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In mathematics, R-algebroids are constructed starting from groupoids. These are more abstract concepts than the Lie algebroids that play a similar role in the theory of Lie groupoids to that of Lie algebras in the theory of Lie groups. (Thus, a Lie algebroid can be thought of as 'a Lie algebra with many objects ').



An R-algebroid, , is constructed from a groupoid as follows. The object set of is the same as that of and is the free R-module on the set , with composition given by the usual bilinear rule, extending the composition of . [1]


A groupoid can be regarded as a category with invertible morphisms. Then an R-category is defined as an extension of the R-algebroid concept by replacing the groupoid in this construction with a general category C that does not have all morphisms invertible.

R-algebroids via convolution products

One can also define the R-algebroid, , to be the set of functionswith finite support , and with the convolution product defined as follows: . [2]

Only this second construction is natural for the topological case, when one needs to replace 'function' by 'continuous function with compact support', and in this case .


See also

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In mathematics, in the theory of Hopf algebras, a Hopf algebroid is a generalisation of weak Hopf algebras, certain skew Hopf algebras and commutative Hopf k-algebroids. If k is a field, a commutative k-algebroid is a cogroupoid object in the category of k-algebras; the category of such is hence dual to the category of groupoid k-schemes. This commutative version has been used in 1970-s in algebraic geometry and stable homotopy theory. The generalization of Hopf algebroids and its main part of the structure, associative bialgebroids, to the noncommutative base algebra was introduced by J.-H. Lu in 1996 as a result on work on groupoids in Poisson geometry. They may be loosely thought of as Hopf algebras over a noncommutative base ring, where weak Hopf algebras become Hopf algebras over a separable algebra. It is a theorem that a Hopf algebroid satisfying a finite projectivity condition over a separable algebra is a weak Hopf algebra, and conversely a weak Hopf algebra H is a Hopf algebroid over its separable subalgebra HL. The antipode axioms have been changed by G. Böhm and K. Szlachányi in 2004 for tensor categorical reasons and to accommodate examples associated to depth two Frobenius algebra extensions.

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A Lie bialgebroid is a mathematical structure in the area of non-Riemannian differential geometry. In brief a Lie bialgebroid are two compatible Lie algebroids defined on dual vector bundles. They form the vector bundle version of a Lie bialgebra.

In mathematics, the automorphism group of an object X is the group consisting of automorphisms of X. For example, if X is a finite-dimensional vector space, then the automorphism group of X is the group of invertible linear transformations from X to itself. If instead X is a group, then its automorphism group is the group consisting of all group automorphisms of X.


  1. Mosa 1986
  2. Brown & Mosa 1986

This article incorporates material from Algebroid Structures and Algebroid Extended Symmetries on PlanetMath, which is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.
