Pyramidal alkene

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Pyramidal alkenes are alkenes in which the two carbon atoms making up the double bond are not coplanar with their four substituents. This deformation results from geometric constraints. Pyramidal alkenes only are of interest because much can be learned from them about the nature of chemical bonding. [1]



Twisting to a 90° dihedral angle between two of the groups on the carbons requires less energy than the strength of a pi bond, and the bond still holds. The carbons of the double bond become pyramidal, which allows preserving some p orbital alignment—and hence pi bonding. The other two attached groups remain at a larger dihedral angle. This contradicts a common textbook assertion that the two carbons retain their planar nature when twisting, in which case the p orbitals would rotate enough away from each other to be unable to sustain a pi bond. In a 90°-twisted alkene, the p orbitals are only misaligned by 42° and the strain energy is only around 40 kcal/mol. In contrast, a fully broken pi bond has an energetic cost of around 65 kcal/mol. [2]


In cycloheptene (1.1) the cis isomer is an ordinary unstrained molecule, but the heptane ring is too small to accommodate a trans-configured alkene group resulting in strain and twisting of the double bond. The p-orbital misalignment is minimized by a degree of pyramidalization. In the related anti-Bredt molecules. it is not pyrimidalization but twisting that dominates.

Figure 1. Pyramidal alkenes Cagealkenes.png
Figure 1. Pyramidal alkenes

Pyramidalized cage alkenes also exist where symmetrical bending of the substituents predominates without p-orbital misalignment.

Figure 2. Angle definitions Anglestraindefinition.png
Figure 2. Angle definitions

The pyramidalization angleφ (b) is defined as the angle between the plane defined by one of the doubly bonded carbons and its two substituents and the extension of the double bond and is calculated as:

the butterfly bending angle or folding angleψ (c) is defined as the angle between two planes and can be obtained by averaging the two torsional angles R1C=CR3 and R2C=CR4.

In alkenes 1.2 and 1.3 these angles are determined with X-ray crystallography as respectively 32.4°/22.7° and 27.3°/35.6°. Although stable, these alkenes are very reactive compared to ordinary alkenes. They are liable to dimerization creating cyclobutane rings, or react with oxygen to epoxides.

The compound tetradehydrodianthracene, also with a 35° pyramidalization angle, is synthesized in a photochemical cycloaddition of bromoanthracene followed by elimination of hydrogen bromide.

Figure 3. Tetradehydrodianthracene synthesis TetradehydrodianthraceneSynthesis.png
Figure 3. Tetradehydrodianthracene synthesis

This compound is very reactive in Diels–Alder reactions due to through-space interactions between the two alkene groups. This enhanced reactivity enabled in turn the synthesis of the first-ever Möbius aromat.

In one study, [3] the strained alkene 4.4 was synthesized with the highest pyramidalizion angles yet, 33.5° and 34.3°. This compound is the double Diels–Alder adduct of the diiodocyclophane 4.1 and anthracene 4.3 by reaction in presence of potassium tert-butoxide in refluxing dibutyl ether through a diaryne intermediate 4.2. This is a stable compound but will slowly react with oxygen to an epoxide when left standing as a chloroform solution.

Figure 4. Cyclophane anthracene adduct Cyclophane anthracene adduct.png
Figure 4. Cyclophane anthracene adduct

In one study, [4] isolation of a pyramidal alkene is not even possible by matrix isolation at extremely low temperatures unless stabilized by metal coordination:

Figure 5. (Ph3P)2Pt complex of 3,7-dimethyltricyclo[ ]oct-1(5)-ene PyramidalizedAlkenePlatinum.png
Figure 5. (Ph3P)2Pt complex of 3,7-dimethyltricyclo[ ]oct-1(5)-ene

A reaction of the diiodide 5.1 in Figure 5 with sodium amalgam in the presence of ethylenebis(triphenylphosphine)platinum(0) does not give the intermediate alkene 5.2 but the platinum stabilized 5.3. The sigma bond in this compound is destroyed in reaction with ethanol.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Allylic strain</span> Type of strain energy in organic chemistry

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Boroles represent a class of molecules known as metalloles, which are heterocyclic 5-membered rings. As such, they can be viewed as structural analogs of cyclopentadiene, pyrrole or furan, with boron replacing a carbon, nitrogen and oxygen atom respectively. They are isoelectronic with the cyclopentadienyl cation C5H+5 or abbreviated as Cp+ and comprise four π electrons. Although Hückel's rule cannot be strictly applied to borole, it is considered to be antiaromatic due to having 4 π electrons. As a result, boroles exhibit unique electronic properties not found in other metalloles.

The retro-Diels–Alder reaction is the reverse of the Diels–Alder (DA) reaction, a [4+2] cycloelimination. It involves the formation of a diene and dienophile from a cyclohexene. It can be accomplished spontaneously with heat, or with acid or base mediation.

A metal-centered cycloaddition is a subtype of the more general class of cycloaddition reactions. In such reactions "two or more unsaturated molecules unite directly to form a ring", incorporating a metal bonded to one or more of the molecules. Cycloadditions involving metal centers are a staple of organic and organometallic chemistry, and are involved in many industrially-valuable synthetic processes.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Stereoelectronic effect</span> Affect on molecular properties due to spatial arrangement of electron orbitals

In chemistry, primarily organic and computational chemistry, a stereoelectronic effect is an effect on molecular geometry, reactivity, or physical properties due to spatial relationships in the molecules' electronic structure, in particular the interaction between atomic and/or molecular orbitals. Phrased differently, stereoelectronic effects can also be defined as the geometric constraints placed on the ground and/or transition states of molecules that arise from considerations of orbital overlap. Thus, a stereoelectronic effect explains a particular molecular property or reactivity by invoking stabilizing or destabilizing interactions that depend on the relative orientations of electrons in space.

In organic chemistry, the hexadehydro-Diels–Alder (HDDA) reaction is an organic chemical reaction between a diyne and an alkyne to form a reactive benzyne species, via a [4+2] cycloaddition reaction. This benzyne intermediate then reacts with a suitable trapping agent to form a substituted aromatic product. This reaction is a derivative of the established Diels–Alder reaction and proceeds via a similar [4+2] cycloaddition mechanism. The HDDA reaction is particularly effective for forming heavily functionalized aromatic systems and multiple ring systems in one synthetic step.


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