Scalene tubercle

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Scalene tubercle
First rib Gray.png
First rib.
Latin tuberculum musculi scaleni anterioris
TA98 A02.3.02.015
FMA 76639
Anatomical terms of bone

The scalene tubercle is a small projection that runs along the medial border of the first rib between two grooves, which travel anteriorly for the subclavian artery and posteriorly for the subclavian vein. It projects outward medially, and is the site of insertion for scalenus anterior. [1] [2]

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The costocervical trunk arises from the upper and back part of the second part of subclavian artery, behind the scalenus anterior on the right side, and medial to that muscle on the left side.

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First rib resection is a surgical procedure used in humans to treat thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS) and Paget–Schroetter disease. It involves the surgical removal of a segment of the first rib, which is the rib closest to the head, under the collar bone.


  1. Phillippe, Dartvelle (2006). "Anterior Approach to Superior Sulcus Tumors". Operative Techniques in Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 11 (2): 154. doi: 10.1053/j.optechstcvs.2006.05.002 .
  2. Olinger, Anthony B.; Homier, Phillip (October 2010). "Functional Anatomy of Human Scalene Musculature: Rotation of the Cervical Spine". Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics. 33 (8): 594–602. doi:10.1016/j.jmpt.2010.08.015. ISSN   0161-4754.