Renaissance Sword Club

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Logo of the Renaissance Sword Club Logo of the Renaissance Sword Club.jpg
Logo of the Renaissance Sword Club

The Renaissance Sword Club is a historical European martial arts group based in London, South East of England and Brittany, France. [1] It was founded in 2013 by Rob Runacres. Its primary aim is the research and recreation of European swordsmanship of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, specifically those concerned with the rapier and spada da lato, as well as their companion weapons such as the dagger, cloak, buckler and rotella. Members have also pursued interests outside of the core curriculum in to staff weapons, longsword and small sword.



Students follow the theories and methods of the Italian and French schools of fencing as laid down by martial arts manuals of fencing instructors such as Achille Marozzo, Salvator Fabris, Giovanni dall’Agocchie and François Dancie. Though sidesword and rapier are considered as different sword forms for teaching purposes, emphasis is placed on the similarities in mechanics and theory. Lessons are instructor led with sparring elements.

Members are encouraged to enter competitions and have attended events such as Longpoint, Swordfish, The Albion Cup, The Wessex League and others.


The Renaissance Sword Club was founded in 2013 by Rob Runacres, formerly an instructor at the School of the Sword. [2]

Educational provision

Members of the club lecture and provide workshops across Europe. [3] Much of this has centred on the research on sword fighting in Early Modern France. Major work has concentrated on the anonymous 'Book of Lessons', Girolamo Cavalcabo's Treaty or Instruction for Fencing' and 'The Sword of Combat' by Francois Dancie. [4]


See also

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  1. "The Renaissance Sword Club". Retrieved 2020-04-18.
  2. "The School of the Sword. About Us". Retrieved 2020-04-18.
  3. "Rob Runacres". Retrieved 2020-04-18.
  4. "Translations". Retrieved 2020-04-18.