Reformed and Presbyterian Fellowship of India

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The Reformed and Presbyterian Fellowship of India is a national ecumenical organization, bringing together Presbyterian and Continental Reformed churches in India. [1]


It was formed in 2001 [2] and in 2019 it was formed by 14 member denominations. [3] [4] [5]


In 1969, the Reformed Presbyterian Church of India established the Dehradun Presbyterian Theological Seminary, which, unlike other Presbyterian theological institutions in India, rejected Theological liberalism and subscribed to the Westminster Confession of Faith. [2]

In the following decades, various Presbyterian and Continental Reformed denominations began to send their pastors for seminary training.

This training of pastors of various denominations in the same seminary led to a rapprochement between them and the formation of the Reformed and Presbyterian Fellowship of India in 2001. [1] [2]


In 2019, Fellowship members were: [3]

  1. Reformed Presbyterian Church of India
  2. Reformed Presbyterian Church North East India
  3. Presbyterian Church in India (Reformed)
  4. Presbyterian Reformed Church in India
  5. Presbyterian Free Church of Central India
  6. Free Presbyterian Church, Kalimpong
  7. Presbyterian Church of South India
  8. South India Reformed Churches
  9. Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Sikkim
  10. Evangelical Reformed Church of India
  11. Christian Reformed Fellowship of India
  12. Reformed Covenant Assembly (India) (mission of United Reformed Churches in North America)
  13. Reformed Churches in South Africa
  14. Protestant Reformed Church (India) (mission of Protestant Reformed Churches in America).

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  1. 1 2 "Presbyterian and Reformed Fraternity of India" . Retrieved December 16, 2021.
  2. 1 2 3 "History of the Theological Seminary Presbyterianism of India" . Retrieved December 20, 2021.
  3. 1 2 "History of the Reformed and Presbyterian Fellowship of India" (PDF). The Presbyterian Banner. November 1, 2019. Retrieved December 16, 2021.
  4. "Second Meeting of the Reformed and Presbyterian Fellowship of India". IRFA. January 12, 2005. Retrieved December 16, 2021.
  5. "Reformed and Presbyterian Fellowship of India". July 20, 2017. Retrieved December 16, 2021.