The change in public sector net worth in any given forecast year is largely driven by the operating balance and property, plant and equipment revaluations. [1]
Research suggests that the main fiscal factor driving bond yields hence appears to be government net worth. [2]
Focusing on net worth as the most comprehensive measure of fiscal position incentivizes the public sector to invest the proceeds of borrowing in productive investments rather than use debt to finance consumption spending. [3] Net worth also provides a tool for assessing whether government policy is fair to future generations from a financial point of view; negative, or declining, net worth indicates that past or present consumption will need to be funded by future taxation.
Public (Sector) Net Worth is a financial measure of a government's wealth, considering the value of its entire balance sheet. Similar to the private sector's balance sheet measurement, net worth is defined as total assets minus total liabilities.
While net worth is central to financial management in the private sector, based on audited accrual numbers, most governments today overlook their balance sheets. Instead, they measure financial health using simple cash measures, such as the relationship between income and expenditure and the amount of outstanding government debt, often expressed as a percentage of GDP.
This discrepancy in accounting practices means that government financial health is less understood compared to private entities. [4] Only very few countries, like New Zealand, prioritize the balance sheet in government financial decision-making. [5] As a result, governments often lack crucial information that could enhance the management of public services and public finances' safety.
Proponents of Public Net Worth as a key fiscal target argue that governments would benefit from complementing their current fiscal rules with a primary rule based on net worth, which more comprehensively reflects their financial position. They claim that adopting accounting-driven, net worth-based fiscal rules creates opportunities to improve long-term public finances without cutting public services or increasing taxes. [6]
Accrual accounting in the public sector is gaining traction among national and local governments. Industry reports indicate that a third of the world's governments have adopted accrual-based accounting. [7] However, the implementation depth varies, with many governments planning to report on an accrual basis but continuing to budget and appropriate on a cash basis, judging their position based on debt.
A focus on cash flows and debt results in poor management of assets, especially non-financial assets, and non-debt liabilities such as public service pensions and insurance obligations. [8] Public Net Worth is increasingly seen as a key fiscal measure to complement other fiscal ratios, especially after the International Monetary Fund (IMF) embraced the idea of the public sector balance sheet in 2018. [9]
Focusing on net worth as the most comprehensive measure of fiscal position incentivizes the public sector to invest borrowing proceeds in productive investments rather than using debt to finance consumption spending. Net worth also provides a tool for assessing whether government policy is fair to future generations from a financial perspective; negative or declining net worth indicates that past or present consumption will need to be funded by future taxation.
Research suggests that government net worth is a main fiscal factor driving bond yields. [10] IMF research indicates that governments with stronger net worth recover faster from recessions and have lower borrowing costs. [11] [12]
In the United Kingdom, progress has been made in altering the discussion on the UK fiscal framework. The Office for Budget Responsibility supported using Public Net Worth as a key fiscal target in its 2019 report, which concluded:
"...the net worth objective would allow the government to take advantage of historically low interest rates to borrow in order to invest in meeting the long-term challenges of restarting productivity growth, tackling climate change, and modernizing our public service infrastructure. Yet it would also hold them accountable for doing so in a way that increases net public value for this and future generations. Where some past fiscal frameworks entirely excluded the results of investment, this approach explicitly recognizes the value of the assets created, acquired, or sold using the Office for National Statistics’ new statistical data on the public sector balance sheet. It thereby encourages government to invest where there is a compelling economic case and the value of the assets generated exceeds the cost of financing. It would also eliminate the fiscal illusions associated with concessional loans or asset fire sales under the current borrowing and debt rules. Likewise, it would force the government to confront its significant and growing non-debt liabilities, including unfunded public sector pensions." [13]
This follows over a decade of work within the UK government to develop the Whole of Government Accounts for better and more timely measures of both sides of the public sector balance sheet. However, this effort faced serious delays and failed to record more than a trillion pounds worth of real estate and unfunded pension liabilities due to the reluctance to introduce accrual-based accounting and a government financial management framework driven by that accounting method. [14]
Andy Haldane, the former Chief Economist at the Bank of England, said in the Financial Times:
"Just as a company or household would look at their net worth when making investment choices, so too should government. Countries with high net assets have been found to have lower borrowing costs. Bond market vigilantes target poor ancestors, not borrowers. That’s why real government borrowing costs have trended downwards over the centuries, despite government debt ratios trending upwards. Financial markets know it is the value of the house, not the mortgage, that matters. Countries with higher net worth also tend to exhibit greater macroeconomic resilience. This then reduces the burden on the state when adverse shocks strike. Our current debt-based fiscal rules, by constraining public investment, have contributed to a reduction in macroeconomic resilience and a bulging of the safety net following shocks." [15]
Rachel Reeves, the UK Labour Party’s shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer, has pledged to improve public sector net worth and to take greater account of public sector assets in fiscal policy. [16]
Martin Wolf commented on the Labour Party's plans in the Financial Times:
"This [Public Net Worth] should reduce the tendency to slash investment whenever fiscal difficulties emerge. However, she persists with the foolish rule that debt is to fall as a share of GDP, but in the fifth year of the forecast." [17]
Simon Nixon, a former economic columnist in The Times, added:
"This is hugely welcome. A lack of attention to the public balance sheet helps explain why Britain consistently underinvests in infrastructure. Projects whose benefits lie beyond the five-year budget forecast struggle to get funded. Meanwhile, governments have sold off public assets and used the proceeds to fund tax cuts, creating the illusion of national wealth while in fact leaving the state poorer. The result is that Britain has the second lowest public net worth of any major economy after Italy, according to the International Monetary Fund: a staggering minus 96 per cent of GDP. Rather than accumulating capital for future generations, British governments have consumed it." [18]
The Institute for Fiscal Studies concluded in a report:
"There is, nonetheless, a strong case for considering public sector net worth as part of a broader suite of fiscal metrics – particularly when assessing asset sales and purchases, and other balance sheet policies. The government’s Charter for Budget Responsibility already includes a commitment to do this. Labour’s proposal to ‘take greater account’ of public sector net worth appears sensible. But public sector net worth ought not, in our judgement, to be at the centre of the UK fiscal framework." [19]
Some estimates suggest that better management of assets and liabilities could allow the UK government to increase revenues by over 4% of GDP, close to what the Office of Budget Responsibility estimates is needed to sustain existing levels of public services as the population ages. [20]
In financial accounting, a balance sheet is a summary of the financial balances of an individual or organization, whether it be a sole proprietorship, a business partnership, a corporation, private limited company or other organization such as government or not-for-profit entity. Assets, liabilities and ownership equity are listed as of a specific date, such as the end of its financial year. A balance sheet is often described as a "snapshot of a company's financial condition". It is the summary of each and every financial statement of an organization.
Within the budgetary process, deficit spending is the amount by which spending exceeds revenue over a particular period of time, also called simply deficit, or budget deficit: the opposite of budget surplus. The term may be applied to the budget of a government, private company, or individual. Government deficit spending was first identified as a necessary economic tool by John Maynard Keynes in the wake of the Great Depression. It is a central point of controversy in economics, as discussed below.
Public finance is the study of the role of the government in the economy. It is the branch of economics that assesses the government revenue and government expenditure of the public authorities and the adjustment of one or the other to achieve desirable effects and avoid undesirable ones. The purview of public finance is considered to be threefold, consisting of governmental effects on:
The government budget balance, also referred to as the general government balance, public budget balance, or public fiscal balance, is the difference between government revenues and spending. For a government that uses accrual accounting the budget balance is calculated using only spending on current operations, with expenditure on new capital assets excluded. A positive balance is called a government budget surplus, and a negative balance is a government budget deficit. A government budget presents the government's proposed revenues and spending for a financial year.
Net worth is the value of all the non-financial and financial assets owned by an individual or institution minus the value of all its outstanding liabilities. Financial assets minus outstanding liabilities equal net financial assets, so net worth can be expressed as the sum of non-financial assets and net financial assets. This concept can apply to companies, individuals, governments, or economic sectors such as the financial corporations sector, or even entire countries.
A country's gross external debt is the liabilities that are owed to nonresidents by residents. The debtors can be governments, corporations or citizens. External debt may be denominated in domestic or foreign currency. It includes amounts owed to private commercial banks, foreign governments, or international financial institutions such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank.
A country's gross government debt is the financial liabilities of the government sector. Changes in government debt over time reflect primarily borrowing due to past government deficits. A deficit occurs when a government's expenditures exceed revenues. Government debt may be owed to domestic residents, as well as to foreign residents. If owed to foreign residents, that quantity is included in the country's external debt.
Foreign exchange reserves are cash and other reserve assets such as gold and silver held by a central bank or other monetary authority that are primarily available to balance payments of the country, influence the foreign exchange rate of its currency, and to maintain confidence in financial markets. Reserves are held in one or more reserve currencies, nowadays mostly the United States dollar and to a lesser extent the euro.
Fund accounting is an accounting system for recording resources whose use has been limited by the donor, grant authority, governing agency, or other individuals or organisations or by law. It emphasizes accountability rather than profitability, and is used by Nonprofit organizations and by governments. In this method, a fund consists of a self-balancing set of accounts and each are reported as either unrestricted, temporarily restricted or permanently restricted based on the provider-imposed restrictions.
The financial position of the United States includes assets of at least $269 trillion and debts of $145.8 trillion to produce a net worth of at least $123.8 trillion. GDP in Q1 decline was due to foreclosures and increased rates of household saving. There were significant declines in debt to GDP in each sector except the government, which ran large deficits to offset deleveraging or debt reduction in other sectors.
Canadian public debt, or general government debt, is the liabilities of the government sector. Government gross debt consists of liabilities that are a financial claim that requires payment of interest and/or principal in future. They consist mainly of Treasury bonds, but also include public service employee pension liabilities. Changes in debt arise primarily from new borrowing, due to government expenditures exceeding revenues.
The Australian government debt is the amount owed by the Australian federal government. The Australian Office of Financial Management, which is part of the Treasury Portfolio, is the agency which manages the government debt and does all the borrowing on behalf of the Australian government. Australian government borrowings are subject to limits and regulation by the Loan Council, unless the borrowing is for defence purposes or is a 'temporary' borrowing. Government debt and borrowings have national macroeconomic implications, and are also used as one of the tools available to the national government in the macroeconomic management of the national economy, enabling the government to create or dampen liquidity in financial markets, with flow on effects on the wider economy.
The annual United Kingdom National Accounts records and describes economic activity in the United Kingdom and as such is used by government, banks, academics and industries to formulate the economic and social policies and monitor the economic progress of the United Kingdom. It also allows international comparisons to be made. The Blue Book is published by the UK Office for National Statistics alongside the United Kingdom Balance of Payments – The Pink Book.
The sectoral balances are a sectoral analysis framework for macroeconomic analysis of national economies developed by British economist Wynne Godley.
A balance sheet recession is a type of economic recession that occurs when high levels of private sector debt cause individuals or companies to collectively focus on saving by paying down debt rather than spending or investing, causing economic growth to slow or decline. The term is attributed to economist Richard Koo and is related to the debt deflation concept described by economist Irving Fisher. Recent examples include Japan's recession that began in 1990 and the U.S. recession of 2007-2009.
Iceland joined the International Monetary Fund on Dec 27th 1945, becoming one of the IMF's founding members. As a part of the IMF, Iceland has rights in accordance with its contributions, borrowing rights which help facilitate the stability of global financial markets. Iceland's quota is 321.8 million SDR, and its Special Drawing Rights are 112 million. This is a relatively small quota and its vote share comprises only 0.09% of all IMF vote shares, or 4,683 votes to be exact.
Public Commercial Assets are the assets owned by the public sector able to generate income if managed professionally.
A Public Sector Balance Sheet, like a balance sheet in the corporate world, reports comprehensively on what a government owns and owes, as well as its own capital. As such, it is a critical element of a system of Public Financial Management. A balance sheet, or statement of financial position, recognises and discloses the assets, liabilities, and net worth at a given point in time, for a government entity, a government or the whole public sector. An important metric for the fiscal position of the whole public sector is public sector net worth.
Accrual accounting in the public sector is a method to present financial information on government operations. Under accrual accounting, income and expenditure transactions are recognized when they occur, regardless of when the associated cash payments are made. The difference between public sector accrual accounting and cash accounting is most apparent in the treatment of capital assets. Under accrual accounting, expenditure on capital is added as an asset in the government's balance sheet in the year the capital is purchased, but the cost is not included in the year's budget as an operating expense. Instead, payment for capital used is included in that year's budget as an operating expense.
British Columbia government debt is composed of the financial liabilities of the Canadian provincial government of British Columbia.