Sheaf of planes

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Sheaf of Planes

In mathematics, a sheaf of planes is the set of all planes that have the same common line. [1] [2] It may also be known as a fan of planes or a pencil of planes .

When extending the concept of line to the line at infinity , a set of parallel planes can be seen as a sheaf of planes intersecting in a line at infinity. To distinguish it from the more general definition, the adjective parallel can be added to it, resulting in the expression parallel sheaf of planes. [3]

See also


  1. Definition on Mathworld Wolfram
  2. Sommerville, D. M. Y. (1909). "Classification of Geometries with Projective Metric". Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. 28: 25–41. doi: 10.1017/S0013091500034763 .
  3. Vitutor: Sheaf of Planes

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