Seps (legendary creature)

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Seps (Bestiary Harley MS 3244, ff 36r-71v, 13th century, British Library). Seps 3244.jpg
Seps (Bestiary Harley MS 3244, ff 36r-71v, 13th century, British Library).
Seps (Royal Bestiary MS 12 C XIX; 1200-1210). Seps royal MS12.jpg
Seps (Royal Bestiary MS 12 C XIX; 1200-1210).

A seps is a legendary snake from medieval bestiaries. They were said to have extremely corrosive venom that liquefied their prey. [1]

The seps is described as "a small snake which consumes with its poison not just the body but the bones" in the medieval Aberdeen Bestiary . [2] Lucan's Pharsalia refers to its appearance and the effects of its poison. [3]

Shelley in Prometheus Unbound writes:

...all my being,
Like him whom the Numidian seps did thaw
Into a dew with poison, is dissolved... [4]

See also

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  1. Badke, David (2011-01-15). "Seps". The Medieval Bestiary. Retrieved 2008-12-28.
  2. Aberdeen Bestiary , folio 69v.
  3. Tennant, Roy (date unknown). Lucan's Pharsalia Book 9 ll. 723, 764 (line numbers in the original Latin). Retrieved from
  4. Shelley, Percy Bysshe (1820), Prometheus Unbound , Act III, scene 1.