Ribbon category

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In mathematics, a ribbon category, also called a tortile category, is a particular type of braided monoidal category.



A monoidal category is, loosely speaking, a category equipped with a notion resembling the tensor product (of vector spaces, say). That is, for any two objects , there is an object . The assignment is supposed to be functorial and needs to require a number of further properties such as a unit object 1 and an associativity isomorphism. Such a category is called braided if there are isomorphisms

A braided monoidal category is called a ribbon category if the category is left rigid and has a family of twists. The former means that for each object there is another object (called the left dual), , with maps

such that the compositions

equals the identity of , and similarly with . The twists are maps


such that

To be a ribbon category, the duals have to be thus compatible with the braiding and the twists.

Concrete Example

Suppose that is a finite-dimensional vector space spanned by the basis vectors . We assign to the dual space spanned by the basis vectors , such a given is assigned the dual . Then let us define

and its dual

Then indeed we find that (for example)

Other Examples

The name ribbon category is motivated by a graphical depiction of morphisms. [2]


A strongly ribbon category is a ribbon category C equipped with a dagger structure such that the functor †: C op C coherently preserves the ribbon structure.

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  1. Turaev 2020 , XI. An algebraic construction of modular categories
  2. Turaev 2020 , p. 25