Quaternionic projective space

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In mathematics, quaternionic projective space is an extension of the ideas of real projective space and complex projective space, to the case where coordinates lie in the ring of quaternions Quaternionic projective space of dimension n is usually denoted by


and is a closed manifold of (real) dimension 4n. It is a homogeneous space for a Lie group action, in more than one way. The quaternionic projective line is homeomorphic to the 4-sphere.

In coordinates

Its direct construction is as a special case of the projective space over a division algebra. The homogeneous coordinates of a point can be written

where the are quaternions, not all zero. Two sets of coordinates represent the same point if they are 'proportional' by a left multiplication by a non-zero quaternion c; that is, we identify all the


In the language of group actions, is the orbit space of by the action of , the multiplicative group of non-zero quaternions. By first projecting onto the unit sphere inside one may also regard as the orbit space of by the action of , the group of unit quaternions. [1] The sphere then becomes a principal Sp(1)-bundle over :

This bundle is sometimes called a (generalized) Hopf fibration.

There is also a construction of by means of two-dimensional complex subspaces of , meaning that lies inside a complex Grassmannian.


Homotopy theory

The space , defined as the union of all finite 's under inclusion, is the classifying space BS3. The homotopy groups of are given by These groups are known to be very complex and in particular they are non-zero for infinitely many values of . However, we do have that

It follows that rationally, i.e. after localisation of a space, is an Eilenberg–Maclane space . That is (cf. the example K(Z,2)). See rational homotopy theory.

In general, has a cell structure with one cell in each dimension which is a multiple of 4, up to . Accordingly, its cohomology ring is , where is a 4-dimensional generator. This is analogous to complex projective space. It also follows from rational homotopy theory that has infinite homotopy groups only in dimensions 4 and .

Differential geometry

carries a natural Riemannian metric analogous to the Fubini-Study metric on , with respect to which it is a compact quaternion-Kähler symmetric space with positive curvature.

Quaternionic projective space can be represented as the coset space

where is the compact symplectic group.

Characteristic classes

Since , its tangent bundle is stably trivial. The tangent bundles of the rest have nontrivial Stiefel–Whitney and Pontryagin classes. The total classes are given by the following formulas:

where is the generator of and is its reduction mod 2. [2]

Special cases

Quaternionic projective line

The one-dimensional projective space over is called the "projective line" in generalization of the complex projective line. For example, it was used (implicitly) in 1947 by P. G. Gormley to extend the Möbius group to the quaternion context with linear fractional transformations. For the linear fractional transformations of an associative ring with 1, see projective line over a ring and the homography group GL(2,A).

From the topological point of view the quaternionic projective line is the 4-sphere, and in fact these are diffeomorphic manifolds. The fibration mentioned previously is from the 7-sphere, and is an example of a Hopf fibration.

Explicit expressions for coordinates for the 4-sphere can be found in the article on the Fubini–Study metric.

Quaternionic projective plane

The 8-dimensional has a circle action, by the group of complex scalars of absolute value 1 acting on the other side (so on the right, as the convention for the action of c above is on the left). Therefore, the quotient manifold

may be taken, writing U(1) for the circle group. It has been shown that this quotient is the 7-sphere, a result of Vladimir Arnold from 1996, later rediscovered by Edward Witten and Michael Atiyah.

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In mathematics, specifically in homotopy theory, a classifying spaceBG of a topological group G is the quotient of a weakly contractible space EG by a proper free action of G. It has the property that any G principal bundle over a paracompact manifold is isomorphic to a pullback of the principal bundle EGBG. As explained later, this means that classifying spaces represent a set-valued functor on the homotopy category of topological spaces. The term classifying space can also be used for spaces that represent a set-valued functor on the category of topological spaces, such as Sierpiński space. This notion is generalized by the notion of classifying topos. However, the rest of this article discusses the more commonly used notion of classifying space up to homotopy.

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In differential geometry, a quaternion-Kähler manifold (or quaternionic Kähler manifold) is a Riemannian 4n-manifold whose Riemannian holonomy group is a subgroup of Sp(n)·Sp(1) for some . Here Sp(n) is the sub-group of consisting of those orthogonal transformations that arise by left-multiplication by some quaternionic matrix, while the group of unit-length quaternions instead acts on quaternionic -space by right scalar multiplication. The Lie group generated by combining these actions is then abstractly isomorphic to .

In differential geometry, a hypercomplex manifold is a manifold with the tangent bundle equipped with an action by the algebra of quaternions in such a way that the quaternions define integrable almost complex structures.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Classical group</span>

In mathematics, the classical groups are defined as the special linear groups over the reals R, the complex numbers C and the quaternions H together with special automorphism groups of symmetric or skew-symmetric bilinear forms and Hermitian or skew-Hermitian sesquilinear forms defined on real, complex and quaternionic finite-dimensional vector spaces. Of these, the complex classical Lie groups are four infinite families of Lie groups that together with the exceptional groups exhaust the classification of simple Lie groups. The compact classical groups are compact real forms of the complex classical groups. The finite analogues of the classical groups are the classical groups of Lie type. The term "classical group" was coined by Hermann Weyl, it being the title of his 1939 monograph The Classical Groups.

In algebraic geometry, given a smooth projective curve X over a finite field and a smooth affine group scheme G over it, the moduli stack of principal bundles over X, denoted by , is an algebraic stack given by: for any -algebra R,

This is a glossary of properties and concepts in algebraic topology in mathematics.

In differential geometry, a quaternionic manifold is a quaternionic analog of a complex manifold. The definition is more complicated and technical than the one for complex manifolds due in part to the noncommutativity of the quaternions and in part to the lack of a suitable calculus of holomorphic functions for quaternions. The most succinct definition uses the language of G-structures on a manifold. Specifically, a quaternionic n-manifold can be defined as a smooth manifold of real dimension 4n equipped with a torsion-free -structure. More naïve, but straightforward, definitions lead to a dearth of examples, and exclude spaces like quaternionic projective space which should clearly be considered as quaternionic manifolds.


  1. Naber, Gregory L. (2011) [1997]. "Physical and Geometrical Motivation". Topology, Geometry and Gauge fields. Texts in Applied Mathematics. Vol. 25. Springer. p. 50. doi:10.1007/978-1-4419-7254-5_0. ISBN   978-1-4419-7254-5.
  2. Szczarba, R.H. (1964). "On tangent bundles of fibre spaces and quotient spaces" (PDF). American Journal of Mathematics. 86 (4): 685–697. doi:10.2307/2373152. JSTOR   2373152.

Further reading