Sanaag University of Science and Technology

Last updated
Sanaag University
Former names
Sanaag University of Science and Technology
President Ali Abdi Hurre
Vice-presidentAhmed Warsame idle
10°37′27″N47°21′5″E / 10.62417°N 47.35139°E / 10.62417; 47.35139
Colors Green  

Sanaag University (Somali : Jaamacadda Sanaag, sometimes Somali : jaamacadda gobolka sanaag) is a public university in Erigavo the capital City of Sanaag region the eastern edge of Somaliland.



Its establishment was conceived in 2005. [1]

Established on February 23, 2009. [2]

In 2012, it was announced by the Somaliland Ministry of Education as one of 17 officially accredited universities. [3]

In April 2013, the new school building was built with the donation of the Dahabshiil Group. [4] [5]

In September 2013, The first female student enrolled in the journalism course. [6]

In November 2013, this university was reported as one of six national universities. [7]

In 2018, a fourth graduation ceremony was held. [8]

In 2020, a new school building was built. [9]


In May 2014, an exam to recruit employees for the Sanag region was about to take place at this university, but was postponed due to riots. [10]

In July 2014, the Sanaag University Board of Trustees accused the Sanaag Secretary of Education of privatizing the university's expenses, [11] which the Sanaag Secretary of Education denied as completely unfounded. [12]

In 2015, President Silanyo spoke at the graduation ceremony of this university. [13]

In November 2018, President Muse Bihi speaks at this university's graduation ceremony. [14]

In 2022, a 60-year-old man made headlines as a graduate. [15]



Vice President

Undergraduate programs

Established in 2009, the college offers undergraduate courses in various fields. Among these disciplines are:



Notable People

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  1. "Guddigii hore ee Gacanta ku hayey Jamacadda Sanaag University oo Wartiyeed ka soo Saaray Maamulki laga Warejiyey iyo Sababta" [The former committee in charge of Sanaag University issued a press release on the transferred administration and the reason.]. Afka Shacabka. 2014-10-19. Retrieved 2024-04-25.
  2. "WELCOME TO SANAAG UNIVERSITY". Archived from the original on 21 October 2010. Retrieved 2024-04-26.
  3. "Somaliland: 17 Universities Registered Nationwide". Somaliland Sun. 2012-11-12. Retrieved 2024-04-24.
  4. "Somaliland: Dahabshil Corporate Responsibility Benefits Sanaag University". Somaliland Sun. 2013-04-16. Retrieved 2024-04-25.
  5. "Guddomiyaha Gobolka Sanaag Oo Xadhiga Ka jaray Dhismaha Magtabada Bugaagta Jaamacada Sanaag Oo Ay Dhismihiisa Maal Gelisay Dahabshiil Group" [The governor of Sanaag region has cut the ribbon on the construction of the library of Sanaag University, which was financed by Dahabshiil Group.]. Somaliland Post. 2013-04-15. Retrieved 2024-04-25.
  6. "Somaliland: Sanaag University Trains Female Journalists". Somaliland Sun. 2013-09-30. Retrieved 2024-04-25.
  7. "Somaliland: Graduates On Cafeteria". Somaliland Sun. 2013-11-24. Retrieved 2024-04-25.
  9. "Wasiirka Waxbarashada oo Xadhiga ka Jaray Dhisme lagu Kordhiyay Jaamacadda Ceerigaabo" [The Minister of Education cut the cordon of a building that was added to the University of Eerigabo]. Wargeyska Dawan. 2020-07-02. Retrieved 2024-04-25.
  10. "Ceerigaabo: Rabshado Sababay In Dib Loo Dhigo Imtixaan Laga Qaadi Lahaa Shaqaalaha Diiwaangelinta Gobolka Sanaag iyo Ciddii imtixaanka Qaadi lahayd oo La Garan La'yahay" [Erigabao: Riots Caused Postponement of Examination of Sanaag Regional Registration Staff and Who Was to Take the Examination Unknown]. Somali diaspora News. 2014-05-06. Retrieved 2024-04-25.
  11. "Maamulka Jaamacada Sanaag Oo Gudomiyaha Waxbarashada Ku Eedeyey Inuu Lunsaday Qaadhankii Jaamacada" [The administration of Sanaag University accused the education committee of misappropriating the university's authority]. 2014-07-10. Retrieved 2024-04-25.
  12. "Guddoomiyaha Waxbarashadda Gobolka Sanaag Oo Wax Lala Yaabo Ku Tilmaamay Eedaymo Kaga Yimi Maamulka Jaamacadda Sanaag" [The Commissioner of Education of Sanaag Region has been surprised by allegations from the administration of Sanaag University]. Somaliland Post. 2014-07-11. Retrieved 2024-04-25.
  13. "Ardayda Jaamacadda Sanaag Oo Shahaado Sharaf Guddoon Siiyay Madaxweyne Siilaanyo" [Sanaag University Students Awarded Honorary Certificates by President Silanyo]. Wargeyska Dawan. 2015-08-01. Retrieved 2024-04-25.
  14. ""Dimuqraadiyaddu Laba Tiir Ayay Ku Taagan Tahay, Halka Loo Bato Oo La Raaco Iyo Dadka Laga Badan Yahay In Xuquuqdooda La Siiyo…" Madaxweyne Biixi" ["Democracy stands on two pillars, where the majority is followed and the majority of people are given their rights..." President Bihi]. Somaliland Today. 2018-11-27. Retrieved 2024-04-25.
  15. "Oday 60 jir ah oo ka qalin jabiyeey jaamacadda Sanaag" [A 60-year-old man who graduated from Sanaag University.]. Somaliland Today. 2022-10-03. Retrieved 2024-04-25.
  16. "Daawo: Guddomiyihi Jamacadda Gobolka SANAAG oo Xilkii la wareegay iyo Masuliyiin iyo Aqoonyahano ka hadlay Xafladii Xilwarejinta" [Watch: The president of Sanaag State University who took over the position and officials and academics spoke at the handover ceremony.]. Afka Shacabka. 2014-09-11. Retrieved 2024-04-25.
  17. "Somaliland: Change of guard at Burao University". Somaliland Sun. 2012-06-17. Retrieved 2024-04-25.
  18. "Ahmed Idle". Linkedin. Retrieved 2024-04-25.
  19. "Rooda Kayf oo la hadashay BBC: 'Dadka dhahaya lacag lagama helo fanka run ma sheegin. Lacag badan ayaa laga sameeyaa'" [Rooda Kayf spoke to the BBC: 'People who say that there is no money in art are not telling the truth. A lot of money is made from it']. BBC News Somali. 2023-12-15. Retrieved 2024-04-26.