Servius Cornelius Dolabella Petronianus was a Roman senator in the latter part of the first century. [1] As the colleague of the emperor Domitian, he was one of the eponymous consuls of AD 86. [2]
Petronianus was the son of Petronia and one of the Cornelii Dolabellae. His mother had previously been married to Aulus Vitellius, the future emperor, while his father had been adopted by Servius Sulpicius Galba, whom Otho overthrew in AD 69, the "Year of the Four Emperors". [3] [4] [5] [6] Petronianus' father was put to death by Vitellius upon his accession. [4] [7]
There is considerable uncertainty about the identity of Petronianus' father. Suetonius, the only ancient historian to mention his praenomen, calls him Gnaeus, while the filiation of Servius Cornelius Dolabella Metilianus Pompeius Marcellus, consul suffectus in AD 113 and who is considered the likely son of Petronianus, is Ser. f. P. n. P. pronepos P. abnepos. [8] [9] [1] [5] If Petronianus was the father of Marcellus, then according to Marcellus' filiation Petronianus' father, grandfather, and great-grandfather would have been named Publius. Petronianus' father might then be the same Cornelius Dolabella who was consul suffectus in AD 55 or 56, and probably the same Cornelius Dolabella who had been inducted into a priestly college, probably the Salii Palatini, in 38 or 39; [10] but this consul's praenomen is also uncertain; on the basis of Marcellus' filiation, some scholars infer that he was Publius, and that he was the father of Petronianus. [11] [12]
The gens Petronia was a plebeian family at ancient Rome. This gens claimed an ancient lineage, as a Petronius Sabinus is mentioned in the time of Lucius Tarquinius Superbus, the last of the Roman kings, but few Petronii are mentioned in the time of the Republic. They are frequently encountered under the Empire, holding numerous consulships, and eventually obtaining the Empire itself during the brief reign of Petronius Maximus in AD 455.
The gens Julia was one of the most prominent patrician families in ancient Rome. Members of the gens attained the highest dignities of the state in the earliest times of the Republic. The first of the family to obtain the consulship was Gaius Julius Iulus in 489 BC. The gens is perhaps best known, however, for Gaius Julius Caesar, the dictator and grand uncle of the emperor Augustus, through whom the name was passed to the so-called Julio-Claudian dynasty of the first century AD. The nomen Julius became very common in imperial times, as the descendants of persons enrolled as citizens under the early emperors began to make their mark in history.
The gens Cornelia was one of the greatest patrician houses at ancient Rome. For more than seven hundred years, from the early decades of the Republic to the third century AD, the Cornelii produced more eminent statesmen and generals than any other gens. At least seventy-five consuls under the Republic were members of this family, beginning with Servius Cornelius Maluginensis in 485 BC. Together with the Aemilii, Claudii, Fabii, Manlii, and Valerii, the Cornelii were almost certainly numbered among the gentes maiores, the most important and powerful families of Rome, who for centuries dominated the Republican magistracies. All of the major branches of the Cornelian gens were patrician, but there were also plebeian Cornelii, at least some of whom were descended from freedmen.
The gens Vitellia was a family of ancient Rome, which rose from obscurity in imperial times, and briefly held the Empire itself in AD 69. The first of this gens to obtain the consulship was Aulus Vitellius, uncle of the emperor Vitellius, in AD 32.
Servius Cornelius Lentulus Maluginensis was a Roman statesman, who flourished during the reigns of Augustus and Tiberius. He was flamen dialis, and consul suffectus in AD 10.
The gens Antistia, sometimes written Antestia on coins, was a plebeian family at ancient Rome. The first of the gens to achieve prominence was Sextus Antistius, tribune of the plebs in 422 BC.
The gens Asinia was a plebeian family at ancient Rome, which rose to prominence during the first century BC. The first member of this gens mentioned in history is Herius Asinius, commander of the Marrucini during the Social War. The Asinii probably obtained Roman citizenship in the aftermath of this conflict, as they are mentioned at Rome within a generation, and Gaius Asinius Pollio obtained the consulship in 40 BC.
The gens Caecinia was a plebeian family of Etruscan origin at ancient Rome. Members of this gens are first mentioned in the time of Cicero, and they remained prominent through the first century of the Empire, before fading into obscurity in the time of the Flavian emperors. A family of this name rose to prominence once more at the beginning of the fifth century.
The gens Pomponia was a plebeian family at ancient Rome. Its members appear throughout the history of the Roman Republic, and into imperial times. The first of the gens to achieve prominence was Marcus Pomponius, tribune of the plebs in 449 BC; the first who obtained the consulship was Manius Pomponius Matho in 233 BC.
The gens Cluvia was a plebeian family at ancient Rome, known from the later Republic, and early imperial times. The first member of the gens to achieve prominence was Gaius Cluvius Saxula, praetor in 175 and 173 BC.
The gens Orfidia was a minor plebeian family at Rome. Only a few members of this gens occur in history, but others are mentioned in inscriptions. The most illustrious of the Orfidii was probably Publius Orfidius Senecio, consul suffectus in AD 148.
The gens Paccia, occasionally written Pactia, was a minor plebeian family at ancient Rome. Only a few members of this gens achieved distinction in the Roman state, of whom the most illustrious was Gaius Paccius Africanus, consul in AD 67.
The gens Pactumeia was a minor plebeian family at ancient Rome. Members of this gens are not mentioned by the historians until imperial times, when one branch of the family achieved high rank, holding several consulships during the first and second centuries.
The gens Pedania was a minor plebeian family at Rome. Members of this gens are first mentioned at the time of the Second Punic War, but they achieved little prominence until imperial times, when the ill-starred Lucius Pedanius Secundus attained the consulship under Nero.
Servius Cornelius Dolabella Metilianus Pompeius Marcellus was a Roman senator and patrician. He was suffect consul for the first nundinium of the year 113 as the colleague of Gaius Clodius Crispinus; Marcellus replaced the consul prior Lucius Publilius Celsus, who stepped down as consul at the end of January.
Publius Cornelius Scipio Asiaticus was a Roman senator active during the Principate. He was suffect consul in the nundinium of September to December 68, as the colleague of Gaius Bellicius Natalis. Both Asiaticus and Bellicius Natalis were picked to be suffect consuls by emperor Galba.
Publius Cornelius Dolabella was a Roman senator, who was active during the reign of Nero. He was suffect consul in the nundinium of May to June 55 as the colleague of Seneca the Younger.
The gens Rubria was a plebeian family at ancient Rome. Members of this gens are first mentioned in the time of the Gracchi, but they did not rise to prominence until imperial times. The first of the Rubrii to obtain the consulship was Rubrius Gallus, some time before AD 68.
The gens Salvidiena was a plebeian family at ancient Rome. Members of this gens are first mentioned toward the end of the Republic, and from then to the end of the second century they regularly filled the highest offices of the Roman state.
The gens Tettia, sometimes written Tetteia, was a minor plebeian family at ancient Rome. Members of this gens are first mentioned toward the end of the Republic. They obtained senatorial rank, and flourished under the early emperors.