Saber shin

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Saber shin
Congenital syphilis saber shin.jpg
Saber shin in congenital syphilis
Specialty Orthopedics

Saber shin is a malformation of the tibia. It presents as a sharp anterior bowing, or convexity, of the tibia. [1]



Saber shin in late tertiary yaws Late tertiary yaws saber shin.jpg
Saber shin in late tertiary yaws

Periosteal reaction along the shaft of the tibia. It can result from congenital syphilis, [2] yaws, Paget's disease of bone, vitamin D deficiency [3] or Weismann-Netter–Stuhl syndrome. It can be due to osteomalacia.[ citation needed ]


The bone looks like a boomerang from an early age.[ citation needed ]


Saber refers to the tibia's resemblance to the curve of a saber sword.[ citation needed ]

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  1. Tarantino, Corinne. "Saber Shins". Elsevier. Retrieved 10 May 2023.
  2. Pineda; Mansilla-Lory, J.; Martínez-Lavín, M.; Leboreiro, I.; Izaguirre, A.; Pijoan, C. (2009). "Rheumatic diseases in the ancient americas: the skeletal manifestations of treponematoses". Journal of Clinical Rheumatology. 15 (6): 280–283. doi:10.1097/RHU.0b013e3181b0c848. PMID   19734732. S2CID   25083023.
  3. Khandare; Harikumar, R.; Sivakumar, B. (2005). "Severe bone deformities in young children from vitamin D deficiency and fluorosis in Bihar-India". Calcified Tissue International. 76 (6): 412–418. doi:10.1007/s00223-005-0233-2. PMID   15895280. S2CID   21536934.
