Sergio Zanni

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Sergio Zanni (born in Ferrara, 1942) is an Italian painter and sculptor. After obtaining the Diploma at the Institute of Arts 'Dosso Dossi' in Ferrara, Italy, he graduated from the Academy of Arts (Accademia delle Belle Arti) in Bologna. He taught in the Institute of Arts 'Dosso Dossi' until 1995. For his research in sculpturing he utilized backed clay and, successively, lighter material for sculptures of large dimensions.


Vittorio Sgarbi has defined Zanni a "surrealism from the Po Plain". [1]

Sergio Zanni defines his research in arts and sculpture: "My job allows me to continuously travel in order to discover unknown sites. These sites have been materialized in several characters: hermits, rain men, killers, war memorials, devils, attendants of the plains, gypsies, observers, hikers. Deep-sea divers, water, front-less characters, pilots, cloud hunters, oblomov, smokers, painters of war, mysterious angels, with no front, siren’s songs, and go on until to the last sculptures, the equilibrists, Ulysses and other hikers. Near the end of the 20s century I wonder about realizing large sized sculptures: the loved backed clay is regrettably heavy and fragile. I was forced in some way to test more handy and less noble materials than the backed clay. In this last step the experience with the polystyrene covered by kryptonite and iron balls (all very recent materials used on the stages), fibreglass, iron rods and assemblages with iron material took place. From these materials my largest sculptures aroused: kamikazes, the wagon of the winners, the six white pilots, the large traveller."

Solo and group art exhibitions


  1. Vittorio Sgarbi (editor), Surrealismo padano (catalogue of the exhibition, Palazzo Gotico of Piacenza, 2002), Skira, Milan 2002.

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