Ravinder or Ravindra is an Indian given name. A short form of the name is Ravi. Notable people with this name include:
Events in the year 1997 in the Republic of India.
Events in the year 1990 in the Republic of India.
Events in the year 1956
The following lists events that happened during 1962 in the Republic of India.
Events in the year 1988 in the Republic of India.
Varmā, Verma, Varman, or Burman are surnames found in India and Southeast Asia. These surnames are commonly used by people of different castes and ethnic groups across the region. The surname is used in North India by and some of the groups among cluster of castes called Kayasthas. However, in the same region along with Central India, it can also be found among castes like Rajputs, Prajapats, Kurmis and Koeris.
Kumar is a title, given name, middle name, or a family name found in the Indian subcontinent, mainly in, but not limited to, India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Nepal, though not specific to any religion, ethnicity, or caste. It is a generic title which variously means prince, son, boy, or chaste. It is the 11th most common family name in the world as of August 2019.
Kapoor or Kapur is a Punjabi surname of Khatri caste found in the Punjabi Hindu, Muslim and Sikh communities.
Sinha is a surname which originates in the Indian subcontinent. The surname is commonly used by many communities including the Bengali Kayastha and the Chitraguptavanshi Kayasthas of the Hindi Belt. and is common in India, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh. It comes from a Sanskrit word meaning "lion" or "brave person".
Events in the year 1987 in the Republic of India.
Shukla is a word of Sanskrit origin that means "bright" or "white".
Manoj is a male given name of Indian origin. Notable people called Manoj include: