Russian Arctic islands Last updated February 14, 2025 Several islands in the Arctic Ocean
Satellite image map The Russian Arctic islands are a number of islands groups and sole islands scattered around the Arctic Ocean .
Geography The islands are all situated within the Arctic Circle and are scattered through the marginal seas of the Arctic Ocean , namely, the Barents Sea , Kara Sea , Laptev Sea , East Siberian Sea , Chukchi Sea and Bering Sea . The area extends some 7,000 kilometres (4,300 miles) from Karelia in the west to the Chukchi Peninsula in the east. [ 1]
The largest of the Arctic islands is Severny Island , with an area of about 48,904 km 2 (18,882 sq mi) . It is Russia 's second largest island next to Sakhalin Island , and the fourth largest island in Europe .
History The Russian Empire officially claimed the Arctic islands to its north in a Note of the Russian Government of 20 September 1916 - this covered the islands of Henrietta, Jeannette, Bennett, Herald, Edinenie, New Siberia, Wrangel, Novaya Zemlya, Kolguev, Vaigach and others. [ 2] On 15 April 1926, the Soviet Union reaffirmed this claim. [ 2]
Islands The area includes from west to east: [ 1] [ 3]
Victoria Island (Остров Виктория; Ostrov Viktoriya), about 14 km 2 (5.4 sq mi) Franz Josef Land (Земля Франца Иосифа; Zemlya Frantsa-Iosifa), about 16,134 km 2 (6,229 sq mi) Zemlya Georga (Земля Георга, Zemlya Georga), about 2,821 km 2 (1,089 sq mi) Wilczek Land (Земля Вильчека; Zemlya Vil'cheka), about 2,203 km 2 (851 sq mi) Graham Bell Island , (Остров Греэм-Белл, Ostrov Graham Bell), about 1,557 km 2 (601 sq mi) Alexandra Land (Земля Александры, Zemlya Aleksandry), about 1,130 km 2 (440 sq mi) Hall Island (Arctic) (Остров Галля, Ostrov Gallya), about 1,049 km 2 (405 sq mi) Salisbury Island (Остров Солсбери; Ostrov Solsberi), about 960 km 2 (370 sq mi) Kolguyev Island (о́стров Колгу́ев, Ostrov Kolguev), about 3,497 km 2 (1,350 sq mi) Novaya Zemlya (Новая Земля, Novaya Zemlya), about 90,605 km 2 (34,983 sq mi) Severny Island (остров Сeверный, Severny ostrov), about 48,904 km 2 (18,882 sq mi) Yuzhny Island ( Южный остров, Yuzhny ostrov), about 33,275 km 2 (12,848 sq mi) Vaygach Island , Вайгaч, Vaygach), about 3,398 km 2 (1,312 sq mi) Bely Island , (Остров Белый, Ostrov Beliy), about 1,810 km 2 (700 sq mi) Shokalsky Island , (Остров Шокальского, Ostrov Shokal'skogo), about 428 km 2 (165 sq mi) Vilkitsky Island (Kara Sea) , (Остров Вильки́цкого; Ostrov Vil'kitskogo), about 154 km 2 (59 sq mi) Oleniy Island , (Остров Олений, Ostrov Oleniy), about 1,197 km 2 (462 sq mi) Zapovednik Islands (Острова Заповедник), about 4,921 km 2 (1,900 sq mi) Dikson - Sibiryakov Islands, (Диксон-Сибиряковский острова), about 871 km 2 (336 sq mi) The Kara Sea Islands, (Острова Карского моря), about 4,000 km 2 (1,500 sq mi) Sverdrup Island , (Остров Свердруп, Ostrov Sverdup) Arkticheskiy Institut Islands , (Острова Арктического института, Ostrova Arkticheskogo Instituta), about 259 km2 (100 sq mi) Izvestiy TSIK Islands , (Острова Известий ЦИК, Ostrova Izvetsiy TsIK), about 102 km2 (39 sq mi) Uedineniya Island , (Остров Уединения, Ostrov Uedineniya) Sergei Kirov Islands , (Острова Сергея Кирова, Ostrova Sergeya Kirova) Voronina Island , (Острова Воронина, Ostrova Voronina) Taymyr Island , (Остров Таймыр, Ostrova Taymyr) Kolchak Island , (Остров Колчака, Ostrov Kolchaka) Minina Skerries , (Шхеры Минина, Shhery Minina) and number of smaller islands. Nordenskiöld Archipelago (Архипелаг Норденшельда, Arkhipelag Nordenshel'da), about 50 km 2 (19 sq mi) Litke Islands (острова Литке; Ostrova Litke)Tsivolko Islands (острова Циволько; Ostrova Tsivolko)Pakhatusov Islands (острова Пахтусова; Ostrova Pakhtusova)Vostochnyye Islands (Восточные острова; Ostrova Vostochnyye, Eastern Islands)Vilkitsky Islands (острова Вилькицкого, Ostrova Vilkitskogo)Lafetenyye and Prolifnyye Islands (Ostrova Lafetnyye i Prolivnyye) Vize Island (Остров Визе, Ostrov Vize), about 289 km 2 (112 sq mi) Ushakov Island (Остров Ушакова, Ostrov Ushakova), about 328 km 2 (127 sq mi) Severnaya Zemlya (Северная Земля, Severnaja Zemlja), about 36,554 km 2 (14,114 sq mi) October Revolution Island (Остров Октябрьской Революции, Ostrov Oktyabrskoy Revolyutsii), about 14,170 km 2 (5,470 sq mi) Bolshevik Island (о́стров Большеви́к, Ostrov Bolshevik), about 11,206 km 2 (4,327 sq mi) Komsomolets Island (остров Комсомолец, Ostrov Komsomolets), about 8,812 km 2 (3,402 sq mi) Pioneer Island (остров Пионeр, Ostrov Pioner), about 1,527 km 2 (590 sq mi) Bolshoy Begichev Island , (Большой Бегичев, Bolshoy Begichev), about 1,764 km 2 (681 sq mi) New Siberian Islands (Новосиби́рские острова, Novosibirskiye Ostrova), about 36,290 km 2 (14,010 sq mi) Anzhu Islands (Острова Анжу, Ostrova Anzhu), about 29,900 km 2 (11,500 sq mi) De Long Islands (Острова Де-Лонга, Ostrova De-Longa), about 228 km 2 (88 sq mi) Lyakhovsky Islands (Ляховские острова, Ostrova Lyakhovskiye), about 6,100 km 2 (2,400 sq mi) Medvezhyi Islands (Медвежьи острова, Medvezhyi ostrova), about 65 km 2 (25 sq mi) Ayon Island (Айон, Ayon), about 2,000 km 2 (770 sq mi) Wrangel Island (остров Врaнгеля, Ostrov Vrangelya), about 7,608 km 2 (2,937 sq mi) Big Diomede (остров Ратманова, Ostrov Ratmanova), about 29 km 2 (11 sq mi) References Islands of the Arctic , by J. A. Dowdeswell and M. J. Hambrey. ISBN 0-521-81333-6 , Cambridge University Press, 2002This page is based on this
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