Sarah Haffner | |
A self portrait drawn in 2002. The colour blue featured prominently in Haffner's life and in her work. [1] | |
Born | Margaret C. Pretzel 27 February 1940 |
Died | 11 March 2018 78) | (aged
Nationality | German-British |
Occupation(s) | Artist Author Feminist activist |
Spouse(s) | Andreas Brandt (artist) (marriage dates 1960-1962) |
Children | David Brandt (photographer) |
Parent(s) | Sebastian Haffner (born Raimund Pretzel: 1907-1999) Erika Schmidt-Landry (born Erika Hirsch: 1899-1969) |
Sarah Haffner (born Margaret Pretzel: [2] 27 February 1940 - 11 March 2018) was a German-British painter, author, and active feminist. [1] [3] In West Berlin she engaged with the protest issues of the 1960s, on occasion alongside her father, the journalist and writer Sebastian Haffner. Through a television documentary and a book she was instrumental in the late 1970s in establishing the city's first women's shelter. The range of her painting included portraits, still lifes, landscapes and cityscapes.
Margaret Pretzel was born in Cambridge, England. Her Berlin-born father, Raimund Pretzel (Sebastian Haffner) had qualified as a lawyer, but abandoned the legal profession after 1933, and at the time of his daughter's birth was attempting – ultimately with considerable success – to reinvent himself as a journalist and author. He had fled from Germany with his pregnant fiancée, whom the authorities had identified as Jewish, in 1938. The couple had only received permission to remain in Britain for twelve months, but they nevertheless married in the late summer of 1938, [4] basing themselves in Cambridge where Kurt Hirsch, his wife's brother, had recently received his doctorate in mathematics from the university. The outbreak of war in September 1939 seems to have removed the threat that the British would send the little family back to Nazi Germany, but instead Raimund Pretzel was identified as an enemy alien and in February 1940 locked away in a prison camp in Devon. It was while he was in this camp that he (and the other prisoners) learned of his daughter's birth through a tannoy announcement: "A little black head girl from Mister Pretzel". [5] Shortly afterwards he was moved to the Isle of Wight. [6]
Her mother already had one son, Peter, the elder of Sarah Haffner's two brothers, born as a result of her earlier marriage, to Harald Schmidt-Landry. [7] Erika Schmidt-Landry (1899-1969), had been working as a journalist with a women's magazine till 1938. [8]
During the early part of his time as a political refugee in England, before the authorities arrested him, Raimund Pretzel completed his book, Germany. Jekyll & Hyde. [9] It was his first "serious" book on history and politics: till now his publications had concerned fashion, music and entertainment. He used a pseudonym in order to try and protect relatives who remained in Germany against unwelcome questions from the Gestapo. He chose the name "Sebastian Haffner", explaining it as a celebration of two of Germany's great positive contributions to the world. "Sebastian" was the middle name of Johann Sebastian Bach and "Haffner" recalled Mozart's 35th Symphony. He very soon adopted the pseudonym as his regular name: his daughter's family name therefore changed from "Pretzel" to "Haffner". [8]
- "I am one and a half people. I am half German, half English and half Jewish." In that order.
- "Ich bin anderthalb Personen. Ich bin halb deutsch, halb englisch und halb jüdisch." In dieser Reihenfolge
Sarah Haffner in conversation with Viola Roggenkamp, 1993 [1]
She would adopt the name "Sarah" only when she was a teenager, however. "Sara" was the name the Nazis had scornfully imposed on every Jewish woman, regardless of her real name. Adopting "Sarah" as her own "Christian" name after the Nazi nightmare had ended, seemingly for good, was, for Sarah Haffner an important part of discovering and asserting her own identity. [1]
In May 1940 her mother was also interned by the British, both parents now identified as enemy aliens. Her parents were deported to the Isle of Man where they were held in separate camps, unable to contact each other. Their daughter was permitted to stay with her mother, however. Shortly before her mother's release, in October 1940, the child won a baby competition, officially designated as the most beautiful baby in the internment camp. The British authorities were beginning to see the irony of locking up large numbers of German political refugees whose only obvious crime had been to escape from Nazi Germany in order to avoid being killed. Raimund Pretzel had been among the first to be released. His recently published book Germany. Jekyll & Hyde had resonated with a number of members of the British establishment who had been unable to understand why the author had been locked away. Someone else impressed by the book had been David Astor of The Observer (newspaper). Sebastian Haffner accepted an offer to write regularly for the paper, initially on a freelance basis. The family relocated to London in 1942, their financial position no longer so precarious as when they had arrived in England in 1938. [5]
Most of her childhood was spent growing up with her family in London. Sarah Haffner was very close to her father. [10] When she was nine he took her to her first concert. The Amadeus Quartet were playing: four fellow refugees from Nazi race-hate, and one of the twentieth century's greatest string quartets. They played Schubert's String Quartet No. 13. The audience cheered and gave the players a standing ovation. Sarah Haffner felt hugely privileged to be present for that occasion, with her father behind her. [1]
Her eldest (half) brother, Peter, was identified as an artistic talent from a relatively early age, and it was he who drew their parents' attention to Sarah's growing artistic talent. In 1953 he recommended that they should use her oil paintings as serious Christmas presents. [11]
As a result of editorial differences with David Astor at The Observer, in 1954 Sebastian Haffner resigned as the paper's foreign editor, and accepted a financially generous offer to be its Berlin correspondent. For Sarah (and for her mother, Erika) it was an unhappy move. She had left a "world city" (and her half brother, Erika's son Peter, already an established artist) for Berlin and West Germany which she found "incredibly" provincial ("unglaublich kleinkariert", "piefig"). [5] Her favourite author was to remain Christopher Isherwood, whose Berlin stories of the last hedonistic Weimar years recalled a city very different from the walled-in "Western Sector" in which she now found herself. [12]
For the rest of their lives Sarah and her father would operate an Anglo-German existence, balancing the two cultures in their domestic and professional lives. Sarah's intention to make her way in life as a painter ran into parental opposition. Her father insisted that she would never be able to support herself as an artist. [12] She should complete her school career in Germany and she might then train for work as a graphic artist, a branch in which she might find reliable employment in commerce or advertising. Or she might become a specialist restorer of "old masters". The arguments lasted for months. When she was sixteen she diverted into vocational training for a lifetime career as a serious artist. [11]
Haffner attended the "Meisterschule für das Kunsthandwerk" handcraft academy [13] in West Berlin for a year. [11]
Aged seventeen, on the recommendation of teachers at the handicraft academy, she moved on to the Berlin University of the Arts ("Hochschule der Künste" / HdK). After mastering the basics she was accepted into the specialist painting class taught by Ernst Schumacher. [11]
When she was nineteen she became pregnant. "Stupidly, I became pregnant when I was 19 (laughs) / Dummerweise bin ich mit 19 schwanger geworden (lacht)". She was married to the artist Andreas Brandt between 1960 and 1962. David Brandt would grow up to become a successful photographer, based in Dresden, but his birth in 1960 caused his mother to break off her studies at the HdK, from which she would graduate only in 1973. [14] She was, in the meantime, able to support herself as a freelance artist. [11]
In August 1961, as he called for harder western protest against the building of the Berlin Wall, Sebastian Haffner parted ways with The Observer. In November 1962, he also broke with the conservative Die Welt. In defiance of publisher Axel Springer, he had intervened against the government in the Spiegel affair. Sarah herself, was becoming politically active, engaging with a new protest generation (swollen in West Berlin by young people evading military conscription from the Federal Republic) and was later to believe that she may have helped draw her father, uncharacteristically, to the left. [5]
Along with a host of writers and intellectuals (including Ingeborg Drewitz, Hans Magnus Enzensberger, and Günter Grass), in June 1967, Sarah was a signatory to an open letter accusing the Springer Press of "incitement" in the police shooting of the student protester Benno Ohnesorg. [15] The Springer titles Bild and Berliner Morgenpost had been characterising left-wing students, called by Ulrike Meinhof in the journal konkret to protest a visit by the Shah of Iran, as a subversive threat. Writing himself in konkret, Sebastian Haffner described the incident as a "pogrom" with which "fascism in West Berlin had thrown off its mask". [16] [17]
In February 1968, Sarah Haffner participated in the International Vietnam Conference called by the SDS (the Socialist German Student union). With New Left luminaries Noam Chomsky, Ernest Mandel, Herbert Marcuse and Jean Paul Sartre, and with Ulrike Meinhof, Sarah signed the final declaration, defining Vietnam as "the Spain of our generation". [18] Two months later SDS leader Rudi Dutschke, who had been vilified in Bild, was shot on the streets of West Berlin. [19]
Meinhof now began considering a next step in a struggle with "fascism" and, given their public association, the result was particularly painful for the Haffners. On 19 May 1972, the Red Army Faction (the "Baader Meinhof Gang") bombed Springer's Hamburg headquarters injuring 36 people. Five days later they claimed what was to be the first of 34 victims murdered over 28 years, two American soldiers killed in an explosion at a military base in Heidelberg. [20]
Alongside her work as an artists and author, Sarah Haffner was involved as a teacher at various academies between 1969 and 1986. In 1969 she returned to England intending, as she later explained, to enhance her earnings and to get away from the increasingly fevered atmosphere among students and academics as the Paris events of May 1968 resonated with student radicals in the German cities. Her brother, Peter, had been teaching at the Watford School of Art since 1960. In England it was possible to become an art teacher without the inflexibly regulated file of qualifications and certificates that would have been needed in Germany. She obtained a three term contract at the same institution as her half-brother, which provided a livelihood in the London area for the next fifteen months. However, she found herself ill-suited to the "small-talk dinner party culture" which seemed to be part of the artistic milieu of the time and place. She also noted that whereas in Germany the tradition had endured since the nineteenth century whereby "every architect, dentist or psychologist" would invest in one or two pieces of original art - or at least a print - for the waiting room, no equivalent custom existed in England. There would be no easy path to riches as a free-lance artist in England. After fifteen months she returned to Berlin with her son. [11]
Her teaching experience in England now helped her obtain a job at the "1. Staatlichen Fachschule für Erzieher" (teacher training academy) where for ten years, till 1981, she taught "Children's Play and Work" ("Kinderspiel und Arbeit"). [11] Between 1980 and 1986 she taught at the Berlin University of the Arts ("Hochschule der Künste" / HdK).
Despite her father's earlier misgivings, Sarah Haffner built a successful career as a freelance artist in Berlin. She took to specialising in large oil paintings, but there were also smaller more spontaneous works. As art became her principal source of income she reached the point of selling between eight and ten abstract landscape paintings each year. Initially she obtained a price of around 1,500 Marks per painting, but over the years she became better known and the price per painting rose to an average of around 4,000 Marks. Selling one or two of her larger paintings in a year meant she could, as she told an interviewer ruefully, "live well". She avoided working with galleries who might take commissions as high as 40% or 50%, but managed to have her work featured in perhaps four or five exhibitions each year. Positive reviews and recognition followed little by little. [11]
In commercial terms there were nevertheless also bad years. Unlike many left-wing artists with whom, as an instinctively anti-authoritarian woman, she mixed, Sarah Haffner welcomed the fall of the wall and reunification. [12] Nevertheless, the reunification, formalised in October 1990, introduced an additional two thousand professional painters to the Berlin art market. There was, at that stage, no corresponding increase in potential buyers for contemporary art. The market was further depressed by uncertainty about the future, as westerners faced supplementary taxation to finance the economic regeneration of the "neuen Bundesländer" (former East Germany). In 1992 income from her art plunged to a net figure of 7,000 Marks. For Haffner, however, there was a spectacular rebound in 1993. Following a Berlin exhibition that included her work, the Berliner Zeitung published a particularly positive review. A Swiss collector read the review while on a flight, and purchased nine pictures. A succession of further sales followed. In 1993 Sarah Haffner's earned a net income of 170,000 from her art "with which I could live for several years". [11]
In 1975 Sarah Haffner worked on a television documentary on violence against women, highlighting the existence in England of shelters for women escaping domestic violence. She had been prompted to produce the documentary by her own futile attempts, involving the police and other public officials, to help a neighbour in Berlin who had become a victim of domestic violence. She followed up the documentary with a book, "Gewalt in der Ehe und was Frauen dagegen tun", on the same theme. The documentary led to the funding of a shelter for women in Berlin. It was the first shelter of its kind anywhere in West Berlin or West Germany. [12] Haffner herself worked for six months at the shelter on an unpaid basis.
Until well into the second decade of the twenty-first century Sarah Haffner lived and worked in the Charlottenburg quarter of Berlin, close (on its western side) to the infamous wall. She became aware that she was incurably ill several months before she died, and continued, as before, to insist that she had no wish whatever to be "kept alive at any price". She moved away from Berlin and spent her final months living close to her son, David Brandt, a professional photographer based in Dresden. She was 78 when she died there. [12]
Sarah Haffner's artistic spectrum includes portraits, still lifes, landscapes and cityscapes. [5] After 1985 her figurative style evolved from an additive object-oriented focus towards an increasingly abstract presentational approach. Her tectonically structured and strongly formed shapes, and the reduced imagery leave the forms shown as coloured surfaces. In apparent contrast to the rigidity of the forms is the intensity of the colours she uses. Her colour selection is expressive and spatial rather than naturalistic. She is in particular drawn to shades of blue and green. Frequently the colour selection intensifies a mood of isolation and melancholy that emanates from the tranquil scenes and views.
Haffner used her figurative painting style to evoke mood and atmosphere. Images which at first glance appear intensely personal often turn out to reflect far more general experience, which Sarah Haffner uses to disclose social realities, but without venturing into overt agitation.
After 2004 she took to working with a "Tempera and Pastell" mixing technique that she had developed for herself.
Through her writings and in interviews Sarah Haffner developed a reputation as a committed feminist. Several of the themes to which she would return are encapsulated in a lengthy interview she gave to the academic, Prof. Dr. Cäcilia Rentmeister in 1977. The interview also provides insights into Haffner's own life and career. [21]
Sarah Haffner was no stranger to the tensions between motherhood and career ambitions. Her own situation was further complicated by marriage. [21]
Sarah Haffner would interrogate gender stereotypes, whether they were applied by women or by men. She was indignant when the selectors of the female artists to be featured in the "Künstlerinnen International 1877 - 1977" exhibition, held in Berlin in 1977, decided not to allow the artists Maina-Miriam Munsky and Natascha Ungeheuer to participate. Haffner withdrew her own work from the exhibition in protest and published a statement: [21]
Sarah Haffner celebrated her eighteenth birthday in February 1968. She lived through the "1968 events" and the manifestations of Second-wave feminism both as a youthful and very determined art student and as a slightly bemused young mother. In one of a series of radio interviews conducted (and subsequently published in 2002) by Ute Kätzel, Sarah Haffner recalled her experiences of those events. [22] From early in 1968 Haffner took to participating in meetings of the West Berlin "Action Council on Women's Liberation". [22]
Ulrike Marie Meinhof was a German left-wing journalist and founding member of the Red Army Faction (RAF) in West Germany, commonly referred to in the press as the "Baader-Meinhof gang". She is the reputed author of The Urban Guerilla Concept (1971). The manifesto acknowledges the RAF's "roots in the history of the student movement"; condemns "reformism" as "a brake on the anti-capitalist struggle"; and invokes Mao Zedong to define "armed struggle" as "the highest form of Marxism-Leninism".
Alfred Willi Rudolf "Rudi" Dutschke was a German sociologist and political activist who, until severely injured by an assassin in 1968, was a leading charismatic figure within the Socialist Students Union (SDS) in West Germany, and that country's broader "extra-parliamentary opposition" (APO).
Axel Cäsar Springer was a German publisher and founder of what is now Axel Springer SE, the largest media publishing firm in Europe. By the early 1960s his print titles dominated the West German daily press market. His Bild Zeitung became the nation's tabloid.
Raimund Pretzel, better known by his pseudonym Sebastian Haffner, was a German journalist and historian. As an émigré in Britain during World War II, Haffner argued that accommodation was impossible not only with Adolf Hitler but also with the German Reich with which Hitler had gambled. Peace could be secured only by rolling back "seventy-five years of German history" and restoring Germany to a network of smaller states.
The Meaning of Hitler is a 1978 book by the journalist and writer Raimund Pretzel, who published all his books under the pseudonym Sebastian Haffner. Journalist and military historian Sir Max Hastings called it 'among the best' studies of Hitler; Edward Crankshaw called it a 'quite dazzlingly brilliant analysis'.
Elfriede Lohse-Wächtler was a German painter of the avant-garde whose works were banned as "degenerate art", and in some cases destroyed, in Nazi Germany. She became mentally ill and was murdered in a former psychiatric institution at Sonnenstein castle in Pirna under Action T4, a forced euthanasia program of Nazi Germany. Since 2000, a memorial center for the T4 program in the house commemorates her life and work in a permanent exhibition.
Julie Wolfthorn was a German painter. Born as Julie Wolf(f) to a middle-class Jewish family, she later styled herself as Julie Wolfthorn after Thorn (Toruń), her city of birth.
Iris Haeussler is a conceptual and installation art artist of German origin. She lives in Toronto, Canada. Many of Iris Haeussler's works are detailed, hyperrealistic installations that visitors can decode as narrative stories. Recurring topics in her work include historic, cultural, social and geographic origins; family ties, relationships, memory, history, trauma and obsession.
Caroline Bardua was a German painter. She was one of the first middle-class women who was able to create an existence for herself as an independent artist.
Maria Slavona, born Marie Dorette Caroline Schorer was a German impressionist painter.
Anna Peters was a German painter remembered for her flower paintings and landscapes. She was the daughter and pupil of the Dutch landscape painter Pieter Francis Peters.
Elisabeth von Eicken was a German landscape painter.
Sonja Gerstner was an East German artist and writer. She died young, after which publication by her mother of a book containing some of her poems, diary entries and other writings covering treatment she had received for her psychotic illness brought her to the attention of a wide audience.
Maina-Miriam Munsky was a German New Realist artist. She came to prominence in West Berlin during the 1970s with a series of "larger than life" ("großformatige") paintings of births, abortions and surgical procedures.
Despina Stokou is a contemporary artist, writer and curator based in Los Angeles, California. She primarily produces gestural, expressive paintings, often large and displaying vivid color, that include layered collage elements like cut paper letters spelling out pointed phrases and topical passages that tumble and pile up across her canvases.
Elke Erb was a German author-poet based in Berlin. She also worked as a literary editor and translator.
Hanna Bekker vom Rath was a German painter, collector, patron and gallerist.
Philippine Wolff-Arndt was a German painter. Despite difficult access to an artistic education, she was active in this profession throughout her life. She was also committed to socially disadvantaged people and campaigned for women's rights, for example as a co-founder of the Leipzig Women Artists' Association. In Leipzig, she also fought for the Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig to be the first art academy in Germany to admit women to study.
Ilse Häfner-Mode was a German-Jewish artist of what German commentators sometimes term the "lost generation". Most of her work, which consists both of oil paintings and of watercolours, latterly sometimes enhanced through the artist's own embroidery using silk thread, is held in private collections. The organisers of an exhibition devoted to her work in 2013 were nevertheless able to get hold of approximately 100 of her paintings, on loan, from around 30 collectors.
Ottilie Reylaender was a German painter. She was one of the pioneers of modern art in Germany.
Halb deutsch, halb englisch und halb jüdisch: "Ich bin anderthalb Personen", sagt die Malerin Sarah Haffner
Sarah Haffner über die Arbeit ihres Vaters Sebastian Haffner für den "Stern"
Die Tochter des berühmten Historikers Sebastian Haffner starb am Sonntag im Alter von 78 Jahren in einem Dresdner Pflegeheim. Das hat die Familie der Künstlerin bestätigt.
Die Malerin als gespaltenes Wesen im Zeitalter des Männlichkeitswahns, der Frauenbewegung und der Reproduzierbarkeit von Kunstwerken. .... Druck gegen Zensur