Veneto 2 (Chamber of Deputies constituency)

Last updated
Veneto 2
Chamber of Deputies
Electoral constituency
Collegi elettorali 2018 - Camera circoscrizioni - Veneto 2.svg
Region Veneto
Electorate2,241,715 (2018) [1]
Major settlements Padova, Rovigo, Verona, Vicenza
Current constituency

Veneto 2 is one of the 29 constituencies (Italian : circoscrizioni) represented in the Chamber of Deputies, the lower house of the Italian parliament. [2] The constituency currently elects 30 deputies. Its boundaries correspond to those of the provinces of Padova, Rovigo, Verona and Vicenza, within the Veneto region. The electoral system uses a parallel voting system, which act as a mixed system, with 37% of seats allocated using a first-past-the-post electoral system and 61% using a proportional method, with one round of voting. [3]


The constituency was first established by the Mattarella law on 4 August 1993 and later confirmed by the Calderoli law on 21 December 2005 and by the Rosato law on 3 November 2017.

Electoral results


General results (Proportional+FPTP)

Centre-right League 561 96232.397
Forza Italia 184 71110.652
Brothers of Italy 78 2144.511
Us with Italy-UDC 24 7361.43-
Total (coalition)849 62348.971011
Five Star Movement 415 02223.925-
Centre-left Democratic Party 280 65716.184
More Europe 46 3232.67-
Popular Civic List 7 9090.46-
Together 7 5030.43-
Total (coalition)342 39219.734-
Free and Equal 44 6612.57--
The People of the Family 19 7901.14--
CasaPound 19 6131.13--
Others43 9532.54--
Total1 735 054100.001911

First-past-the-post results

  Elected in the centre-right coalition

Uninominal districtElectedParty
1. Rovigo Antonietta GiacomettiLV
2. Padua Arianna Lazzarini LV
3. Vigonza Alberto Stefani LV
4. Abano Terme Lorena MilanatoFI
5. Vicenza Pierantonio ZanettinFI
6. Bassano del Grappa Germano RacchellaLV
7. Schio Maria Cristina CarettaFdI
8. San Bonifacio Paolo PaternosterLV
9. Verona Vito ComenciniLV
10. Legnago Piergiorgio Cortelazzo FI
11. Villafranca di Verona Davide Bendinelli FI

Proportional results

Plurinominal district League Five Star Movement Democratic Party Forza Italia Brothers of Italy
Veneto 2 - 01
  • Roberto Caon
Veneto 2 - 02
  • Silvia Covolo
  • Erik Umberto Pretto
Veneto 2 - 03
  • Gian Pietro Dal Moro
  • Diego Zardini
  • Cirio Maschio


  1. "Circoscrizione Veneto 2". Ministero dell'Interno. 4 March 2018.
  2. "Conoscere la Camera – Scheda illustrativa". Camera dei Deputati. 4 March 2018.
  3. "Come funziona la legge elettorale e cosa prevede". Corriere della Sera. 2017.