Rh deficiency syndrome

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Rh deficiency syndrome
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Rh deficiency syndrome is a type of hemolytic anemia that involves erythrocytes whom membranes are deficient in Rh antigens. It is considered a rare condition. [1]



Vos originally described Rh-deficiency syndrome in 1961, when a sample of blood failed to respond with several Rh antisera. However, R. Ceppellini used the term "Rhnull" for the first time. So far, at least 43 people from 14 families have been reported in the literature as having the Rhnull phenotype. [2]

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  1. Chérif-Zahar B, Raynal V, Le Van Kim C, D'Ambrosio AM, Bailly P, Cartron JP, Colin Y (1993). "Structure and expression of the RH locus in the Rh-deficiency syndrome" (PDF). Blood. 82 (2): 656–62. doi: 10.1182/blood.V82.2.656.656 . PMID   8329719.
  2. Shahverdi, Ehsan; Morady Moghaddam, Mostafa; Abolghasemi, Hassan (1 July 2018). "First Report of Known Rare Rhnull Phenotype Individuals in Iran". International Journal of Hematology-Oncology and Stem Cell Research. 12 (3): 181–184. PMC   6305262 . PMID   30595819.