Devon wrestling

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Devon Wrestling
Also known asDevonshire Wrestling
Focus Grappling, Kicking
Country of origin Flag of England.svg Flag of Devon.svg Devon, England
Famous practitionersAbraham Cann
Olympic sportNo

Devon wrestling or Devonshire wrestling is a type of wrestling that originated in Devon, England, which was popular in the nineteenth century. [1] The Devonshire style of wrestling allows footwear to be worn and kicking intended to trip and disable the opponent.


It has similarities to Cornish wrestling but it focuses more on foot moves and less on throwing. [2] Traditionally, Cornish wrestling used 'Hugs and heaves', whereas the Devonshire style used 'Kicks and trips'.

Despite some differences in emphasis and naming conventions, the two styles are considered to be the same, and may be referred to collectively as 'Westcountry Play', or 'Westcountry Wrestling'.

Notable Devonshire Wrestlers

The best known champion Devon wrestler is Abraham Cann of Colebrooke, Devon. [3] However, there were also many others who were prolific in the sport.

Abraham Cann 1864 Abraham Cann 1864.jpg
Abraham Cann 1864
John Slade 1866 John Slade 1866.jpg
John Slade 1866


There are a number of throws that are taught in training classes, but each has many variants depending on context. A wrestler is taught how to exploit their own physical and tactical advantages, and how to use the right technique for the situation.


There are 2 initial stances, known as the Wide position and the Narrow position. [103] The wide position is to stand facing forward, with both feet pointing forward and shoulder width apart. [104] The narrow position is to stand with one side of the body leading and the other one trailing, so that the profile of the body is presented to one’s adversary. The position was known in Boxing as ‘the square’ because the heels and feet create a right-angle. [105]

Taking hold

To grasp the opposing wrestler's jacket is called a 'hitch'. [106] There are 4 main hitches, taken in 2 different ways. [107]

  1. The collar hold (‘yoke’ or ‘normal’ hold)
  2. The sleeve-and-collar hold
  3. The single sleeve hold
  4. The sleeve-and-waist hold


In Play Heaves Back Heave
Cornish Hug
Fore Heave
Flying Mare
Half Heave
Scat un Back
Teddy Bag Heave
Under Heave
Crooks Back Crook
Fore Crook
Slip Crook
Sprags Back Sprag
Double Sprag
Single Sprag
Hip Throws Fore Hip
Pull Over Hip
Out Play Trips Back Step
Lock Arm
Pull Under
Foul Throws Foul Moves Cross Collar
Crowbar Hitch

Differences between Devon and Cornish Wrestling

There are few differences in practice between the teaching of wrestling in Devon and Cornwall, which is why the art was referred to together. The best descriptions are found in 19th century sources such as newspapers:

The play of Cornwall and Devonshire is the same, with a difference. They both have the jacket, and they play for a hitch in the same fashion. Sticklers are appointed, who keep the ring, and the public are present in crowds.

In Cornwall, however, the man steps into the ring in his stockings or socks. In Devonshire he wears his shoes, made for the express purpose. He is bound by rule not to have any iron or other metal whatever, in his shoe, but he has the soles so hardened by baking that they are very formidable weapons....The difference in the play has been called the in-and-out play, the off-and-on play, the toe-and-heel play. Cornish play—the hugging and heaving; the Devonshire play—the kicking and tripping. It might be thus defined: in Cornwall the shoulders and arms are chiefly relied on, in Devonshire the legs.

In Cornwall the Cornish game is always played, in Devonshire the Devonshire game is played; but on the borders of the counties, in Plymouth especially, where a great deal of play used to be seen, Cornwall and Devonshire met one another, and sometimes each would play his own game. The Devonshire play is a lively play: the kick and the leg-play in general must be very quick, and it is undoubtedly fine play when properly played. If the Cornish player were not thrown in the Devonshire out-play, he would get his man too close to him for a kick, and try his own Cornish play on him. The Devonshire player would still play his leg-play, and a couple of hours might pass before one or the other got his back fall. [108]

The primary differences are in application:

Devon wrestling differs from most other modes. It would, however, be easy to demonstrate its superiority over that practised by other wrestlers, who are unable, with any amount of success, to meet any stranger who does not conform to their own style, whereas knowledge of Devon wrestling enables man to successfully meet whomsoever cares to confront him. [109]


Original rules, as published in 1888.

The following will be found the rules which are observed in all matches or contests :—

  1. Each contestant chooses umpire, and if a referee cannot be agreed upon mutually, the two umpires toss for one. Sometimes power is given the stakeholder to name one ; when this done the preliminaries are more easily got over at the ring side.
  2. The men after to the drawers put on a strong canvas jacket, though ordinary ones would do equally well, if very strong man may get his holds upon any part of his opponent’s jacket, but he must not take both collars in one hand, neither is he allowed to catch hold of the legs, drawers, or belt.
  3. To obtain a “back” one must be pitched flatly upon his back.
    1. The articles should state whether “three pin” or “four pin” match agreed upon; if the former, two shoulders and one hip, or two hip and one shoulder must touch the ground ere back is won ; if the latter, the two shoulders and two hips must simultaneously pitch upon the ground.
  4. No back allowed if a man’s leg, side, or shoulder first reach the ground ; neither is there, if in throwing a man, the thrower allows any part of his own body to be undermost; even the hand or arm, if between a man’s back and the ground, is sufficient to disqualify back, no matter how “flat” the back is otherwise given.
  5. Backs are often disallowed only on account of this slight infringement.
  6. The rules should be read to the men by the referee before play begins.
  7. All arrangements being made, the order is given to commence play ; each man then walks to the centre of the ring, and shakes his antagonist’s right hand.
  8. The hands must then be separated, after which each tries his best to get good holds.
  9. This accomplished the struggle for the falls take place. [109]


The cause of the extinction of the sport in Devon has been attributed to a range of factors. It may be likely that no single factor was responsible, but rather a combination of factors led to the sport's extinction.


The sport lacked investment, and that it wasn't supported as well as Cornish Wrestling was in Conwall. There was no single governing body in Devon that supported the interests of the sport.

Changing tastes

The most common reason is that the sport was brutal and was perceived as a blood sport. In the eighteenth and nineteenth century many Devon wrestlers used to wear "baked" boots when wrestling, which could cause serious injury to opponents (on rare occasions leading to death). [110] Another example in the Western Times (1933) where the writer had spoken to old ‘Farmer Ridd, who farmed on Glebe Farm’, Exeter:

“I remember him telling me that he had wrestled in all parts of Devon, and on one occasion he was badly bruised about the legs that the last three miles to his home he crawled on his hands and knees.” [111] [112]

The result was that few spectators chose to watch wrestling, whilst fewer wrestlers opted to compete, thus driving down participation.

Match fixing

It became more common towards the end of the 19th century that competitors would agree before a match to who was going to win, and thereby fix the result. The intention was that they could bet on the outcome themselves, or otherwise guarantee their own safety without overexertion. Gambling was interwoven into the sport, which meant that match-fixing became an easier way to have a financial gain from a wrestling event. This practice was known at the time as 'faggotting'. [113]

Unruly spectators

Fights would often break out between spectators, which also added to bringing the sport into disrepute. [114]


Since the sport became extinct in the late 19th century, there have been a number of attempts to bring back the sport.

First attempt (1925-1926): The St. Budeaux Devon Wrestling Committee (Affiliated to the Cornwall County Wrestling Association) reinstated tournaments within the St. Budeaux Horse Show field. [115] On the 3rd November 1925, it was reported in the Western Morning News:

EFFORT TO INTRODUCE GAME INTO DEVON. Mr. W. Phillips, of Devonport, is one of many who has been attracted to the revival of Cornish wrestling, and he has tesirous steps taken to introduce the sport into Devon. He has the support loose interested the game Cornwall, although nothing officially has been done yet, certain a commits of those interested in Devon being established, but active advice and support would be assured from the Westernmost county. The introduction of Cornish wrestling into Devon— the old-time Devon style, was too brutal for it to stand a chance of revival— may not easy of accomplishment, but once the initial steps have been taken success will be assured if the present intention of introducing it as sport chiefly, and not altogether a lasttime for spectators. [116]

The event gained limited interest, such that "...junior members were received with great enthusiasm, and they have on several occasions since had practice bouts. Unfortunately, the senior members were not been as keen." [116] Mr Phillips of Davenport was unperturbed and continued to explore collaboration with the Cant. E. H. Whitford Hawkey, of St. Wenn, to work on re-establishing Devon wrestling with the help of the Head of Cornish wrestling. The Cornwall Association secretary, Mr. W. Tickell, Bodmin, replied, and stated how he was "very pleased that a revival of wrestling Devon was possible, as for many years there were matches between the two counties." The plans for the St Budeaux Devon Wrestling Committee was to begin a committee and to see tournaments in Plymouth and London. A few months later, an article appeared in the Western Times exploring the new 'proposed revivial of the game':

I hear that a movement is afoot to revive wrestling in Devon. This news will be welcomed by followers this form of sport, and especially those participants in it in the days when wrestling was the feature of rural entertainments. Half a century ago— and more recent years—no village revel or fair was worthy of the name if it did not include in its programme a wrestling contest. Nothing took the fancy of the countryside or got so much grip on the rural manhood as the bouts that were invariably fought out in the arena between the giants of this game. ... Why should not a revival be made in Devonshire? It would, I feel sure, materially add to the attractions of rural sports gatherings. Therefore one welcomes the proposal of well-known sporting gentleman in the Tiverton district who, I understand, want to see wrestling restored in the county. He purposes organising a meeting in September and hopes to arrange at least couple contests, one for 9-stone men; and under and another for men of any weight. There are still some of the old hands left who would glad to assist and coach the youth of the countryside in this manly game, and doubt some the best of the Cornish players would be willing to give an exhibition match. [117]

No further information about this revival has been found.

2nd attempt (2014–Present): A local project called 'The Devonshire Wrestling Society' (DWS) started in 2014 to bring back the practice of the sport. [118] It was the first time in 100 years that Devonshire Wrestling was formally practiced in Devon. The project was named after the Devonshire and Cornwall Wrestling Society that promoted the sport in the 19th century. [119]

Their mission is:

We share traditional Westcountry Martial Arts with the world. We will build a stronger global connection to our local heritage, and preserve folk martial arts for future generations.

The group have catalogued and presented the sport for people outside of Devon to take up the sport, seeking to make the content more accessible. The modern practice consists of 12 techniques, 2 positions, 4 orientations and 4 hitches (jacket grips), which have been reclaimed from historical records, as well as drawn from modern Cornish Wrestling. [120] [121]

The curriculum is divided into 5 ranks, based upon the traditional structure for training. [122]

Besides practical instruction, the group also maintains an archive of records collected from local museums and archives. Local history groups have welcomed the effort, and provided their own coverage of the project. [123]

There are active clubs in both Plymouth and Exeter. In addition to the Devonshire-style wrestling course, the curriculum covers stickfighting ('Cudgelling') from Somerset, as well as Cornish Wrestling. [124]

Further reading

  1. Acutt, J (2024). Westcountry Wrestling: A Comprehensive Guide. The Devonshire Wrestling Society.
  2. Anon. (Undated). The Westcountry Anthology: Item 252: West Country Play.
  3. Baring-Gould, S., (1908). Devonshire Characters and Strange Events, Bodley Head, London.
  4. Carew, R. (1602). The Survey of Cornwall, Tamar Books, Launceston, Reprint: 2000.
  5. Chope, R.P., (ed.) (1922). Devonshire Wrastling and Wrestlers, The Devonshire Year Book, 1922, The London Devonian Association, Ealing.
  6. Jaouen, G. and Nichols, M. B. (2007). Celtic Wrestling, The Jacket Styles: History of An Old Sport and Techniques of Cornu-Breton Wrestling, Winners 1928-2006. Corsier-sur-Vevey, Fédération Internationale des Luttes Associées.
  7. Kendall, B. H. (1990). The Art of Cornish Wrestling. The Cornish Wrestling Association, Federation of Old Cornwall Societies.
  8. Longhurst, P. (1917). Wrestling, Metheun, London.
  9. Porter, J. H. (1989). Decline of the Devonshire Wrestling Style, Transactions and Reports of the Devonshire Association, Vol. 121, Devon. Ass., Exeter.
  10. Tripp, M (2009). Persistence of Difference: A History of Cornish Wrestling, Vols 1 & 2, plus Appendices; PhD Thesis, University of Exeter.
  11. Walker, D. (1840). Defensive Exercises; comprising Wrestling, as in Cumberland, Westmoreland, Cornwall and Devonshire; Boxing, both in the usual mode and in a simpler one; defence against brute force, by various means; fencing and broad sword, with simpler methods; etc., Thomas Hurst, London.

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  1. "Bayview House Lynmouth". Archived from the original on 8 September 2008. Retrieved 9 December 2009.
  2. Sam Sam's Son (1831). "Letter to the editor: Wrestling in Cornwall and Devonshire, October 8, 1827". The Every-Day Book and Table Book, Vol III. By William Hone. London: Published for T. Tegg, sold by R. Griffin. pp. 499–502.
  3. "Abraham Cann". Rootsweb. Archived from the original on 15 July 2011. Retrieved 9 December 2009.
  4. Some old-time champions, Cornish Guardian, 19 September 1919, p3.
  5. 1 2 Wrestlers, North Devon Journal, 26 January 1871, p5.
  6. Whispers and echoes, Cornish Guardian, 1 October 1926, p7.
  7. 1 2 Two celebrated wrestlers, Little Cock and Blind Bill, Hereford Times, 21 November 1846, p9.
  8. 1 2 Rev Polwhele, R: History of Cornwall, Michell & Co (Truro) 1816, p67-68.
  9. Died, Western Times, 16 June 1838, p2.
  10. Died, Dorset County Chronicle, 21 June 1838, p4.
  11. An Extraordinary Wrestler, Wiltshire Independent, 28 June 1838, p4.
  12. Death of a noted wrestler, Royal Cornwall Gazette, 16 May 1874, p37.
  13. Death of a noted wrestler, Western Morning News 8 May 1874, p3.
  14. DIED, Johnson's Sunday Monitor, 3 May 1818, p4.
  15. Torpoint diversions, Hampshire Chronicle, 29 July 1811, p72.
  16. Tavistock Wrestling match, North Devon Journal, 18 May 1827, p3.
  17. The great wrestling match, Globe, 26 October 1826, p3.
  18. Globe, 17 July 1811
  19. Saint James's Chronicle, 26 May 1812
  20. Star (London), 15 August 1812
  21. Cornish wrestling at the Eagle tavern, Bell's Life in London and Sporting Chronicle, 14 August 1831, p3.
  22. Wrestling at Saltash, Pilot (London), 6 August 1811, p3.
  23. 1 2 The Wrestling Truscotts 1800-1814, Old Cornwall, Summer 1949, p320-322.
  24. 1 2 3 4 5 Wrestling Notes: Thomas Cooper, Western Times, 3 February 1880, p7.
  25. Death of an old wrestler, Express and Echo, 23 March 1875, p2.
  26. Death of an old wrestler, Royal Cornwall Gazette - Saturday 27 March 1875, p4.
  27. Death of an old wrestler, The Exeter Flying Post or, Trewman's Plymouth and Cornish Advertiser, 24 March 1875, p5.
  28. Death of an old wrestler, The West Briton and Cornwall Advertiser, 1 April 1875, p11.
  29. 1 2 Wrestling, Weekly Dispatch (London), 22 July 1827, p5.
  30. 1 2 Death of a renowned Devonshire wrestler, South Australian Weekly Chronicle (Adelaide, SA), 23 February 1867, p3.
  31. An old wrestler, Western Times, 4 December 1866, p3.
  32. Crediton, Western Times, 27 February 1866, p7.
  33. Death of a renowned Devonshire wrestler, The Exeter and Plymouth Gazette, 7 December 1866, p6.
  34. An old wrestler, The Western Times, 7 December 1866, p6.
  35. Illustrated Sporting News and Theatrical and Musical Review, 7 May 1864, p4.
  36. Wrestling Notes, Western Times, 21 February 1880, p3.
  37. Tripp, Michael: PERSISTENCE OF DIFFERENCE: A HISTORY OF CORNISH WRESTLING, University of Exeter as a thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy 2009, Vol I p2-217.
  38. "Devonshire Wrestling". Crediton Museum. Archived from the original on 26 September 2020. Retrieved 9 May 2023.
  39. Boase, George C (1886). "Cann, Abraham (1794–1864), wrestler". Dictionary of National Biography Vol. VIII. Smith, Elder & Co. Retrieved 24 October 2023. The first edition of this text is available at Wikisource:  "Cann, Abraham"  . Dictionary of National Biography . London: Smith, Elder & Co. 1885–1900.
  40. Walter Armstrong (1889). "Chapter IV. Styles and Systems". Wrestling. London: Longmans Green, and Co.
  41. Unknown. A new song on the wrestling match between Cann & Polkinghorne.
  42. Charlotte Vowles (27 June 2020). "The "Devon Hercules" who fought the Cornish and became the Champion of England". DevonLive. Retrieved 24 October 2023.
  43. A champion of other days, Western Times, 12 May 1860, p6.
  44. 1 2 Old Abraham Cann, the Champion Wrestler, The Cornish Telegraph - Wednesday 25 July 1860, p2.
  45. 'Howitt, William: Rural Life of England, Longman (london), 1840, p536-538.
  46. Weekly Calendar, Sherborne Mercury, 20 August 1850, p4.
  47. "Wrestlers", The West Briton and Cornwall Advertiser, 13 February 1872, p2.
  48. Abe Cann's bout with the Cornish champion, Exeter and Plymouth Gazette, 14 December 1927, p3.
  49. Egan, Pierce: Book of Sport, No XXI The Wrestlers, T T & J Tegg, 1832, p321-336.
  50. 1 2 Death of Jemmy Truscott, Sporting Life, 15 January 1891, p4.
  51. 1 2 Funeral of Jemmy Truscott, Sporting Life, 23 January 1891, p4.
  52. 1 2 Wrestling: Benefit of Jemmy Truscott, Sporting Life, 14 November 1883, p1.
  53. Wrestling, Bell's Life in London and Sporting Chronicle, 1 June 1845, p4.
  54. Cornwall and Devon wrestling society: the championship, Royal Cornwall Gazette, 16 April 1868, p4.
  55. Attempted murder in Devonshire, Sun (London), 16 November 1841, p3.
  56. 1 2 Wrestling,Exeter and Plymouth Gazette, 18 September 1841, p3.
  57. The Era, 13 October 1844
  58. Grand Wrestling Match,Exeter and Plymouth Gazette, 16 August 1845, p3.
  59. Morning Herald (London), 25 May 1847
  60. Bell's Life in London and Sporting Chronicle, 23 May 1847
  61. Bell's Life in London and Sporting Chronicle, 10 April 1842
  62. Exeter and Plymouth Gazette, 2 April 1842
  63. Cornwall and Devon Wrestling, Bell's Life in London and Sporting Chronicle, 6 June 1847, p3.
  64. Death of May, the wrestler, North Devon Journal, 25 June 1829, p3.
  65. North Devon, Exeter and Plymouth Gazette, 19 February 1842, p3.
  66. Devonshire, Bristol Mirror, 26 February 1842, p6.
  67. Illustrated Sporting News and Theatrical and Musical Review, 7 April 1866, p9.
  68. Jack Slade's wrestling and boxing competitions, Sporting Life, 7 February 1887, p3.
  69. Wrestling, The Sportsman, 17 February 1885, p4.
  70. 1 2 Champion Wrestler's Belt, Exeter and Plymouth Gazette, 12 August 1870, p6.
  71. The Cornish Telegraph, 23 June 1858
  72. 1 2 Wrestling at Exeter, Cornubian and Redruth Times, 13 August 1869, p4.
  73. 1 2 Western Morning News, 11 August 1869
  74. Bell's Life in London and Sporting Chronicle, 8 August 1852
  75. Royal Cornwall Gazette, 11 June 1858
  76. Western Times, 9 May 1870
  77. Wrestling match, The Western Times, 20 September 1871, p3.
  78. Western Times, 15 August 1873
  79. Western Times, 30 July 1874
  80. Thomas Bragg, Western Times - Monday 24 November 1879, p3.
  81. Items of News, The Cornish Telegraph, 12 June 1877, p4.
  82. Western Morning News, 5 June 1877
  83. 1 2 Devon Wrestling, Hutchings and Tapper, Battishill, The Western Times, 20 May 1879, p3.
  84. 1 2 3 4 The great Cornwall and Devon wrestling match between Baker and Pike for the championship, Bell's Life in London and Sporting Chronicle, 13 September 1879, p9.
  85. 1 2 3 4 5 Devon wrestling, Western Times, 7 February 1879, p3.
  86. Champion wrestling match, Cornish & Devon Post, 13 September 1879, p2.
  87. Wrestling in Devonshire, Sporting Life, 3 September 1879, p4.
  88. Wrestling notes: Thomas Baker, Western Times, 13 January 1880, p2.
  89. Phip Hancock's ring days, Western Morning News, 29 September 1921, p2.
  90. Devon Wrestling, Western Times, 6 February 1879, p6.
  91. The Sportsman, 22 July 1880
  92. Western Times, 1 November 1887
  93. Grand wrestling tournament, Western Daily Press, 29 May 1882, p8.
  94. Grand Wrestling Tournament, Bristol Mercury, 29 May 1882, p4.
  95. Wrestling, Cornubian and Redruth Times, 16 November 1894, p2.
  96. Champion wrestling at Plymouth, Royal Cornwall Gazette, 15 November 1894, p4.
  97. Champion wrestler at Cardiff, Star of Gwent, 20 September 1895, p9.
  98. Cornish wrestling, Morning Post, 12 April 1887, p3.
  99. Carkeek, Cornishman, 31 March 1887, p4.
  100. Wrestling, The championship of the world, The Devon Evening Express, 19 May 1888, p4.
  101. Local News, Western Times, 24 May 1888, p2.
  102. Wrestling match for the championship of the world, Western Morning News, 16 May 1888, p4.
  103. Acutt, Jamie (22 October 2024). Westcountry Wrestling: A Comprehensive Guide. Exeter: (published 2024). pp. 114–120. ISBN   978-1326885984.
  104. Kendall, B.; Chapman, B; Gregory, H; Cundy, T J; Anderson, A; Hooper, J B. (1990), Art of Cornish Wrestling, Reprinted by the Federation of Old Cornwall Societies, pp. 6.
  105. Walker, D. (1840). Defensive Exercises; comprising Wrestling, as in Cumberland, Westmoreland, Cornwall and Devonshire. London. pp. 26.
  106. Kendall, B. H. (1990). The Art of Cornish Wrestling. The Cornish Wrestling Association, Federation of Old Cornwall Societies, 4.
  107. Acutt, Jamie (22 October 2024). Westcountry Wrestling: A Comprehensive Guide. Exeter: pp. 114–120. ISBN   978-1326885984.
  108. Anonymous. The Westcountry Anthology: 'Westcountry Play'.
  109. 1 2 Western Times, 26th January 1888. Sampled from Sporting Life.
  110. Anita Merritt (30 June 2019). "The Salutation Inn: A past that includes smuggling, wrestling and elephants". DevonLive. Retrieved 24 October 2023.
  111. Western Times - Friday 07 April 1933
  112. Acutt, Jamie (22 October 2024). Westcountry Wrestling: A Comprehensive Guide. Exeter: p. 67. ISBN   978-1326885984.
  113. Acutt, Jamie (22 October 2024). Westcountry Wrestling: A Comprehensive Guide. Exeter: p. 86. ISBN   978-1326885984.
  114. Porter, J. H. (1989). "Decline of the Devonshire Wrestling Style". Transactions and Reports of the Devonshire Association. 121.
  115. The Western Morning News, Saturday 05 June 1926, Thursday 17 June 1926.
  116. 1 2 The Western Morning News, Tuesday 3rd November 1925.
  117. Western Times, Friday 23rd July 1926.
  118. Devonshire Wrestling Society (DWS) (20 January 2025). "Our mission". Devonshire Wrestling Society. Retrieved 20 January 2025.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  119. "Wrestling, Sporting Life, 29 April 1887, p4".
  120. Devonshire Wrestling Society (DWS) (20 January 2025). "Techniques". Devonshire Wrestling Society. Retrieved 20 January 2025.
  121. Acutt, Jamie (22 October 2024). Westcountry Wrestling: A Comprehensive Guide. Exeter: pp. 262–265. ISBN   978-1326885984.
  122. Devonshire Wrestling Society (DWS) (20 January 2025). "Grading system". Devonshire Wrestling Society.
  123. "Crediton Area History & Museum Society, Devonshire Wrestling article". Crediton Area History & Museum Society. Retrieved 20 January 2025.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  124. Devonshire Wrestling Society (DWS) (20 January 2025). "Westcountry Martial Arts". Devonshire Wrestling Society. Retrieved 20 January 2025.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)