Sardinia (Chamber of Deputies constituency)

Last updated
Chamber of Deputies
Electoral constituency
Collegi elettorali 2018 - Camera circoscrizioni - Sardegna.svg
Region Sardinia
Electorate1,368,471 (2018) [1]
Major settlements Cagliari, Nuoro, Oristano, Sassari
Current constituency
  •   M5S (11)
  •   PD (3)
  •   FI (2)
  •   Lega (1)
  •   FdI (1)

Sardinia is one of the 29 constituencies (Italian : circoscrizioni) represented in the Chamber of Deputies, the lower house of the Italian parliament. [2] The constituency currently elects 17 deputies. Its boundaries correspond to those of the Italian region of Sardinia. The electoral system uses a parallel voting system, which act as a mixed system, with 37% of seats allocated using a first-past-the-post electoral system and 61% using a proportional method, with one round of voting. [3]


The constituency was first established by the Mattarella law on 4 August 1993 and later confirmed by the Calderoli law on 21 December 2005 and by the Rosato law on 3 November 2017.

Members of the Parliament


Single-member districts
01 Cagliari
Collegi elettorali 2018 - Camera uninominali - Sardegna 01.svg
Andrea Mura
then Andrea Frailis [4]
Five Star Movement (Mura)
Democratic Party (Frailis)
02 Nuoro
Collegi elettorali 2018 - Camera uninominali - Sardegna 02.svg
Mara Lapia Five Star Movement
then Democratic Centre
03 Carbonia
Collegi elettorali 2018 - Camera uninominali - Sardegna 03.svg
Pino Cabras Five Star Movement
then Alternativa
04 Sassari
Collegi elettorali 2018 - Camera uninominali - Sardegna 04.svg
Mario Perantoni Five Star Movement
05 Olbia
Collegi elettorali 2018 - Camera uninominali - Sardegna 05.svg
Bernardo Marino Five Star Movement
then Italia Viva
06 Oristano
Collegi elettorali 2018 - Camera uninominali - Sardegna 06.svg
Luciano Cadeddu Five Star Movement
Multi-member districts
01 Sardinia 01
Collegi elettorali 2018 - Camera plurinominali - Sardegna 01.svg
M5S Emanuela Corda
M5S Andrea Vallascas
M5S Lucia Scanu
PD Romina Mura
FI Ugo Cappellacci
Lega Guido De Martini
FdI Salvatore Deidda
02 Sardinia 02
Collegi elettorali 2018 - Camera plurinominali - Sardegna 02.svg
M5S Alberto Manca
M5S Paola Deiana
PD Gavino Manca
FI Pietro Pittalis

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  1. "Circoscrizione Sardegna". Ministero dell'Interno. 4 March 2018.
  2. "Conoscere la Camera – Scheda illustrativa". Camera dei Deputati. 4 March 2018.
  3. "Come funziona la legge elettorale e cosa prevede". Corriere della Sera. 2017.
  4. see 2019 Italian by-elections