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In mathematics, categorification is the process of replacing set-theoretic theorems with category-theoretic analogues. Categorification, when done successfully, replaces sets with categories, functions with functors, and equations with natural isomorphisms of functors satisfying additional properties. The term was coined by Louis Crane.


The reverse of categorification is the process of decategorification. Decategorification is a systematic process by which isomorphic objects in a category are identified as equal. Whereas decategorification is a straightforward process, categorification is usually much less straightforward. In the representation theory of Lie algebras, modules over specific algebras are the principal objects of study, and there are several frameworks for what a categorification of such a module should be, e.g., so called (weak) abelian categorifications. [1]

Categorification and decategorification are not precise mathematical procedures, but rather a class of possible analogues. They are used in a similar way to the words like 'generalization', and not like 'sheafification'. [2]


One form of categorification takes a structure described in terms of sets, and interprets the sets as isomorphism classes of objects in a category. For example, the set of natural numbers can be seen as the set of cardinalities of finite sets (and any two sets with the same cardinality are isomorphic). In this case, operations on the set of natural numbers, such as addition and multiplication, can be seen as carrying information about coproducts and products of the category of finite sets. Less abstractly, the idea here is that manipulating sets of actual objects, and taking coproducts (combining two sets in a union) or products (building arrays of things to keep track of large numbers of them) came first. Later, the concrete structure of sets was abstracted away – taken "only up to isomorphism", to produce the abstract theory of arithmetic. This is a "decategorification" – categorification reverses this step.

Other examples include homology theories in topology. Emmy Noether gave the modern formulation of homology as the rank of certain free abelian groups by categorifying the notion of a Betti number. [3] See also Khovanov homology as a knot invariant in knot theory.

An example in finite group theory is that the ring of symmetric functions is categorified by the category of representations of the symmetric group. The decategorification map sends the Specht module indexed by partition to the Schur function indexed by the same partition,

essentially following the character map from a favorite basis of the associated Grothendieck group to a representation-theoretic favorite basis of the ring of symmetric functions. This map reflects how the structures are similar; for example

have the same decomposition numbers over their respective bases, both given by Littlewood–Richardson coefficients.

Abelian categorifications

For a category , let be the Grothendieck group of .

Let be a ring which is free as an abelian group, and let be a basis of such that the multiplication is positive in , i.e.


Let be an -module. Then a (weak) abelian categorification of consists of an abelian category , an isomorphism , and exact endofunctors such that

  1. the functor lifts the action of on the module , i.e. , and
  2. there are isomorphisms , i.e. the composition decomposes as the direct sum of functors in the same way that the product decomposes as the linear combination of basis elements .

See also

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This is a glossary of properties and concepts in category theory in mathematics.

In mathematics, Khovanov homology is an oriented link invariant that arises as the cohomology of a cochain complex. It may be regarded as a categorification of the Jones polynomial.

In mathematics, the direct image functor is a construction in sheaf theory that generalizes the global sections functor to the relative case. It is of fundamental importance in topology and algebraic geometry. Given a sheaf F defined on a topological space X and a continuous map f: XY, we can define a new sheaf fF on Y, called the direct image sheaf or the pushforward sheaf of F along f, such that the global sections of fF is given by the global sections of F. This assignment gives rise to a functor f from the category of sheaves on X to the category of sheaves on Y, which is known as the direct image functor. Similar constructions exist in many other algebraic and geometric contexts, including that of quasi-coherent sheaves and étale sheaves on a scheme.

In homological algebra, the hyperhomology or hypercohomology is a generalization of (co)homology functors which takes as input not objects in an abelian category but instead chain complexes of objects, so objects in . It is a sort of cross between the derived functor cohomology of an object and the homology of a chain complex since hypercohomology corresponds to the derived global sections functor .

In mathematics, Hochschild homology (and cohomology) is a homology theory for associative algebras over rings. There is also a theory for Hochschild homology of certain functors. Hochschild cohomology was introduced by Gerhard Hochschild (1945) for algebras over a field, and extended to algebras over more general rings by Henri Cartan and Samuel Eilenberg (1956).

In algebraic K-theory, the K-theory of a categoryC (usually equipped with some kind of additional data) is a sequence of abelian groups Ki(C) associated to it. If C is an abelian category, there is no need for extra data, but in general it only makes sense to speak of K-theory after specifying on C a structure of an exact category, or of a Waldhausen category, or of a dg-category, or possibly some other variants. Thus, there are several constructions of those groups, corresponding to various kinds of structures put on C. Traditionally, the K-theory of C is defined to be the result of a suitable construction, but in some contexts there are more conceptual definitions. For instance, the K-theory is a 'universal additive invariant' of dg-categories and small stable ∞-categories.

In mathematics, the quotient of an abelian category by a Serre subcategory is the abelian category which, intuitively, is obtained from by ignoring all objects from . There is a canonical exact functor whose kernel is , and is in a certain sense the most general abelian category with this property.

Volodymyr Mazorchuk is a Ukrainian-Swedish mathematician at Uppsala University and was awarded the Göran Gustafsson Prize in 2016.

In mathematics, an Abelian 2-group is a higher dimensional analogue of an Abelian group, in the sense of higher algebra, which were originally introduced by Alexander Grothendieck while studying abstract structures surrounding Abelian varieties and Picard groups. More concretely, they are given by groupoids which have a bifunctor which acts formally like the addition an Abelian group. Namely, the bifunctor has a notion of commutativity, associativity, and an identity structure. Although this seems like a rather lofty and abstract structure, there are several examples of Abelian 2-groups. In fact, some of which provide prototypes for more complex examples of higher algebraic structures, such as Abelian n-groups.


  1. Khovanov, Mikhail; Mazorchuk, Volodymyr; Stroppel, Catharina (2009), "A brief review of abelian categorifications", Theory Appl. Categ., 22 (19): 479–508, arXiv: math.RT/0702746
  2. Alex Hoffnung (2009-11-10). "What precisely Is "Categorification"?".
  3. Baez & Dolan 1998.

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