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The Servants of Mary, Ministers to the Sick, are a Roman Catholic religious institute of women founded in Madrid, Spain, in 1851 and dedicated to the care of the sick, poor, both in clinics, hospices and through home health nursing. They were founded by Maria Soledad Torres y Acosta who was canonized by Pope Paul VI in 1970. The Religious Sisters of this congregation use the postnominal initials of S.de M.
In 1851 Torres y Acosta was a young woman, 25 years of age, who had felt a call to an enclosed religious order. While she was awaiting admittance to a monastery, she helped the Daughters of Charity who had educated her in their care of the poor of the city. At that point, a local priest, Miguel Martínez y Sanz, a member of the Servite Third Order, proposed to her a project he had come to envision of a religious community of women caring for their sick, including visiting them in their homes. Torres agreed to help in the project and on 15 August of that same year, having received the permission of the Bishop of Madrid, on the feast day of the Assumption of Mary, she and the six women who had also felt called to commit themselves to this service were given the religious habit of the new congregation. [1] The sisters, who assist the sick in hospitals and other health centers, but especially in their own homes, became a congregation of pontifical right directly under the Vatican on September 18, 1867. [2]
By 1856 the original seven Sisters had grown to 12. At that point, Martínez, the inspiration of the foundation, left to serve as a missionary in the Spanish colony of Fernando Pó, off the coast of Africa. He recruited half the community of Sisters to accompany him in this mission. At that point, Torres assumed the office of Superior of the community. A rebellion by the Sisters of the community led her to step down, until she was reinstated after an investigation by the new director of the community, an Augustinian Recollect friar, Gabino Sánchez, O.A.R. [3]
The Sisters continued to grow, and Torres opened a new community in Valencia in 1868 and, in 1875, they expanded their service to Havana, Cuba, then still part of Spain. [1] [4] At the time of her death there were 46 communities of Servants of Mary in Europe and Latin America. Today the Sisters also serve in Cameroon, [5] the Philippines and the United States. [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] In 2011, the congregation had about 1628 religious and 114 houses. [15]
María Soledad Torres y Acosta - born Manuela - was a Spanish Roman Catholic professed religious and the founder of the Servants of Mary. Her apostolic actions - and those of her order - were dedicated towards the nursing of the sick and the poor in the places that it operated in. Torres' childhood consisted of the desire to join the religious life and managed to join a priest's fledgling religious cluster of women after the Dominicans refused to admit her due to her frail constitution. But a series of struggles saw her in a conflicted position of leadership that saw her removed and reinstated twice.
The Servite Order is one of the five original Catholic mendicant orders. Its objectives are the sanctification of its members, preaching the Gospel, and the propagation of devotion to the Mother of God, with special reference to her sorrows. The members of the Order use O.S.M. as their post-nominal letters. The male members are known as Servite Friars or Servants of Mary.
María Ascensión Nicol y Goñi, O.P., was a Spanish Roman Catholic religious sister of the Third Order of St. Dominic. She co-founded and was the first Prioress General of the Congregation of Dominican Missionary Sisters of the Rosary, which she helped to found in Peru.
Dulce Pontes, also known as Saint Dulce of the Poor was a Brazilian Catholic Franciscan Sister who was the founder of the Obras Sociais Irmã Dulce also known as the Charitable Works Foundation of Sister Dulce.
The Council of Major Superiors of Women Religious (CMSWR) is one of two associations of the leaders of congregations of Catholic women religious in the United States. As of December 2020, CMSWR includes the leaders of 112 religious congregations which have a total membership of approximately 5,700 women religious in the United States.
Maria Crocifissa Di Rosa - born as Paola Francesca Di Rosa - was an Italian Roman Catholic professed religious and the founder of the Ancelle della carità (1839). Di Rosa worked first at her father's spinning mill where she - with his encouragement - tended to the spiritual and material needs of the female workers while gathering several women to dedicate their collective efforts to caring for the poor; this formed the basis for the establishment of her religious congregation. Her apostolate prioritized tending to the ill in hospitals and to soldiers going to the front.
Rafaela Ybarra Arambarri de Vilallonga was a Spanish Roman Catholic widow and the founder of the Sisters of the Holy Guardian Angels. Vilallonga was part of Bilbao's upper-class and she mothered seven children with her husband José Vilallonga.
The 522 Spanish Martyrs were victims of the Spanish Civil War beatified by the Roman Catholic Church on 13 October 2013 by Pope Francis. It was one of the largest number of persons ever beatified in a single ceremony in the Church's 2000-year history. They originated from all parts of Spain. Their ages ranged from 18 to 86 years old.
María Josefa Sancho de Guerra was a Spanish Roman Catholic nun who established her own congregation known as the Servants of Jesus of Charity. She wanted her new congregation to focus on the care of the sick and the poor. She assumed the name of "María Josefa of the Heart of Jesus".
María Natividad Venegas de la Torre was a Mexican Roman Catholic nun. Torre established the Daughters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus of Guadalajara and assumed the new name of "María of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament" in 1930.
María Catalina Irigoyen Echegaray - in religious María Desposorios - was a Spanish Roman Catholic professed religious and a professed member from the Siervos de María Ministros de los Enfermos. From her adolescence she worked to comfort and tend to the old and ill and her religious call manifested while doing this work; she entered the order where her work increased.