svg Alex Asensi Flag of Brazil.svg André Carballo12-10120
2014.03Hot Cool Yours Tournament [25] Kulturhuset, Oslo, Norway Flag of the Valencian Community (2x3).svg Alex Asensi Flag of Norway.svg Tom Haugeplass11-4 / 4-11 / 11-5320
2013.11War is Over Pingpongo [26] Kulturhuset, Oslo, Norway Flag of Norway.svg Jo Ofrim Bjørke Flag of Norway.svg Kristian Nørgaard6-11 / 11-9 / 11-7101
2013.10Revolution Tournament [27] Kulturhuset, Oslo, Norway Flag of the Valencian Community (2x3).svg Alex Asensi Flag of Norway.svg Tune Aksnes Lian14-12 / 11-7101
2013.09Jennifer Cup Montevideo-Oslo [28] Kulturhuset, Oslo, Norway Flag of Norway.svg Asgeir Krogh Flag of Norway.svg Anja Naper11-8 / 11-4101
2013.08Oslo Closed [29] Schous Plass, Oslo, Norway Flag of Nepal.svg Jyoti Shrestha Flag of Nepal.svg Amrit Shrestha15-10 / 15-11101

Pingpongo Uruguay

DateTournamentLocationChampionRunner upResultPoints
2014.11IV Abierto Uruguayo "Memoria Futura" (Closing the first exhibition about Pingpongo [30] )Centro Cultural de España, Montevideo, Uruguay Flag of Uruguay.svg Sergio Rodríguez Flag of Uruguay.svg Juan Manuel Rodríguez13-11/ 11-8120
2014.05III Abierto Uruguayo [31] Rincón del Parque, Montevideo, Uruguay Flag of Uruguay.svg Nicolás Damiani Flag of Uruguay.svg Alejandro Torre11-8/ 11-9240
2013.12Copa Jennifer II [32] Rincón del Parque, Montevideo, Uruguay Flag of Uruguay.svg Sergio Gerali Flag of Uruguay.svg Fabián Iturrioz11-9250
2013.09Copa Jennifer I [33] Rincón del Parque, Montevideo, Uruguay Flag of Uruguay.svg Bruno Moleda Flag of Argentina.svg Juan Martín Gutiérrez11-6 / 11-8500

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Table squash is a sport for two players which is an evolution of table tennis and uses similar rules and equipment. The game is played by placing a table tennis table against a playing wall with the net remaining on the table perpendicular to the wall. Each player stands on the opposite side of the table facing the wall on either side of an imaginary line as if the net was extended backwards. Players each use table tennis rackets and take turns to play a table tennis ball off the playing wall onto the table on the opponents side of the net, except on serves where the ball must first bounce on the servers side of the net on the table.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">2019 FIBA Basketball World Cup</span> International basketball competition

The 2019 FIBA Basketball World Cup was the 18th tournament of the FIBA Basketball World Cup for men's national basketball teams, held from 31 August to 15 September 2019. The tournament was hosted in China and was rescheduled from 2018 to 2019, becoming the first since 1967 that did not occur in the same year as the FIFA World Cup. The tournament expanded from 24 to 32 teams.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Teqball</span> Sport played with a football over a curved table

Teqball is a ball sport that is played on a curved table, combining elements of sepak takraw and table tennis. Back and forth, the players hit a football with any part of the body except arms and hands. Teqball can be played between two players as a singles game or between four players as a doubles game. The game is represented at an international level by the International Teqball Federation (FITEQ). A number of world-class footballers have been attracted by the game, and after being added to the programmes for the 2021 Asian Beach Games and the 2023 European Games, the sport is now aiming for Olympic inclusion.


  1. "Ping Pongo" World Alternative Games 2014 Catalogue -printed and digital- Page 29, Llanwrtyd Wells, Wales.
  2. 1 2 Pingpongo Rules.
  3. Fotballfesten
  4. "First tournament at Rio de Janeiro"
  5. bola sin manija, Argentina
  6. Pingpongo Norge
  7. "Ping Pong with Obstacles, Tomorrows utopia, today." Vice Magazine, Mexico
  8. Terranova, Juan, "Pingpongo" Revista Paco
  9. Lacerda, Paula (July 14, 2014). "Há um mundo paralelo, não reconhecido pela Fifa" [There's a parallel world not recognized by FIFA]. O Globo (in Portuguese). Brazil. Costumo dizer que o ping-pong com obstáculos, o Pingpongo, existe desde sempre.
  10. Historical World Ranking
  11. Biennial World Ranking 2014-2015
  12. Ranking PINGPONGO NORGE 2013-2015
  13. Pingpongo txapelketa, Turismo Zarautz
  14. World Alternative Games 2014
  15. Results I Aberto Brasileiro de Pingpongo
  16. Results Special Challenger AAPPO 15, Guatemala
  17. Results V Abierto Argentino de Pingpongo
  18. Results IV Abierto Argentino de Pingpongo
  19. Results Copa Codasports
  20. Results III Abierto Argentino
  21. Results II Abierto Argentino
  22. Results I Abierto Argentino
  23. Results VM i PINGPONGO NORGE
  24. Report Banana Tournament
  25. Results Hot Cool Yours Tournament, PINGPONGO NORGE
  26. Results War is Over Pingpongo Tournament, PINGPONGO NORGE
  27. Results Revolution Tournament, PINGPONGO NORGE
  28. Results Jennifer Cup Montevideo-Oslo, PINGPONGO NORGE
  29. Results Oslo Closed, PINGPONGO NORGE
  30. Pingpongo "memoria futura", installation
  31. Results III Abierto Uruguayo
  32. Results II Copa Jennifer
  33. Results I Copa Jennifer