The rectilinear Steiner tree problem, minimum rectilinear Steiner tree problem (MRST), or rectilinear Steiner minimum tree problem (RSMT) is a variant of the geometric Steiner tree problem in the plane, in which the Euclidean distance is replaced with the rectilinear distance. The problem may be formally stated as follows: given n points in the plane, it is required to interconnect them all by a shortest network which consists only of vertical and horizontal line segments. It can be shown that such a network is a tree whose vertices are the input points plus some extra points (Steiner points). [1]
The problem arises in the physical design of electronic design automation. In VLSI circuits, wire routing is carried out by wires running only in vertical and horizontal directions, due to high computational complexity of the task. Therefore wire length is the sum of the lengths of vertical and horizontal segments, and the distance between two pins of a net is actually the rectilinear distance ("Manhattan distance") between the corresponding geometric points in the design plane. [1]
It is known that the search for the RSMT may be restricted to the Hanan grid, constructed by drawing vertical and horizontal lines through each vertex. [2]
The RSMT is an NP-hard problem, and as with other NP-hard problems, common approaches to tackle it are approximate algorithms, heuristic algorithms, and separation of efficiently solvable special cases. An overview of the approaches to the problem may be found in the 1992 book by Hwang, Richards and Winter, The Steiner Tree Problem. [3]
The single-trunk Steiner tree is a tree that consists of a single horizontal segment and some vertical segments. A minimum single-trunk Steiner tree problem (MSTST) may be found in linear time.
The idea is that STSTs for a given point set essentially have only one "degree of freedom", which is the position of the horizontal trunk. Further, it easy to see that if the Y-axis is split into segments by Y-coordinates of input points, then the length of a STST is constant within any such segment. Finally, it will be minimal if the trunk has the closest possible numbers of points below and above it. Therefore an optimal position of the trunk are defined by a median of the set of Y-coordinates of the points, which may be found in linear time. Once the trunk is found, the vertical segments may be easily computed. Notice however that while the construction of the connecting net takes linear time, the construction of the tree which involves both input points and Steiner points as its vertices will require O(n log n) time, since it essentially accomplishes sorting of the X-coordinates of the input points (along the split of the trunk into the edges of the tree). [4]
A MSTST is fast to compute but is a poor approximation of the MRST. A better approximation, called the refined single trunk tree, may be found in O(n log n) time. It is optimal for point sets of sizes up to 4. [5]
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A number of algorithms exist which start from the rectilinear minimum spanning tree (RMST; the minimum spanning tree in the plane with rectilinear distance) and try to decrease its length by introducing Steiner points. The RMST itself may be up to 1.5 times longer than MRST. [6]
The travelling salesman problem asks the following question: "Given a list of cities and the distances between each pair of cities, what is the shortest possible route that visits each city exactly once and returns to the origin city?" It is an NP-hard problem in combinatorial optimization, important in theoretical computer science and operations research.
A minimum spanning tree (MST) or minimum weight spanning tree is a subset of the edges of a connected, edge-weighted undirected graph that connects all the vertices together, without any cycles and with the minimum possible total edge weight. That is, it is a spanning tree whose sum of edge weights is as small as possible. More generally, any edge-weighted undirected graph has a minimum spanning forest, which is a union of the minimum spanning trees for its connected components.
In combinatorial mathematics, the Steiner tree problem, or minimum Steiner tree problem, named after Jakob Steiner, is an umbrella term for a class of problems in combinatorial optimization. While Steiner tree problems may be formulated in a number of settings, they all require an optimal interconnect for a given set of objects and a predefined objective function. One well-known variant, which is often used synonymously with the term Steiner tree problem, is the Steiner tree problem in graphs. Given an undirected graph with non-negative edge weights and a subset of vertices, usually referred to as terminals, the Steiner tree problem in graphs requires a tree of minimum weight that contains all terminals. Further well-known variants are the Euclidean Steiner tree problem and the rectilinear minimum Steiner tree problem.
The Euclidean minimum spanning tree or EMST is a minimum spanning tree of a set of points in the plane or higher-dimensional Euclidean space. It connects the points by a system of line segments, so that any two points can reach each other along a path through the line segments, and it selects line segments that minimize the sum of the Euclidean distances between directly-connected pairs of points.
The k-minimum spanning tree problem, studied in theoretical computer science, asks for a tree of minimum cost that has exactly k vertices and forms a subgraph of a larger graph. It is also called the k-MST or edge-weighted k-cardinality tree. Finding this tree is NP-hard, but it can be approximated to within a constant approximation ratio in polynomial time.
In graph theory, a path decomposition of a graph G is, informally, a representation of G as a "thickened" path graph, and the pathwidth of G is a number that measures how much the path was thickened to form G. More formally, a path-decomposition is a sequence of subsets of vertices of G such that the endpoints of each edge appear in one of the subsets and such that each vertex appears in a contiguous subsequence of the subsets, and the pathwidth is one less than the size of the largest set in such a decomposition. Pathwidth is also known as interval thickness, vertex separation number, or node searching number.
In geometry, a polygonal chain is a connected series of line segments. More formally, a polygonal chain P is a curve specified by a sequence of points called its vertices. The curve itself consists of the line segments connecting the consecutive vertices.
In geometry, the Hanan gridH(S) of a finite set S of points in the plane is obtained by constructing vertical and horizontal lines through each point in S.
In computational geometry, the Bentley–Ottmann algorithm is a sweep line algorithm for listing all crossings in a set of line segments, i.e. it finds the intersection points of line segments. It extends the Shamos–Hoey algorithm, a similar previous algorithm for testing whether or not a set of line segments has any crossings. For an input consisting of line segments with crossings, the Bentley–Ottmann algorithm takes time . In cases where , this is an improvement on a naïve algorithm that tests every pair of segments, which takes .
In graph theory, the crossing numbercr(G) of a graph G is the lowest number of edge crossings of a plane drawing of the graph G. For instance, a graph is planar if and only if its crossing number is zero. Determining the crossing number continues to be of great importance in graph drawing, as user studies have shown that drawing graphs with few crossings makes it easier for people to understand the drawing.
In computational geometry and computer science, the minimum-weight triangulation problem is the problem of finding a triangulation of minimal total edge length. That is, an input polygon or the convex hull of an input point set must be subdivided into triangles that meet edge-to-edge and vertex-to-vertex, in such a way as to minimize the sum of the perimeters of the triangles. The problem is NP-hard for point set inputs, but may be approximated to any desired degree of accuracy. For polygon inputs, it may be solved exactly in polynomial time. The minimum weight triangulation has also sometimes been called the optimal triangulation.
In graph theory, the rectilinear minimum spanning tree (RMST) of a set of n points in the plane is a minimum spanning tree of that set, where the weight of the edge between each pair of points is the rectilinear distance between those two points.
In computer science, the minimum routing cost spanning tree of a weighted graph is a spanning tree minimizing the sum of pairwise distances between vertices in the tree. It is also called the optimum distance spanning tree, shortest total path length spanning tree, minimum total distance spanning tree, or minimum average distance spanning tree. In an unweighted graph, this is the spanning tree of minimum Wiener index. Hu (1974) writes that the problem of constructing these trees was proposed by Francesco Maffioli.
In graph algorithms, the widest path problem is the problem of finding a path between two designated vertices in a weighted graph, maximizing the weight of the minimum-weight edge in the path. The widest path problem is also known as the maximum capacity path problem. It is possible to adapt most shortest path algorithms to compute widest paths, by modifying them to use the bottleneck distance instead of path length. However, in many cases even faster algorithms are possible.
In discrete geometry, an opaque set is a system of curves or other set in the plane that blocks all lines of sight across a polygon, circle, or other shape. Opaque sets have also been called barriers, beam detectors, opaque covers, or opaque forests. Opaque sets were introduced by Stefan Mazurkiewicz in 1916, and the problem of minimizing their total length was posed by Frederick Bagemihl in 1959.
A covering of a polygon is a set of primitive units whose union equals the polygon. A polygon covering problem is a problem of finding a covering with a smallest number of units for a given polygon. This is an important class of problems in computational geometry. There are many different polygon covering problems, depending on the type of polygon being covering. An example polygon covering problem is: given a rectilinear polygon, find a smallest set of squares whose union equals the polygon.
A partition of a polygon is a set of primitive units, which do not overlap and whose union equals the polygon. A polygon partition problem is a problem of finding a partition which is minimal in some sense, for example a partition with a smallest number of units or with units of smallest total side-length.
In geometric graph theory, a penny graph is a contact graph of unit circles. It is formed from a collection of unit circles that do not cross each other, by creating a vertex for each circle and an edge for every pair of tangent circles. The circles can be represented physically by pennies, arranged without overlapping on a flat surface, with a vertex for each penny and an edge for each two pennies that touch.
In computational geometry, a Steiner point is a point that is not part of the input to a geometric optimization problem but is added during the solution of the problem, to create a better solution than would be possible from the original points alone.
In computer science, the planar 3-satisfiability problem is an extension of the classical Boolean 3-satisfiability problem to a planar incidence graph. In other words, it asks whether the variables of a given Boolean formula—whose incidence graph consisting of variables and clauses can be embedded on a plane—can be consistently replaced by the values TRUE or FALSE in such a way that the formula evaluates to TRUE. If this is the case, the formula is called satisfiable. On the other hand, if no such assignment exists, the function expressed by the formula is FALSE for all possible variable assignments and the formula is unsatisfiable. For example, the formula "a AND NOT b" is satisfiable because one can find the values a = TRUE and b = FALSE, which make = TRUE. In contrast, "a AND NOT a" is unsatisfiable.