Q-gamma function

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In q-analog theory, the -gamma function, or basic gamma function, is a generalization of the ordinary gamma function closely related to the double gamma function. It was introduced by Jackson (1905). It is given by


when , and

if . Here is the infinite q-Pochhammer symbol. The -gamma function satisfies the functional equation

In addition, the -gamma function satisfies the q-analog of the Bohr–Mollerup theorem, which was found by Richard Askey (Askey (1978)).
For non-negative integers n,

where is the q-factorial function. Thus the -gamma function can be considered as an extension of the q-factorial function to the real numbers.

The relation to the ordinary gamma function is made explicit in the limit

There is a simple proof of this limit by Gosper. See the appendix of (Andrews  ( 1986 )).

Transformation properties

The -gamma function satisfies the q-analog of the Gauss multiplication formula (Gasper & Rahman (2004)):

Integral representation

The -gamma function has the following integral representation (Ismail  ( 1981 )):

Stirling formula

Moak obtained the following q-analogue of the Stirling formula (see Moak (1984)):

where , denotes the Heaviside step function, stands for the Bernoulli number, is the dilogarithm, and is a polynomial of degree satisfying

Raabe-type formulas

Due to I. Mező, the q-analogue of the Raabe formula exists, at least if we use the q-gamma function when . With this restriction

El Bachraoui considered the case and proved that

Special values

The following special values are known. [1]

These are the analogues of the classical formula .

Moreover, the following analogues of the familiar identity hold true:

Matrix Version

Let be a complex square matrix and Positive-definite matrix. Then a q-gamma matrix function can be defined by q-integral: [2]

where is the q-exponential function.

Other q-gamma functions

For other q-gamma functions, see Yamasaki 2006. [3]

Numerical computation

An iterative algorithm to compute the q-gamma function was proposed by Gabutti and Allasia. [4]

Further reading

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  1. Mező, István (2011), "Several special values of Jacobi theta functions", arXiv: 1106.1042 [math.NT]
  2. Salem, Ahmed (June 2012). "On a q-gamma and a q-beta matrix functions". Linear and Multilinear Algebra. 60 (6): 683–696. doi:10.1080/03081087.2011.627562. S2CID   123011613.
  3. Yamasaki, Yoshinori (December 2006). "On q-Analogues of the Barnes Multiple Zeta Functions". Tokyo Journal of Mathematics. 29 (2): 413–427. arXiv: math/0412067 . doi:10.3836/tjm/1170348176. MR   2284981. S2CID   14082358. Zbl   1192.11060.
  4. Gabutti, Bruno; Allasia, Giampietro (17 September 2008). "Evaluation of q-gamma function and q-analogues by iterative algorithms". Numerical Algorithms. 49 (1–4): 159–168. Bibcode:2008NuAlg..49..159G. doi:10.1007/s11075-008-9196-5. S2CID   6314057.