Rukwanzi Island

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Rukwanzi Island
Disputed island
LocationSouthwest Lake Albert in Central Africa
Coordinates 1°12′37″N30°29′29″E / 1.21028°N 30.49139°E / 1.21028; 30.49139 [2]
Total islands1
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Claimed by
Populationabout 1000 (2007)

Rukwanzi Island is a disputed island in the southern portion of Lake Albert in Central Africa. It is home to approximately 1000 fishermen. [3]


Ownership dispute

Rukwanzi is the subject of an ownership dispute between the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Uganda, which are situated on opposite sides of the lake. [3] In late July 2007, Congo apprehended four Ugandan soldiers it said had crossed the dividing line in the lake, and on August 3, 2007, the countries' militaries engaged in a skirmish near the island, with one Briton and one Congolese killed. [3] On August 12, 2007, Congo occupied the area. [4]

See also

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  1. Fisheries and Agriculture Department (1991). "Preliminary Results of the Frame Survey Conducted in the Ugandan Portion of Lake Albert". Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations . Retrieved 2017-03-17.
  2. Rukwanzi "Island" is a section of Lake Albert's shoreline separated from the mainland only by narrow river channels, with the main settlement at these coordinates; dozens of visible piers, buildings, and boats are visible at this coordinate on Google Earth- like platforms, at the same location as "Rukwanzi (B)" in Figure 5 of this UN report. The location on OpenStreetMap, since copied by Google Earth and others, provides as the sole source an old, incorrect German Wikipedia entry. [1]
  3. 1 2 3 "Do you want to share or fight?". The Economist . The Economist Newspaper Limited. 2007-08-25.
  4. "Congo Troops Occupy Country's Territory". The Monitor, republished on The Monitor Publications Ltd. 2007-08-12. Retrieved 2007-08-25.