Rotterdam Sportsman of the year

Last updated

The Rotterdam Sportsman and Sportswoman of the Year is an annual election, organised by the city's division for topsport named Rotterdam Topsport. The award goes to sportspeople who were born or have lived in Rotterdam. Rotterdam was the first city in the Netherlands to honour its sportspeople for their achievements at the end of the year.



YearMen's winnerMen's sportWomen's winnerWomen's sport
1986 Koos Maasdijk rowing Elly van Hulst athletics
1987 Pieter Slot waterskiing Elly van Hulst athletics
1988 Regilio Tuur boxingNone
1989 Koos Maasdijk rowing Elly van Hulst athletics
1990 Robert Eenhoorn baseball Petra Kamstra tennis
1991 Jeroen van Dijk badminton Letitia Vriesde athletics
1992 Regilio Tuur boxing Petra Kamstra tennis
1993 John den Braber cycling Jacqueline Goormachtigh athletics
1994 Regilio Tuur boxingNone
1995 Regilio Tuur boxing Letitia Vriesde athletics
1996 Koos Maasdijk rowing Francis Hoenselaar darts
1997 Don Diego Poeder boxing Francis Hoenselaar darts
1998 Jeroen van Dijk badminton Leontien van Moorsel cycling
1999 Robert Eenhoorn baseball Leontien van Moorsel cycling
2000 Raemon Sluiter tennis Leontien van Moorsel cycling
2001 Raemon Sluiter tennis Sissy van Alebeek cycling
2002 Raemon Sluiter tennis Leontien van Moorsel cycling
2003 Francisco Elson basketball Leontien van Moorsel cycling
2004 Koos de Ronde equestrian Leontien van Moorsel cycling
2005 Robert Doornbos auto racing Elisabeth Willebroordse judo
2006 Robin van Persie football Fatima Moreira de Melo field hockey
2007 Francisco Elson basketball Elisabeth Willebroordse judo
2008 Robert Lathouwers athletics Deborah Gravenstijn judo
2009 [1] David Kuiper rowing Marhinde Verkerk judo
2010 Francisco Elson basketball Elisabeth Willeboordse judo
2011 Diegomar Markwell baseball Edith Bosch judo
2012 Robin van Persie football Edith Bosch judo
2013 Joost Luiten golf Lisette Theunissen swimming
2014 Joost Luiten golf Nouschka Fontijn boxing
2015 Rutger van Schaardenburg sailing Marhinde Verkerk judo

See also


  1. "Nieuws | Rotterdam Sportstad". Archived from the original on 2011-07-24. Retrieved 2025-02-12.